11. GUI Programming







What makes Python good at GUIs?




     Rapid turnaround…       easy to experiment

     Very high-level…          fast to code GUIs

     Object-oriented…          code reusability

     Dynamic reloading…    changes without stopping




Python GUI options




     Tkinter: simple code for simple GUIs

      Python’s OO interface to the portable Tk API

      Part of Python, lightweight, well documented, robust

      Meshes well with a scripting language: from Tcl

      Runs with native look-and-feel on X, MS-Windows, Macs

      Structure: [tT]kinter + Tk lib + (X, Windows, Mac libs)

      A de-facto standard: Tk used by Python, Perl, and TCL

      An open source system, supported/used by many




     wxPython: complex code for richer GUIs

      Second most popular GUI API for Python (or is it PyQt?)

      Portable GUI class library written in C++ (X, Windows, Mac)

      Wraps a C++ API: wxWidgets + wxPython

      Rich widget set: trees, html viewers, notebooks

      Tends to be more complex: C++ API (wx) verses scripting API (Tk)

      Was less documented, but wxPython book in 2006

      GUI builders: BoaConstructor, wxDesigner

      Tkinter + PMW package roughly as rich as wxPython?




     PyQt, PyGTK: on the order of wxPython

      From KDE & Gnome Linux libraries, but now portable

      PyQt third most popular GUI API for Python (?)

      PyQt: works on Sharp Zaurus PDAs, open source book

      PyQt: was not completely open source (but is today)

      Qt GUI builders: BlackAdder, QT Designer

      Example use case: free Calibre ebook viewer



     Jython (a.k.a. Jpython, originally)

      Access to Java GUI APIs: AWT, Swing, etc.



     IronPython .NET/Mono port

      .NET may provide GUI tools usable in Python scripts



     Rich Internet Applications (RIAs)

      Blurs line between “desktop” and web clients/GUIs

      Run in a web browser, javascript/ajax to be dynamic

      Gains browser portability at cost in software stack depth

      Pyjamas—now Pyjs (Py=>JS compiler, GWT toolkit), Silverlight (IronPython), Flex, etc.



     PyWin32 (former known as win32all)

      MFC integration for Python on Windows (only)




      API + drag-and-drop builder on top of wxPython




      3-tier application builder with GUI, Dbase, logic




      Portable API implemented on top of Tk, wx, Qt





See: Extras\Code\Gui\wxPython\wxPython.doc on CD for Tkinter, wxPython comparisons





The Tkinter ‘hello world’ program




     Widgets: class instances

     Options: keyword arguments

     [tT]kinter exports classes and constants

     Widgets must be packed (or gridded, placed)

     mainloop’ shows widgets, catches events

     3.X: ‘Tkinter’→‘tkinter’, supplemental modules renamed






file: gui1.py

from Tkinter import *                   # get widget classes

Label(text="Hello GUI world!").pack()   # make a label

mainloop()                              # show, catch events




% python gui1.py




Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: gui1





Adding buttons, frames, and callbacks



     Frames are widget containers

     Widgets attach to sides of a parent

     Event handlers are any callable object

     Button handlers are registered as ‘command’ options



file: gui2.py

from Tkinter import *                  # get widgets


def callback():                        # define handler

    print 'hello stdout world...'


top = Frame()                          # make a container


Label(top,  text="Hello callback world").pack(side=TOP)

Button(top, text="press me",






% python gui2.py

hello stdout world...

hello stdout world...




Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: gui2





Example: a live GUI demo





Getting input from a user



     Entry is a one-line input field

     lambda defers call to add an input argument

     showinfo is one of a set of common dialog calls

     Tk main window & Toplevel popups have icon, title

     + multi-line text, menus, radio/check buttons, dialogs,…


file: gui3.py

from Tkinter import *                

from tkMessageBox import showinfo


def reply(name):

    showinfo(title='Reply', message='Hello %s!' % name)


top = Tk()




Label(top, text="Enter your name:").pack(side=TOP)

ent = Entry(top)


btn = Button(top, text="Submit",

                  command=(lambda: reply(ent.get())))











Assorted [tT]kinter details




Other event interfaces

      widget.bind(“<B1-Motion>”, func)      [CD bind.py]

      widget.after(msecs, func)

      slider/widget linkage, data stream conditions



GUI construction


      “What you build is what you get”

      Layout = build order + pack options

      Each Toplevel instance is a window

      Default Toplevel window if no parent

      Widgets nest in Frames, Frames nest in other Frames

      Object trees: Tkinter cross-links parents to children



“Decreasing Cavity Model”

   pack gives widget entire side

   widgets packed later get side of what’s left

   grid, place: alternative geometry managers









OOP: Building GUIs by subclassing frames



     Organization framework: namespace, inheritance

     Methods attach widgets to ‘self

     Callbacks are bound methods of ‘self



file: hello.py


from Tkinter import *                   # get widgets


class Hello(Frame):                     # container subclass

    def __init__(self, parent=None):

        Frame.__init__(self, parent)    # superclass init


        self.make_widgets()             # attach to self


    def make_widgets(self):

        widget = Button(self, text='Hello',




    def onPress(self):

        print 'Hi.'                     # write to stdout


if __name__ == '__main__':  Hello().mainloop()




% hello.py





Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: hello




OOP: Reusing GUIs by subclassing, ‘is-a’




     GUI classes can be extended by inheritance

     Subclasses may extend, or replace methods

     In OOP terms: a ‘is-a’ relationship




file: hellosub.py


from hello   import Hello            # get superclass

from Tkinter import *                # get Tkinter widgets


class HelloExtender(Hello):          # is-a hello.Hello

    def make_widgets(self):          # extend method


        mine = Button(self, text='Extend',




    def onPress(self):

        print 'Greetings!'           # replace method


if __name__ == '__main__': HelloExtender().mainloop()




% python hellosub.py





Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: hellosub




OOP: Reusing GUIs by attaching, ‘has-a’




     Frames can be attached to other Frames

     Tkinter records object tree internally

     In OOP terms: a ‘has-a’ relationship




file: hellouse.py


from hello   import Hello             # get class to attach

from Tkinter import *                 # get Tkinter widgets


class HelloContainer(Frame):          # has-a hello.Hello

    def __init__(self, parent=None):

        Frame.__init__(self, parent)




    def make_widgets(self):

        mine = Button(self, text='Attach',



        Hello(self)                   # attach a Hello to me


if __name__ == '__main__': HelloContainer().mainloop()



% hellouse.py





Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: hellouse








See “Extras\Code\Gui\Code” directory on class CD to run this example

As of Python 3.4, tkinter supports PNG, GIF, amd PPM/PPG; install Pillow for others



from Tkinter import *                # get base widget set

from glob import glob                # file name expansion

import hellouseCheck                 # attach the last example to "me"

import random                        # pick a picture at random

gifdir = '../../../Part3/Gui/gifs/'  # where to look for gif files


def draw():

    name, photo = random.choice(images)





lbl = Label(root,  text="none", bg='blue', fg='red')

pix = Button(root, text="Press me", command=draw, bg='white')



hellouseCheck.HelloContainer(root, relief=SUNKEN, bd=2).pack(fill=BOTH)


files = glob(gifdir + "*.gif")

images = map(lambda x: (x, PhotoImage(file=x)), files)

print files










Grid layouts



# 2d table of input fields

# see also frigcal’s uniform gridding: tables


from Tkinter import *


rows = []

for i in range(5):

    cols = []

    for j in range(4):

        e = Entry(relief=RIDGE)

        e.grid(row=i, column=j, sticky=NSEW)

        e.insert(END, '%d.%d' % (i, j))




def onPress():

    for row in rows:

        for col in row:

            print col.get(),



Button(text='Fetch', command=onPress).grid()











Canvas, Text, dialogs, and Toplevel


(Some of the following may be in 2.X form: convert to run on 3.X)



See Extras\Code\Gui\Code to run this example





See Extras\Code\Gui\Code to run this example






See Extras\Code\Gui\Code to run this example









See Extras\Code\Gui\Code to run this example








Larger examples: Programming Python, Editions 2+




See learning-python.com/gadgets for more sceenshots

See CD’s top-level Extras\PP4E-Examples folder for code

Also available at http://learning-python.com/books/about-pp4e.html




A clock drawn on a canvas and updated with a timer, embedded picture







A calculator: frames of buttons, popup history, command lines, key bindings







An artificially intelligent tic-tac-toe game: labels and mouse event bindings







A text editor object/program: menus, text, scrollbars, toolbar frame (old, new)



Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: pyedit-1








A photo viewer, with thumbnails, resizing



Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: http://learning-python.com/gadgets/pyphoto.png




A demo launcher button bar: os.fork() on Linux, os.spawnv() on Windows







A generic tree data structure drawer: canvas, lines, event bindings







An image file slideshow: embeds text editor, picture, scale, timer, etc.







A table browser GUI: listboxes, forms, persistence, etc.



Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: pyform-1





A drawing program: draw and move graphic objects



Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: pydraw-1





A POP/SMTP email client in Python/Tk, embeds text editor (old, new)

















Larger Examples: frigcal, mergeall (2015)


See CD’s top-level Extras\frigcal-mergeall folder

Click images below for larger versions on the web



Description: Description: Description: C:\Users\mark\Desktop\000-latest-composite.png




Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: http://learning-python.com/frigcal/screenshots/New-Version1.6/v1.6-ubuntu-linux.png




Description: Description: Description: C:\Users\mark\Desktop\main-quit-help.png





Tkinter odds and ends





      [tT]kinter programs run with native look-and-feel on X, MS-Windows, Macintosh

      Vast majority of code runs unchanged across different platforms

      But some aspects are platform-specific, especially window manager context (icons, modal dialogs)



     Other GUI widgets

      25 widgets + dialogs, etc,: Text, Canvas, Listbox, Scrollbar, Image, Menu, Entry, Radiobutton, Checkbutton, Scale,…



     Other Tkinter tools

      File handlers, scheduled events, “grid” manager, drag-and-drop, tix and themes

      Pmw (Python Mega Widgets), PIL (imaging), etc.; see Vaults site

      Interactive GUI builders: PythonWorks?, ActiveState Komodo

      BoaConstructor, BlackAdder Gui buildes for wxPython, PyQt



     Implementation structure

      Tk + C extension module + Python wrapper classes module

      Uses extending (Tk lib) plus embedding (route events to handlers)




      “Programming Python 2nd Edition”, Part II, 250 pages

      “Programming Python 3rd Edition”, Part II, 300 pages

      Programming Python 4th Edition”, Part III 400 pages, + other parts: email client

      Other books: Manning book (somewhat dated), and others (see Amazon)

      Tcl/Tk books and manuals also provide basic widget docs

      Tutorial, reference: http://effbot.org/tkinterbook/

      Reference: http://infohost.nmt.edu/tcc/help/pubs/tkinter/web/index.html

      Wiki: https://wiki.python.org/moin/TkInter



     Other links

Extras\Code\Gui\wxPython\wxPython.doc (Tkinter/wxPython comparison)

Extras\Code\Gui\Code (additional Tkinter examples)

Extras\PP3E-Examples (book GUI examples, Python 2.X)

Extras\PP4E-Examples (book GUI examples, Python 3.X)


See Also:


Extras\PP4E-Examples → PP4E-Examples-1.4\Examples\PP4E\Launch_PyDemos.pyw

               [tT]kinter book examples in class package (or use PP3E-Examples directory for Python 2.X)




Lab Session 8


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