15. Extending Python in C/C++





     C/C++ registers functions to Python

     For optimization and integration






Extending topics


     Integration overview

     C extension modules

     C extension types

     Wrapper classes

     SWIG glue code generator




Python in-process integration model






   Extending: optimization, legacy code reuse, tasks outside Python’s domain

   Embedding: customization, event dispatch

   Combined modes: GUI extending calls, events via embedding

   Extending tools: SWIG, SIP, Boost.Python, Cython, Ctypes (2.5+)





Review: Python tool-set layers





      Lists, dictionaries, strings, library modules, etc.

      High-level tools for simple, fast programming      



     Python extensions

      Functions, classes, modules

      For adding extra features, and new object types



     C extensions and embedding                  you are here

      C modules, C types, runtime API

      For integrating external systems, optimizing components, customization





Why integration?




      time-critical components


      on-site/end-user changes

     Component reuse

      wrapping C libraries in a Python front-end




“Hybrid development”


      Python is optimized for speed-of-development

      Python is designed for multi-language systems

      Leverages both development and execution speed




The ‘big picture’ revisited









Integration modes





      Python C/C++

      For optimization, library integration, special tasks

      Via registering C function pointers




      C/C++ Python

      For system customizations, callbacks

      Via calling Python API functions



     May be mixed arbitrarily (Python libs are reentrant)

      Python C/C++ Python C/C++ . . .







Extending basics

    Extending requires glue code between Python and C library for data translation

    Glue code can be written in C, or generated in C with tools like SWIG

    Glue code can also be written in Python with ctypes, std lib module in Python 2.5+



Extending Tools

    SWIG: generate glue code from C/C++ declarations

    SIP: a smaller SWIG

    Ctypes: write glue code in Python (std lib in 2.5)

    Boost.Python: write glue with C++ template code

    Cython (was PyRex): a Python/C combo for new extensions

    CXX: Python API for C++

    F2py, pyfort: glue code for Fortran




A simple C extension module







     Build a C extension module for Python, called “environ”

     Wrap (export) the C library’s ‘getenv’ function for use in Python code



file: environ.c

#include <Python.h>

#include <stdlib.h>



/* Functions */

static PyObject *                     /* returns object */

wrap_getenv(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)

{                                     /* args from python */

   char *varName, *varValue;

   PyObject *returnObj = NULL;        /* null=exception */


   if (PyArg_Parse(args, "s", &varName)) {          /*P->C*/

      varValue = getenv(varName);

      if (varValue != NULL)

          returnObj = Py_BuildValue("s", varValue); /*C->P*/


          PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError, "bad getenv");


   return returnObj;




/* Registration */

static struct PyMethodDef environ_methods[] = {

    {"getenv", wrap_getenv},        /* name, address */

    {NULL, NULL}




/* Initialization */

void initenviron()                  /* called by Python  */

{                                   /* on first import   */

    (void) Py_InitModule("environ", environ_methods);






Using the C module in Python




     Used just like Python modules

     Serve same roles: name-space

     C functions handle all data conversions

     C raises exceptions by returning ‘NULL’




% python

>>> import environ

>>> environ.getenv("USER")




>>> environ.getenv("PYTHONPATH")          # yes, it’s worked that long!




>>> dir(environ)

['__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', 'getenv']



>>> environ.__file__






C module structure




     API  tools

      Python API symbols start with a ‘Py’ prefix

      PyArg_Parse’ converts arguments to C

      Py_BuildValue’ C data to Python return object

      PyObject*’ for generic Python objects in C



     Module method functions

      ‘self’ argument (not used for modules)

      args’—Python tuple containing passed arguments



     Name-to-address registration table

      Maps name strings to C function address

      Null table terminator



     Module initialization function

      Called by Python when the module is first imported

      Py_InitModule’ initializes module attributes dictionary

      initenviron’ called by name (non-static)






Binding C extensions to Python



     Static binding…        rebuild Python

     Dynamic binding…   load when imported





Static binding




1. Add file to Python tree

Put (or link to) the source or object file in Modules directory of Python source tree


2. Add line to Modules/Setup

Add a line to the Modules/Setup file in the Python source tree: "environ environ.c" (config table)


3. Rebuild Python

Rerun the ‘make’ command at the top-level of Python’s source tree directory




Dynamic Binding



     Loaded into process on first import

     Doesn’t require access to Python source

     Doesn’t require rebuilding Python

     Makes for smaller executable/process

     Compile/link details are platform-specific



1. Compile into shareable

Compile C module into a sharable (dynamic-load) object file: .so, .sl, .dll, etc. (see makefiles below and in embedding unit)


2. Add to module search path

Put the shareable object file in a directory named on the ‘$PYTHONPATH’ environment variable 





Makefile example, dynamic binding on Linux



File makefile.environ


# Compile environ.c into a shareable object file on

# Linux, to be loaded dynamically when first imported,

# whether from interactive, stand-alone, or embedded code.

# To use, type make -f makefile.environ, at your shell;

# to run, make sure environ.so is on a dir on PYTHONPATH.


# To link statically with Python instead, add line like:

# environ ~/examples/Part1/Preview/Integrate/environ.c

# to Modules/Setup (or add a link to environ.c in Modules,

# and add a line like environ environ.c) and re-make

# python itself; this works on any platform, and no extra

# makefile like this one is needed;


# To make a shareable on Solaris, you might instead say:

#    cc xxx.c -c -KPIC -o xxx.o

#    ld -G xxx.o -o xxx.so

#     rm xxx.o

# On other platforms, it's more different still; see

# your c or c++ compiler's documentation for details



PY = /home/mark/python1.5.2-ddjcd/Python-1.5.2


environ.so: environ.c

     gcc environ.c -g -I$(PY)/Include -I$(PY) -fpic -shared -o environ.so



     rm -f environ.so


#or-- environ.so: environ.c

#    gcc environ.c -c -g -fpic -I$(PY)/Include -I$(PY) -o environ.o

#    gcc -shared environ.o -o environ.so

#    rm -f environ.o





Data conversions: Python    C




     PyArg_Parse’ converts arguments to C

     Py_BuildValue’ C data to Python return object

     PyArg_ParseTuple’ assumes it’s converting a tuple

     Other API tools handle type-specific conversions




Common conversion codes



Format code

C data-type

Python object-type





char*, int

string, length





long int



char (or int for build)










a raw object


targets or values

nested tuple


series of arg/value



series of “key,value







      “s” returns pointer to string in Python: use it or lose it



C extension types







     Creation of multiple instances

Each is a new C ‘struct’, not a dictionary


     Overloading operators and type operations

Via type-descriptor tables, not method names


     Types now also support inheritance like classes






Type file components



1.   A C ‘struct’ used to hold per-instance data

2.   Instance method functions and registration table

3.   Functions to handle general type operations

4.   Functions to handle specific type category operations

5.   Type-descriptor tables: register operation handlers

6.   A C extension module: exports instance constructor





A ‘skeleton’ C extension type



     A C string-stack type

     Implements push/pop methods

     Overloads sequence and type operators




file: stacktyp.c


 * stacktyp.c: a character-string stack data-type;

 * a C extension type, for use in Python programs;

 * stacktype module clients can make multiple stacks;

 * similar to stackmod, but 'self' is the instance,

 * and we can overload sequence operators here;



#include "Python.h"


static PyObject *ErrorObject;      /* local exception */

#define onError(message) \

       { PyErr_SetString(ErrorObject, message); return NULL; }







#define MAXCHARS 2048



typedef struct {                 /* stack instance object */

    PyObject_HEAD                /* python header */

    int top, len;                /* + per-instance info */

    char *stack[MAXSTACK];      

    char strings[MAXCHARS];

} stackobject;


staticforward PyTypeObject Stacktype;  /* type descriptor */


#define is_stackobject(v)  ((v)->ob_type == &Stacktype)






static PyObject *             /* on "instance.push(arg)" */

stack_push(self, args)        /* 'self' is the instance */

    stackobject *self;        /* 'args' passed to method */

    PyObject    *args;


    char *pstr;

    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &pstr))

        return NULL;

    [. . .]     


    return Py_None;



static PyObject *

stack_pop(self, args)

    stackobject *self;

    PyObject    *args;        /* on "instance.pop()" */

{   [. . .]

    return Py_BuildValue("s", "not implemented");



static PyObject *

stack_top(self, args)

    stackobject *self;

    PyObject    *args;

{   [. . .]



static PyObject *

stack_empty(self, args)

    stackobject *self;

    PyObject    *args;

{   [. . .]



/* instance methods */

static struct PyMethodDef stack_methods[] = {

 {"push",       stack_push,     1},      /* name, addr */

 {"pop",        stack_pop,      1},  

 {"top",        stack_top,      1},        

 {"empty",      stack_empty,    1},

 {NULL,         NULL}







static stackobject *       /* on "x = stacktype.Stack()" */

newstackobject()           /* instance constructor */   


    stackobject *self;

    self = PyObject_NEW(stackobject, &Stacktype);

    if (self == NULL)

        return NULL;            /* raise exception */

    self->top = 0;

    self->len = 0;

    return self;                /* a new type-instance */



static void                     /* instance destructor */

stack_dealloc(self)             /* frees instance struct */

    stackobject *self;





static int

stack_print(self, fp, flags)

    stackobject *self;

    FILE *fp;

    int flags;                      /* print self to file */

{   [. . .]



static PyObject *

stack_getattr(self, name)       /* on "instance.attr" */

    stackobject *self;          /* bound-method or member */

    char *name;


    if (strcmp(name, "len") == 0)

       return Py_BuildValue("i", self->len);


       Py_FindMethod(stack_methods, (PyObject *)self, name);



static int

stack_compare(v, w)

    stackobject *v, *w;    /* return -1, 0 or 1 */

{   [. . .]







static int


    stackobject *self;       /* on "len(instance)" */


    [. . .]



static PyObject *

stack_concat(self, other)

    stackobject *self;       /* on "instance + other" */

    PyObject    *other;

{   [. . .]                  /* return new stack instance */



static PyObject *

stack_repeat(self, n)        /* on "instance * N" */

    stackobject *self;             

    int n;     

{   [. . .]



static PyObject *

stack_item(self, index)      /* on x[i], for, in */

    stackobject *self;

    int index;


    if (index < 0 || index >= self->top) {

        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IndexError, "out-of-bounds");

        return NULL;



        return Py_BuildValue("s", self->stack[index]);



static PyObject *

stack_slice(self, ilow, ihigh)

    stackobject *self;         

    int ilow, ihigh;           


    /* return ilow..ihigh slice of self--new object */

    onError("slicing not yet implemented")








static PySequenceMethods stack_as_sequence = {

      (inquiry)       stack_length,     

      (binaryfunc)    stack_concat,

      (intargfunc)    stack_repeat,

      (intargfunc)    stack_item,

      (intintargfunc) stack_slice,

      (intobjargproc)     0,           /* setitem */

      (intintobjargproc)  0,           /* setslice */



static PyTypeObject Stacktype = {      /* type descriptor */

  /* type header */


      0,                               /* ob_size */

      "stack",                         /* name */

      sizeof(stackobject),             /* basicsize */

      0,                               /* itemsize */


  /* standard methods */

      (destructor)  stack_dealloc,     /* dealloc */

      (printfunc)   stack_print,       /* print */

      (getattrfunc) stack_getattr,     /* getattr */

      (setattrfunc) 0,                 /* setattr */

      (cmpfunc)     stack_compare,     /* compare */

      (reprfunc)    0,                 /* repr */


  /* type categories */

      0,                               /* number ops */

      &stack_as_sequence,              /* sequence ops */

      0,                               /* mapping ops */


  /* more methods */

      (hashfunc)   0,                  /* "dict[x]" */

      (binaryfunc) 0,                  /* "x()"     */

      (reprfunc)   0,                  /* "str(x)"  */


};  /* plus others: see Include/object.h */








static PyObject *

stacktype_new(self, args)   /* on "x = stacktype.Stack()" */

    PyObject *self;

    PyObject *args;


    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ""))     /* Module func */

        return NULL;

    return (PyObject *)newstackobject();



static struct PyMethodDef stacktype_methods[] = {

    {"Stack",  stacktype_new,  1},

    {NULL,     NULL}           




initstacktype()           /* on first "import stacktype" */


    PyObject *m, *d;

    m = Py_InitModule("stacktype", stacktype_methods);

    d = PyModule_GetDict(m);

    ErrorObject = Py_BuildValue("s", "stacktype.error");

    PyDict_SetItemString(d, "error", ErrorObject);

    if (PyErr_Occurred())

        Py_FatalError("can't initialize module stacktype");






Using C extension types in Python




Basic usage


% python

>>> import stacktype          # load the type's module

>>> x = stacktype.Stack()     # make a type-instance

>>> x.push('new')             # call type-instance methods

>>> x                         # call the print handler




Sequence operators


>>> x[0]                                # stack_item


>>> x[1]                                # raise IndexError

Traceback (innermost last):

  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?

IndexError: out-of-bounds


>>> x[0:1]                              # stack_slice

>>> y = stacktype.Stack()               # stacktype_new

>>> for c in 'SPAM': y.push(c)          # stack_getattr ->

...                                     # stack_push

>>> z = x + y                           # stack_concat

>>> z * 4                               # stack_repeat




Comparisons, exceptions


>>> t = stacktype.Stack()

>>> t == y, t is y, t > y, t >= y       # stack_compare

>>> for i in range(1000): y.push('hello' + `i`)


Traceback (innermost last):

  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?

stacktype.error: string-space overflow





Wrapping C extensions in Python



     In older Python releases, C types don’t support inheritance

     Wrapper classes add inheritance

     Wrappers can be specialized in Python





file: oopstack.py


import stacktype                               # get C type

class Stack:

    def __init__(self, start=None):            # wrap | make

        self._base = start or stacktype.Stack()

    def __getattr__(self, name):

        return getattr(self._base, name)       # attributes

    def __cmp__(self, other):

        return cmp(self._base, other)

    def __repr__(self):                        # 'print'

        print self._base,; return ''

    def __add__(self, other):                  # operators

        return Stack(self._base + other._base)

    def __mul__(self, n):

        return Stack(self._base * n)           # new Stack

    def __getitem__(self, i):

        return self._base[i]                   # [i],in,for

    def __len__(self):

        return len(self._base)





file: substack.py

from oopstack import Stack           # get wrapper class


class Substack(Stack):

    def __init__(self, start=[]):    # extend it in Python


        [. . .]           





Writing extensions in C++



      Python is coded in portable ANSI C

      Normal C C++ mixing rules apply




     Python header files

      Automatically wrapped in extern “C”, and may be included in C++ extensions freely



     Exported functions

      Wrap functions to be called by Python in extern “C” declarations

      Includes module initialization functions and (usually) method functions 



     Static initializers

      C++ global or static object constructors (initializers) may not work correctly, if main program is linked by C







See Also:

     Wrapper class techniques: stubs for C++ class types

     C++ class Û Python type integration work underway

     SWIG code generator: http://www.swig.org/




SWIG example (PP book)



SWIG is designed to export (‘wrap’) existing C/C++ components to Python programs.  It generates complete extension modules with type conversion code based on C/C++ type signatures.  It can also exprt C global variables, and do Python shadow class generation for C++ classes.



Also see “Extras” directory on the class CD for more examples




Module definition file


/* File : hellolib.i */



 * Swig module description file, for a C lib file.

 * Generate by saying "swig -python hellolib.i".  

 * - %module sets name as known to Python importers

 * - %{...%} encloses code added to wrapper verbatim

 * - extern stmts declare exports in ANSI C syntax

 * You could parse the whole header file by using a

 * %include directive instead of the extern here,

 * but externs let you select what is wrapped/exported;

 * use '-Idir' swig args to specify .h search paths;



%module hellowrap



#include <hellolib.h>



extern char *message(char*);  /* or: %include "../HelloLib/hellolib.h"   */

                              /* or: %include hellolib.h, and use -I arg */




Makefile, dynamic binding



# Use SWIG to integrate the hellolib.c examples for use

# in Python programs.  Using type signature information

# in .h files (or separate .i input files), SWIG generates

# the sort of logic we manually coded in the earlier example's

# hellolib_wrapper.c.  SWIG creates hellolib_wrap.c when run;

# this makefile creates a hellowrap.so extension module file.


# To build, we run SWIG on hellolib.i, then compile and

# link with its output file.  Note: you may need to first

# get and build the 'swig' executable if it's not already

# present on your machine: unpack, and run a './configure'

# and 'make', just like building Python from its source.

# You may also need to modify and source ./setup-swig.csh if

# you didn't 'make install' to put swig in standard places.

# See HelloLib/ makefiles for more details; the hellolib

# .c and .h files live in that dir, not here.



# unless you've run make install

SWIG = ./myswig


PY   = /home/mark/python1.5.2-ddjcd/Python-1.5.2

LIB  = ../HelloLib


hellowrap.so: hellolib_wrap.o $(LIB)/hellolib.o

     ld -shared hellolib_wrap.o $(LIB)/hellolib.o -o hellowrap.so


# generated wrapper module code

hellolib_wrap.o: hellolib_wrap.c $(LIB)/hellolib.h

     gcc hellolib_wrap.c -c -g -I$(LIB) -I$(PY)/Include -I$(PY)


hellolib_wrap.c: hellolib.i

     $(SWIG) -python -I$(LIB) hellolib.i


# C library code in another directory


     cd $(LIB); make -f makefile.hellolib-o hellolib.o



     rm -f *.o *.so core


     rm -f *.o *.so core hellolib_wrap.c hellolib_wrap.doc







Python and rapid development




      Code in Python initially

      Move selected Python modules to C/C++

      Use profiler to pick components to migrate


     Seamless migration path

      C modules look just like Python modules

      C types look almost like Python classes

      Wrappers add inheritance to types


     Hybrid designs

      Python front-end, C/C++ back-end

      C/C++ application, Python customizations





The RAD slider











Prototyping with Python








Lab Session 11


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