File: lp5e-code-HOWTO.txt

Example code from "Learning Python, 5th Edition"

Download the examples zipfile from the following URL, 
and unzip on it your computer:

Unzipping makes a folder containing all the book's code.
For code usage information, see both the file README.txt
at the top level of the unzipped package, as well as
the book's Preface.

Unzipped code: the publisher, O'Reilly Media, keeps
a copy of both the zip and its unzipped content, at 
this URL (click the folder there for unzipped code):

The zip maintained at this URL is identical to that 
at the main download URL listed earlier.

Update: this package was rezipped without content 
changes in May 2020 to work around a bug in Mac OS 
Catalina Finder clicks; see README.txt for details.

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