#!/usr/bin/python ###!/usr/local/bin/python3 """ ================================================================= Put (upload) one file by FTP in binary mode. (Caveat: this script may not be very useful today, because most ISPs no longer support its basic FTP. To upload to websites, you will likely need to use a secure SSL-based interface like SFTP or scp instead. See the web for related Python tools.) Usage: on Unix make executable with "chmod +x", store your FTP site+rdir+user+pswd in "ftp-config.txt" (one per line) in this script file's own folder, and run with a file to upload: filename For example, as part of a general site build/update process: cd /MY-STUFF/Websites py3 _PUBLISH.PY # generate/collect site files cd UNION ../ index.html # to upload changed files only ../ photo.png The "ftp-config.txt" file (but omit indents and "#..."): ftp-server-domain-name # e.g., ftp-remote-directory # e.g., html or . (. = no cd) ftp-user-name # your account name ftp-user-password # your account password You can also run this from any IDE that supports command-line arguments (see PyEdit: On Windows, usage is the same but with "\" and without "chmod." This is a variation of the first FTP upload example in the book PP4E; works on Python 3.X and 2.X (pick a #! above as desired); and uses your platform's default Unicode encoding for configs. ================================================================= """ from __future__ import print_function # 2.X: standard on Mac OS import ftplib # socket-based FTP tools def putfile(file, site, rdir='.', login=(), verbose=True): """ -------------------------------------------------- Upload a file by ftp to a remote site + directory. Uses binary transfer, and anonymous or real login. login: ()=anonymous, (user, pswd)=a real account. rdir: "." default means no remote cwd is required. -------------------------------------------------- """ if verbose: print('Uploading', file) local = open(file, 'rb') # local file of same name remote = ftplib.FTP(site) # connect to FTP site remote.login(*login) # anonymous or (user, pswd) remote.cwd(rdir) # goto remote dir (or '.') remote.storbinary('STOR ' + file, local) # xfer with default blocksize remote.quit() local.close() if verbose: print('Upload done.') if __name__ == '__main__': """ -------------------------------------------------- Script (command-line) use. Pass one arg = filename. All four FTP parameters are lines in file ftp-configs.txt in script's dir. -------------------------------------------------- """ import sys, os print('Python', sys.version.split()[0]) # file to transfer in command-line arg (one per run: keep it simple) file = sys.argv[1] # ftp parameters from file, one per line (or getpass.getpass(prompt)) scriptdir = os.path.dirname(__file__) configs = os.path.join(scriptdir, 'ftp-config.txt') site, rdir, user, pswd = [line.rstrip() for line in open(configs)][:4] # upload the target file putfile(file, site, rdir, login=(user, pswd), verbose=True) # nonanonymous login