File: mergeall-products/unzipped/
#!/usr/bin/python r""" ============================================================================= adjust file modification times (part of the mergeall system [2.0]) See UserGuide.html for version, license, platforms, and attribution. Usage: [py[thon]] folderpath (-add | -sub) [numhours=1] Examples: D:\MY-STUFF -add # add 1 hour to all (Windows) /MY-STUFF -sub 8 # sub 8 hours from all (Unix) This script runs under Python 3.X or 2.X (3.X may handle Unicode best). (Note: you may avoid having to use this script to adjust file modtimes after DST rollovers by formatting external drives as exFAT; see ahead.) For FAT32 drives on Windows (e.g., USB flashdrives), fix modification time 1-hour skew versus NTFS and others (e.g., harddives) at Daylight Savings Time (DST) rollovers. Add ("-add") or subtract ("-sub") 1 hour by default to the modification times of all files (but not folders) in the entire "folderpath" directory tree. Adjust timestamps by multiple hours (instead of the default 1) if an integer is passed for "numhours". This script changes modtimes only - it does not rewrite any data in files, and hence runs much quicker than a full recopy. It suffices to put the directory tree's files back in synch with an NTFS or other non-FAT filesystem copy, according to mergeall's timestamp+size comparisons. Run this with the root path of your FAT device's archive copy at DST rollovers, after determining whether you must -add or -sub 1 hour on the FAT drive's times (versus a same file's modtimes on your other drives: right-click to Properties for any FAT/NTFS file pair to see). This can also be run on a non-FAT drive's copy if more convenient. This works, but is a manual process (you must run this script from a command line, after inspecting file properties on both drives), and is perhaps easy to forget (in which case, mergeall may overwrite every file on the FAT drive at DST rollover, in auto-updates mode). Common alternatives to this script: 1) RECOMMENDED: Formatting external drives as exFAT (instead of FAT32) avoids DST timestamp issues altogether on both Windows and Mac OS X, though Linux exFAT extensions require a third-party install and may not support timezone-based changes as fully. This solution was verified to work on all 3 platforms at the March 2017 DST switch. 2) Turning off automatic DST adjustment on all Windows machines may suffice for Windows users, but this won't apply to other platforms. 3) Use 2 USB FAT drives: one when DST is active, and one when it is not, though this may double your external drive needs. 4) Formatting external drives in other UTC-based filesystems (e.g., NTFS, HFS, ext) avoids DST issues too, though these are not universally supported across platforms, and may impact performance. See mergeall's UserGuide.html and docs/Whitepaper.html for more background on the timestamp issue this script addresses. See also examples/Logs/fix-fat-dst for logs and its README for more on usage. [3.0] Added optional "numhours" for adjusting timestamps by multiple hours in a single run; it defaults to 1 hour, which works as before, and addresses this script's primary goal of DST-rollover adjustment. [3.0] Skips symbolic links, if present. mergeall compares these by content only, so modtime is moot (os.utime's follow_symlinks=False is available in 3.3+ only, and wouldn't apply to other Pys anyhow). [3.0] Note: this script does not skip cruft metadata files (e.g., Mac ".DS_Store"), but mergeall does (along with diffall, cpall, and ziptools), so this is harmless. It impacts only file counts here. [3.0] Caveat: unlike mergeall, diffall, and cpall, this script does not use FWP() to handle too-long Windows paths; adjust any manually. [3.1] Caveat: this was fixed to run under Python 2.X again (where os.utime() takes no keyword args), but ignores modtimes on links and folders (Mergeall 3.0 does links, and 3.1 propagates folder times). ============================================================================= """ from __future__ import print_function # Py 2.X import sys, os argv = sys.argv if (len(argv) not in [3, 4] or not os.path.exists(argv[1]) or not os.path.isdir(argv[1]) or argv[2] not in ['-add', '-sub'] or (len(argv) == 4 and not argv[3].isdigit()) ): print('Usage: [py[thon]] ' ' folderpath (-add | -sub) [numhours=1])') sys.exit(1) folder, action = argv[1], argv[2] hoursecs = 60 * 60 numhours = 1 if len(argv) == 3 else int(argv[3]) secshours = hoursecs * numhours secschange = +secshours if action == '-add' else -secshours # Fix files print('Running...') fcount = 0 for (thisdir, dirshere, fileshere) in os.walk(folder): for filename in fileshere: filepath = os.path.join(thisdir, filename) if os.path.islink(filepath): continue # compared by content only (still?) curacctime = os.path.getatime(filepath) curmodtime = os.path.getmtime(filepath) newmodtime = curmodtime + secschange try: os.utime(filepath, (curacctime, newmodtime)) # [3.1] py2.X has no times= except: print('Skipped file: error changing modtime in [%s]' % filepath) print('\t', sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]) else: print('Adjusted file:', filepath) fcount += 1 # Report stats print('Done: %d file modtimes adjusted %s by %d hour%s' % (fcount, 'up' if action == '-add' else 'down', numhours, '' if numhours == 1 else 's'))