File: android-deltas-sync/

#!/usr/bin/env python3  <= fails in Termux:Widget (see also _etc shims)
Verify Phone Content, Part 1: Phone    [new in 1.1]

Run verifications occasionally (if ever) to prove that the on-phone 
content copy matches that on the PC; it's a useful but slow process.

Verify scripts can also be used to export phone content to a PC,
but may require a manual PC copy and proxy sync.  As of 1.2, the 
new x-export-* scripts perform fully-automated exports to both PC 
and proxy, and are recommended for most phone-to-PC export roles.

As of 1.2, this script is used as the on-phone part-1 step of both
verifies and exports.

See _README.html for license, attribution, version, and docs.


Run this on your phone first (before running Part 2 on your PC), with:


Run this from the Termux app's console, or any other app with a 
console terminal.  This file may also be run with no command line 
from a Python IDE app (e.g., Pydroid 3 or QPython), and/or a 
home-screen shortcut or widget (e.g., Termux:Widget).

Run this from any folder.  It uses paths set in,
and finds in its own folder automatically.

Step runtimes are shown in the console after step completion.  
Step outputs go to files in LOGS; watch with 'tail -f LOGS/file'.


0) "PC" here means a Windows, macOS, or Linux device, but "phone" 
can be anything: though designed to sync changes to Android 11 and 
later, these scripts can also sync to earlier Androids and PCs.

1) You can run the zip and manual-move steps here manually;
this script is simply a convenience that automates the steps and
follows the rest of this package's motif, with error/safety checks.

2) This uses the phone config's settings unchanged, but inverts 
their meaning: "TO" (the on-phone copy) is really FROM here (it's
what is zipped), and "FROM" is assumed to be usable for creating 
the zip (and should be optimal: use app storage instead of shared 
storage for much faster zips).

3) Caveat: verification makes a full-content zipfile on the phone,
which is then moved to the proxy drive and unzipped on the PC.
Hence, you'll need _twice_ the size of full content on all three
devices.  This is unavoidable without on-phone POSIX USB access. 

4) This uses _uncompressed_ zips for speed; the space savings for 
compression is minimal, and won't help much with the preceding note.

5) As of 1.2, this file's code is now also used for part 1 of the 
export procedure, since it's identical (both simply zip the phone's
content in full and prompt for a manual copy to proxy).  See the 
export part 1 script's Dev notes for more on the reuse (hack).

6) As of 1.2, this was renamed from "verify..." to "x-verify..."
because it's a lesser and optional tool, and so that it appears at 
the end of by-name folder listings.  Exports are named similarly.

import os, sys, shutil
from os.path import join

import config_phone, common             # get phone settings and common code 
common.startup(config_phone, common)    # copy and use phone config's settings
from common import *                    # use both's top-level names as globals

# subjects
thesrc = join(TO,   STUFF)              # where content is on phone
thezip = join(FROM, '')        # where to zip on-phone content on phone

# 'from' must exist here
if not os.path.isdir(thesrc):
    print('The TO/STUFF on-phone content folder does not exist: "%s"' % thesrc)
    print('Exiting; please check the config file and rerun.')

# FROM is checked for isdir() in

# Hack to reuse this code for exports: see
MODE = 'Export' if globals().get('EXPORTING') else 'Verify'

opener('%sing:\nfrom %s\nzip  %s\nlogs %s' %  (MODE, thesrc, thezip, LOGS))

# Optional: for exports, offer to run nonportable-filenames fixer

# Though rare, names created in Android app storage may fail on Windows

if MODE == 'Export': 
    offerFixnamesRun('export-0', target=thesrc)

# 1) Zip phone content on phone with [ -nocompress]

# This silently blows away an existing zipfile, but all zips here do

announce('Zipping content on phone')
logto = join(LOGS, '%s--%s-1-phone-zip-log.txt' % (DATE, MODE.lower()))

runpy(join(ZIP, ''), 
      thezip, thesrc, '-zip@.', '-skipcruft', '-nocompress',
      tailing=(1, 'Zip create summary'))

# 2) Copy verify zip from phone to proxy with an explorer app

# Choose your app (but not Termux: POSIX cannot access USB in 11)

msg = """
Manually move
    from %s
    to   the root of the USB drive
using any Android file-explorer app with suitable storage permissions.
""" % FROM

# wait for reply: include copy time in elapsed, and offer to remove
input('Press enter/return here when the move is finished...')

# did the move work?
if os.path.exists(thezip):
    userreply = input('%s zip still exists on phone: remove it now (y or n)?' % MODE)
    if userreply == 'y':
        timefunc(lambda: os.remove(thezip))

# cannot verify the move's USB desination here: check in step 2 on the PC
closer('See logs in "%s", and run part 2 on your PC.' % LOGS)

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