
import os, sys

# pythons to test, command prefixes (Windows)
pythons = ("py -3", "py -2", "C:\PyPy\pypy-1.9\pypy")   

# tests to run, command suffixes
tests = (
  # numbered vs auto-numbered fields: negligable effect
    #"-m timeit -n 10000 -r 5 \"s = '{}, {}, {}, {}'         .format(123, 'spam', [1, 2], 7.89)\"",

  # str.format()
    "-m timeit -n 10000 -r 5 \"s = '{0:}, {1:}, {2:}, {3:}'  .format(123, 'spam', [1, 2], 7.89)\"",
    "-m timeit -n 10000 -r 5 \"s = '{:d}, {}, {}, {:f}'      .format(123, 'spam', [1, 2], 7.89)\"",
    "-m timeit -n 10000 -r 5 \"s = '{:d}, {:<6s}, {}, {:.2f}'.format(123, 'spam', [1, 2], 7.89)\"",

  # str % fmt, equivalent cases
    "-m timeit -n 10000 -r 5 \"s = '%s, %s, %s, %s'     % (123, 'spam', [1, 2], 7.89)\"",
    "-m timeit -n 10000 -r 5 \"s = '%d, %s, %s, %f'     % (123, 'spam', [1, 2], 7.89)\"",
    "-m timeit -n 10000 -r 5 \"s = '%d, %-6s, %s, %.2f' % (123, 'spam', [1, 2], 7.89)\"",

  # from
    "-m timeit -n 10000 -r 5 \"x = ['a' + '1' + '2'          for i in range(100)]\"",
    "-m timeit -n 10000 -r 5 \"x = ['a{}{}'.format('1', '2') for i in range(100)]\"",
    "-m timeit -n 10000 -r 5 \"x = ['a%s%s' % ('1', '2')     for i in range(100)]\"",

  # same, but add func call: part of the slowdown in str.format() versus in-line expr?
    "-m timeit -n 10000 -r 5 -s \"def fmt(f, t): return f % t\"" 
                           " \"x = [fmt('a%s%s', ('1', '2')) for i in range(100)]\""

for python in pythons:
    print('=' * 80)
    print(os.popen(python + ' -c "import sys; print(sys.version)"').read())

    for test in tests:
        if len(test) == 1:
            print(test * 80)
            cmd = python + ' ' + test
            print('\t' + os.popen(cmd).read())

if sys.platform.lower().startswith('win'): 
    input('[Press Enter]')  # stay open if clicked

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