2. Using the Interpreter











    How Python runs programs

    How you run programs

    Example program launches

    Python configuration details

    A first look at module files

    The IDLE interface

    Other Python IDEs







How Python runs programs




    Execution model


     A “script”: text file of statements, “mod.py”


     mod.py (sourcecode) →

mod.pyc (bytecode) →

Python Virtual Machine







Recent changes: bytecode files appear alongside their .py source files in Python 3.1 and earlier (e.g., “PyGadgets.pyc”), but in a __pycache__ source subdirectory with filenames giving Python implementation and version numbers in 3.2 and later (e.g., “__pycache__/PyGadgets.cpython-33.pyc”) to limit recompiles.  Python 3.5 and later also drop the notion of “.pyo” optimized bytecode files, created with “-O” switches, instead adding a tag to the “.pyc” filename (a rarely-used option).





    Execution variations


     JITs: just-in-time compilers for Python bytecode: see PyPy, Numba


     Frozen binary executables: see Py2Exe (Windows), PyInstaller (+Linux), cx_freeze


     Other VMs: PyPy (Python VM in Python), Parrot (language neutral, pies)…





    5 major implementations today


     CPython:       the standard (coded in C)


     Jython:          for scripting Java apps (Java VM)


     IronPython:   for scripting C#/.Net apps (.Net VM)


     PyPy:             CPython for speed (JIT)


     Stackless:     for massive concurrency (gaming)


     Plus others: Numba (JIT+types), Cython (Py+C hybrid), Pythran (Py→C++), …


     See also JPype, Python.net: other Java/.Net access




How you run programs





    Top-level program architecture

     Program = multiple .py text files

One is the “main” top-level file: launch to run

Others are “modules”: libraries of tools

Some modules come from the “standard library”

     Modules accessed and linked by imports: “import module”

Import = find it,  compile it (maybe),  run it (once)

     Attributes fetched from objects: “module.attr

Variables inside objects (including modules)









def func():




import b




sys.path (module import search path) =

“.” + PYTHONPATH + .pth files + Std Libs





Installation packaging: 3rd-party software often uses distutilssetup.py” script to install its code in auto-searched Lib\site-packages in Python install tree – no PYTHONPATH configuration required (see built-in tools unit for more on distutils).  More recently, “eggs”, “pip”, and “wheels” have emerged for building install packages (see the web, PyPI, or ahead).





    Demo: Program launch options


Where to put your code:

      Create a directory such as “C:\class” to hold all the script files you’ll create during the class.

      Do all your work there, to keep things simple for now.


     Interactive coding  (“>>>”: testing, experimenting)

     Shell/DOS command lines  (running script files)

     Double-click icons  (Windows: raw_input trick)

     IDLE: a free IDE GUI (Windows: via Start or Apps)

     Module imports, reloads; exec(open().read())

     Embedding calls

     Unix executable scripts (#!)

     Other IDEs: Komodo, Eclipse, NetBeans,…






See also: Windows launcher in 3.3+ (and separately)

      Parses #! lines on Windows to get version number: #!/usr/bin/python2, #!python3

      Accepts version number in command lines: [py -2], [py -3 m.py], [py -2.6 –i m.py –x]

      Registered to open Python files when clicked, and parse #! Directives

      Default or missing version cases use PY_PYTHON environment var

      More detail: http://learning-python.com/books/py33-windows-launcher.html




Example program launches



Usage notes:

      Don’t type the “%” or “C:\...>”: they mean your shell’s prompt.

      Type system commands at “%”, and Python code at “>>>”.

      In 3.X, always use “print(X)” instead of “print X”.



    UNIX-style scripts


file: brian

#!/usr/local/bin/python            #or: /bin/env python

print 'The Bright Side of Life...' # another comment


% brian       # "%" means your shell prompt



    Command lines, module files


% python spam.py -i eggs -o bacon



    Interactive command line


% python                   # "%" means your shell prompt

>>> print 'Hello world!'   # ">>>" is Python’s prompt

Hello world!

>>> lumberjack = "okay"    # ctrl-D or ctrl-Z to exit



    Embedded code/objects (day 3)



PyRun_SimpleString("x = brave + sir + robin");




    Platform-specific startup methods

      Command-line interfaces

      GUI start-up interfaces: .pyw files




Configuration details (mostly optional)





    Module search path, for importing from other directories (only!)

     PYTHONPATH shell/environment variable

     “.pth” configuration files: C:\Python24\mypath.pth

     sys.path builtin list changes , but temporary

     Module search path =  [directory of main file + PYTHONPATH + standard libs + .pth file contents]

     Only add user-defined directories to search path (e.g. PYTHONPATH), not main or standard libs


    Other settings

     Interactive startup file: PYTHONSTARTUP

     GUI variables (not on Windows): TCL_LIBRARY, TK_LIBRARY

     System search path, to find python:  PATH

     3.3+ Windows launcher default: PY_PYTHON



Making environment settings: On Windows, set environment variables via “Start (or Apps) => Control Panel => System => Advanced Settings => Environment Variables => New/Edit”.  On Linux, set in your shell or login startup files.  On Windows, recent 3.X installers automatically set PATH to include “python” and “py”.  Windows installers also register these programs to open scripts by filename associations (for icon clicks and command lines).






Installation details



    Python comes in binary or C source-code forms

    Windows self-installer executable: simple double-click, includes Tk

    Linux, Mac OS X: Python is a standard component

    C source code configures/builds automatically

    See “Python” folder or Python source distribution “Readme” for install details

    See also alternative distributions, such as Enthought and ActiveState




A UNIX config file (~/.cshrc or ~/.login)




set path = (/usr/local/bin $path)

setenv PYTHONPATH /usr/home/pycode/utilities

setenv PYTHONPATH /usr/lib/pycode/package1:$PYTHONPATH





Old: A Windows config file (C:\autoexec.bat)


    Reboot after autoexec.bat changes

    Use the ControlPanel/System/Advanced GUI to set this in recent versions of Windows (and restart Python)

    “cd C:\Python24”, if you don’t want to set your PATH


doskey /insert

PATH %PATH%;C:\Python24

set PYTHONPATH=C:\pycode\utilities

set PYTHONPATH=D:\pycode\package1;%PYTHONPATH%




A path file (C:\Python24\mypath.pth)









A GUI test session


    Type this to test your Python/GUI configuration

    On Linux, Mac OS X: may need extra packages (CD)

% python

>>> from Tkinter import *

>>> w = Button(text="Hello", command='exit')

>>> w.pack()

>>> w.mainloop()  # don’t type this line in IDLE!




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Module files: a first look



    To avoid retyping code interactively

    ‘.py’ filename suffix needed if imported

    Import and use names at top-level of module file: attributes

    dir(module)” lists a module’s attributes

    “help(module)” gives help

    reload(module)” reruns an already-loaded file’s code again; import won’t!  (3.X: “from imp import reload”)





file myfile.py

name = "The Meaning of Life"    Define name (attribute)



% python                        Start Python

>>> import myfile               Load whole module

>>> print(myfile.name)          Use its names

The Meaning of Life



% python                        Start Python

>>> from myfile import name     Load specific names

>>> print(name)                 Use names directly

The Meaning of Life





The IDLE GUI interface



    A simple integrated development environment

    Shipped and installed as part of the Python package

    Editor, syntax coloring, debugging, class browser, etc.

    Alternative to shell command-line + editor, or clicking

    Written in Python, using the [tT]kinter GUI library

    Windows start: “Start” menu or Apps screen

    Command line start → python -m idlelib.idle




    Run code by menu “Run→Run  Module” in edit window

    Alt-P/Alt-N scroll through command history

    Right-click error message text to go to code directly

    IDLE changes directory to most recently run script

    If connection errors before 3.4: “python -m idlelib.idle –n”





Somewhat dated screenshots of IDLE at work (run it live!)…



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Other Python IDEs



Run a web search for up to date links on any of the following.



    IDLE: ships with Python

    Eclipse, with PyDev (or other) Python plug-in

    NetBeans: formerly Sun, now community

    Activestate: Komodo, VisualPython, PythonWin

    PythonWare: Pythonworks (still available?)

    Others: Visual Studio, PyCharm, pyscripter, WingIDE,… (see the web for links)

    Basic: text editor (Notepad, vi)  + command-line window (Command Prompt, xterm)


GUI Builders (ahead)


    Komodo and PythonWare include interactive GUI builders, that generate Tkinter code

    Other GUI builders for wxPython, PyQt: BoaConstructor, BlackAdder, wxDesigner, QtDesigner

    Application builders: Dabo, PythonCard

    Website builders: Django, TurboGears, Zope, WebWare, mod_python, Plone, … (see python.org)




Time to start coding




    Lab exercises are at the end of the workbook (see links below)

    Source code for lecture examples and lab solutions also available

    Some solution write-ups appear after the labs section

    You are encouraged to "cheat": see solutions for pointers

    Ask the instructor for hints, tips, and help




Lab Session 1


Click here to go to lab exercises

Click here to go to exercise solutions

Click here to go to solution source files

Click here to go to lecture example files