About Python Pocket Reference

[Latest edition]

The book Python Pocket Reference—a quick-but-thorough reference resource—has been published in five editions. Each edition has incorporated updates in Python itself, as well its libraries, tools, and common practice. This site (or the publisher) hosts support pages for each edition of this book. Please select the relevant link in the first column of the table below:

Edition  Published   Python   Pages 
Python Pocket Reference, 5th Edition Jan-2014 3.4+2.7 260
Python Pocket Reference, 4th Edition Sep-2009 3.1+2.6 210
Python Pocket Reference, 3rd Edition Feb-2005 2.4 160
Python Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition Nov-2001 2.2 130
Python Pocket Reference, 1st Edition Nov-1998 1.5 80

Book Scope

This book is a reference-only but content-rich resource for both Python 3.X and 2.X. It covers the Python language as well as its commonly used libraries and tools, and provides quick reference to formal and complete details not given elsewhere. As such, this book is designed to work as a supplement, companion, and extension to other books—including the language-foundations tutorial Learning Python, as well as the follow-up applications tutorial Programming Python. Together, these 3 books provide a 3,500-page set of related Python documentation. For more on this book's scope, see also these content pointers.

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