File: ziptools/ziptools/moretests/test-symlinks/SYMLINK-RESULTS-CORE.txt

Run on Mac OS X, Python 3.5 (, mergeall 3.0 (ziptools 1.0).

The tests run here exercise the basics of ziptools' symlinks support.
See SYMLINK-RESULTS-MORE.txt for more comprehensive and advanced tests.

# create zipfile ====================================================================================================

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks$ date       # ziptools run time 
Wed Mar  8 17:48:47 PST 2017

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks$ py3 ../ -skipcruft test1 test2
Zipping ['test1', 'test2'] to
Cruft patterns: {'keep': ['.htaccess'], 'skip': ['.*', '[dD]esktop.ini', 'Thumbs.db', '~*', '$*', '*.py[co]']}
Adding folder test1
--Skipped cruft file test1/.DS_Store
Adding folder test1/dir
Adding  file  test1/dir/nestedfile
Adding  link  ~folder test1/dirlink
Adding  file  test1/file
Adding  link  ~file test1/filelink
Adding  link  ~file test1/nestedfilelink
Adding folder test2
Adding folder test2/dir
Adding  file  test2/dir/nestedfile
Adding  link  ~file test2/dirlink
Adding  link  ~file test2/extralink
Adding  file  test2/file
Adding  link  ~file test2/nestedfilelink

# list zipfile ======================================================================================================

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks$ ls -l     # zipfile's time
total 8
-rw-r--r--  1 blue  wheel  1557 Mar  8 17:50

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks$ py3 ../
File Name                                             Modified             Size
test1/                                         2017-03-08 15:20:44            0
test1/dir/                                     2017-01-28 17:40:32            0
test1/dir/nestedfile                           2017-01-28 17:40:32           12
test1/dirlink                                  2017-02-09 06:43:30            3
test1/file                                     2017-01-28 17:32:04            5
test1/filelink                                 2017-02-09 06:43:30            4
test1/nestedfilelink                           2017-02-09 06:43:30           14
test2/                                         2017-02-09 06:43:30            0
test2/dir/                                     2017-01-28 17:44:28            0
test2/dir/nestedfile                           2017-01-28 17:40:32           12
test2/dirlink                                  2017-02-09 06:43:30            4
test2/extralink                                2017-02-09 06:43:30            4
test2/file                                     2017-01-28 17:32:04            5
test2/nestedfilelink                           2017-02-09 06:43:30           14

# extract zipfile to new folder ./temp ==============================================================================

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks$ py3 ../ temp
Unzipping from to temp
Extracted test1/
		=> temp/test1
Extracted test1/dir/
		=> temp/test1/dir
Extracted test1/dir/nestedfile
		=> temp/test1/dir/nestedfile
(Link) Extracted test1/dirlink
		=> temp/test1/dirlink
Extracted test1/file
		=> temp/test1/file
(Link) Extracted test1/filelink
		=> temp/test1/filelink
(Link) Extracted test1/nestedfilelink
		=> temp/test1/nestedfilelink
Extracted test2/
		=> temp/test2
Extracted test2/dir/
		=> temp/test2/dir
Extracted test2/dir/nestedfile
		=> temp/test2/dir/nestedfile
(Link) Extracted test2/dirlink
		=> temp/test2/dirlink
(Link) Extracted test2/extralink
		=> temp/test2/extralink
Extracted test2/file
		=> temp/test2/file
(Link) Extracted test2/nestedfilelink
		=> temp/test2/nestedfilelink

# compare to originals (modtimes, content) ==========================================================================

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks$ ls -l
total 8
-rw-r--r--  1 blue  wheel  1557 Mar  8 17:50

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks$ ls -l test1
total 32
drwxr-xr-x  3 blue  wheel  102 Jan 28 17:40 dir
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  wheel    3 Feb  9 06:43 dirlink -> dir
-rw-r--r--  1 blue  wheel    5 Jan 28 17:32 file
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  wheel    4 Feb  9 06:43 filelink -> file
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  wheel   14 Feb  9 06:43 nestedfilelink -> dir/nestedfile
/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks$ ls -l temp/test1
total 32
drwxr-xr-x  3 blue  wheel  102 Jan 28 17:40 dir
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  wheel    3 Feb  9 06:43 dirlink -> dir
-rw-r--r--  1 blue  wheel    5 Jan 28 17:32 file
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  wheel    4 Feb  9 06:43 filelink -> file
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  wheel   14 Feb  9 06:43 nestedfilelink -> dir/nestedfile

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks$ ls -l test2
total 32
drwxr-xr-x  3 blue  wheel  102 Jan 28 17:44 dir
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  wheel    4 Feb  9 06:43 dirlink -> file
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  wheel    4 Feb  9 06:43 extralink -> file
-rw-r--r--  1 blue  wheel    5 Jan 28 17:32 file
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  wheel   14 Feb  9 06:43 nestedfilelink -> dir/nestedfile

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks$ ls -l temp/test2
total 32
drwxr-xr-x  3 blue  wheel  102 Jan 28 17:44 dir
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  wheel    4 Feb  9 06:43 dirlink -> file
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  wheel    4 Feb  9 06:43 extralink -> file
-rw-r--r--  1 blue  wheel    5 Jan 28 17:32 file
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  wheel   14 Feb  9 06:43 nestedfilelink -> dir/nestedfile

# verify in Python 
/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks$ py3
>>> import os
>>> os.readlink('temp/test1/filelink')   # the link itself
>>> open('temp/test1/filelink').read()   # what the link refers to (referent)

# ===================================================================================================================
# verify created zipfile works in Mac OS X unzip (also verified in Finder + Archive Utility);
# these work too, but they are nonportable, not in changeable/readable source-code form,
# and may not support advanced features of ziptools as well (cruft, symlink portability, times)

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks$ mkdir temp2
/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks$ cp temp2
/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks$ cd temp2
/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks/temp2$ ls -l 
total 8
-rw-r--r--  1 blue  wheel  1557 Mar  8 17:57

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks/temp2$ unzip -l 
  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
        0  02-07-17 15:13   test1/
        3  02-07-17 15:13   test1/dirlink
        5  01-28-17 17:32   test1/file
        4  02-07-17 15:13   test1/filelink
       14  02-07-17 15:13   test1/nestedfilelink
        0  01-28-17 17:40   test1/dir/
       12  01-28-17 17:40   test1/dir/nestedfile
        0  02-07-17 15:13   test2/
        4  02-07-17 15:13   test2/dirlink
        4  02-07-17 15:13   test2/extralink
        5  01-28-17 17:32   test2/file
       14  02-07-17 15:13   test2/nestedfilelink
        0  01-28-17 17:44   test2/dir/
       12  01-28-17 17:40   test2/dir/nestedfile
 --------                   -------
       77                   14 files

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks/temp2$ unzip
   creating: test1/
  inflating: test1/dirlink           -> dir 
  inflating: test1/file              
  inflating: test1/filelink          -> file 
  inflating: test1/nestedfilelink    -> dir/nestedfile 
   creating: test1/dir/
  inflating: test1/dir/nestedfile    
   creating: test2/
  inflating: test2/dirlink           -> file 
  inflating: test2/extralink         -> file 
  inflating: test2/file              
  inflating: test2/nestedfilelink    -> dir/nestedfile 
   creating: test2/dir/
  inflating: test2/dir/nestedfile    
finishing deferred symbolic links:
  test1/dirlink          -> dir
  test1/filelink         -> file
  test1/nestedfilelink   -> dir/nestedfile
  test2/dirlink          -> file
  test2/extralink        -> file
  test2/nestedfilelink   -> dir/nestedfile

# ** Mac's unzip doesn't propagate link times like ziptools! **

//MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks/temp2$ ls -l test1             # Mac unzip
total 32
drwxr-xr-x  3 blue  wheel  102 Jan 28 17:40 dir
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  wheel    3 Mar  8 17:59 dirlink -> dir
-rw-r--r--  1 blue  wheel    5 Jan 28 17:32 file
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  wheel    4 Mar  8 17:59 filelink -> file
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  wheel   14 Mar  8 17:59 nestedfilelink -> dir/nestedfile
/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks/temp2$ ls -l ../temp/test1      # ziptools
total 32
drwxr-xr-x  3 blue  wheel  102 Jan 28 17:40 dir
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  wheel    3 Feb  9 06:43 dirlink -> dir
-rw-r--r--  1 blue  wheel    5 Jan 28 17:32 file
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  wheel    4 Feb  9 06:43 filelink -> file
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  wheel   14 Feb  9 06:43 nestedfilelink -> dir/nestedfile

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks/temp2$ ls -l test2              # Mac unzip 
total 32
drwxr-xr-x  3 blue  wheel  102 Jan 28 17:44 dir
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  wheel    4 Mar  8 17:59 dirlink -> file
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  wheel    4 Mar  8 17:59 extralink -> file
-rw-r--r--  1 blue  wheel    5 Jan 28 17:32 file
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  wheel   14 Mar  8 17:59 nestedfilelink -> dir/nestedfile
/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks/temp2$ ls -l ../temp/test2      # ziptools
total 32
drwxr-xr-x  3 blue  wheel  102 Jan 28 17:44 dir
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  wheel    4 Feb  9 06:43 dirlink -> file
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  wheel    4 Feb  9 06:43 extralink -> file
-rw-r--r--  1 blue  wheel    5 Jan 28 17:32 file
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  wheel   14 Feb  9 06:43 nestedfilelink -> dir/nestedfile

# verify in Python 
/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks/temp2$ py3
>>> import os
>>> os.readlink('test1/filelink')   # the link itself
>>> open('test1/filelink').read()   # what the link refers to

# ===================================================================================================================
# verify fifos (et al) ignored, invalid zips added, in another folder

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks$ mkdir exotica
/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks$ cd exotica
/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks/exotica$ py3
>>> import os
>>> open('file', 'w').write('spam')
>>> os.mkdir('dir')
>>> os.mkfifo('fifo')
>>> os.symlink('file', 'filelink')
>>> os.symlink('dir', 'dirlink')
>>> os.symlink('fifo', 'fifolink')
>>> os.symlink('nowhere', 'nowherelink')
>>> ^D

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks/exotica$ ls -l
total 40
drwxr-xr-x  2 blue  wheel  68 Mar 11 13:22 dir
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  wheel   3 Mar 11 13:23 dirlink -> dir
prw-r--r--  1 blue  wheel   0 Mar 11 13:23 fifo
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  wheel   4 Mar 11 13:23 fifolink -> fifo
-rw-r--r--  1 blue  wheel   4 Mar 11 13:22 file
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  wheel   4 Mar 11 13:23 filelink -> file
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  wheel   7 Mar 11 13:23 nowherelink -> nowhere

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks/exotica$ cd ..
/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks$ py3 ../
Zip file to create? exotica
Items to zip (comma-separated)? exotica
Skip cruft items (y=yes)? y
Follow links to targets (y=yes)? n
About to ZIP
	skipping cruft,
	not following links
Confirm with 'y'? y
Zipping ['exotica'] to
Cruft patterns: {'skip': ['.*', '[dD]esktop.ini', 'Thumbs.db', '~*', '$*', '*.py[co]'], 'keep': ['.htaccess']}
Adding folder exotica
--Skipped cruft file exotica/.DS_Store
Adding folder exotica/dir
Adding  link  ~folder exotica/dirlink
--Skipped unknown type: exotica/fifo
Adding  link  ~unknown exotica/fifolink
Adding  file  exotica/file
Adding  link  ~file exotica/filelink
Adding  link  ~unknown exotica/nowherelink

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks$ py3 ../
File Name                                             Modified             Size
exotica/                                       2017-03-11 13:24:02            0
exotica/dir/                                   2017-03-11 13:22:52            0
exotica/dirlink                                2017-03-11 13:23:32            3
exotica/fifolink                               2017-03-11 13:23:42            4
exotica/file                                   2017-03-11 13:22:50            4
exotica/filelink                               2017-03-11 13:23:18            4
exotica/nowherelink                            2017-03-11 13:23:56            7

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks$ mv exotica exotica-start
/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks$ py3 ../
Unzipping from to .
Extracted exotica/
		=> exotica
Extracted exotica/dir/
		=> exotica/dir
(Link) Extracted exotica/dirlink
		=> exotica/dirlink
(Link) Extracted exotica/fifolink
		=> exotica/fifolink
Extracted exotica/file
		=> exotica/file
(Link) Extracted exotica/filelink
		=> exotica/filelink
(Link) Extracted exotica/nowherelink
		=> exotica/nowherelink

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks$ ls -l exotica
total 40
drwxr-xr-x  2 blue  wheel  68 Mar 11 13:22 dir
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  wheel   3 Mar 11 13:23 dirlink -> dir
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  wheel   4 Mar 11 13:23 fifolink -> fifo
-rw-r--r--  1 blue  wheel   4 Mar 11 13:22 file
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  wheel   4 Mar 11 13:23 filelink -> file
lrwxr-xr-x  1 blue  wheel   7 Mar 11 13:23 nowherelink -> nowhere

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks$ py3 ../../../ exotica exotica-start -skipcruft
Comparing exotica to exotica-start
*UNIQUE items in exotica-start:
... fifo
Comparing contents
dirlink matches
fifolink matches
file matches
filelink matches
nowherelink matches
Comparing exotica/dir to exotica-start/dir
Directory lists are identical
Comparing contents
Runtime hrs:mins:secs = 0:0:0.00
Dirs checked 2, Files checked: 5, Files skipped: 0
System metadata (cruft) files were skipped
Diffs found: 1
- items UNIQUE at [exotica] - [exotica-start]
End of report.

# ===================================================================================================================
# path boundary cases

# absolute -> relative paths

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks$ py3 ../ -skipcruft ~/Movies /Users/blue/Music/
Zipping ['/Users/blue/Movies', '/Users/blue/Music/'] to
Cruft patterns: {'keep': ['.htaccess'], 'skip': ['.*', '[dD]esktop.ini', 'Thumbs.db', '~*', '$*', '*.py[co]']}
Adding folder /Users/blue/Movies
--Skipped cruft file /Users/blue/Movies/.localized
Adding folder /Users/blue/Music/
--Skipped cruft file /Users/blue/Music/.localized

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks$ py3 ../
File Name                                             Modified             Size
Users/blue/Movies/                             2016-08-31 17:37:18            0
Users/blue/Music/                              2016-08-31 17:37:18            0

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks$ py3 ../ temp3
Unzipping from to temp3
Extracted Users/blue/Movies/
		=> temp3/Users/blue/Movies
Extracted Users/blue/Music/
		=> temp3/Users/blue/Music

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks$ ls temp3
/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks$ ls temp3/Users/
/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks$ ls temp3/Users/blue/
Movies	Music

# leading dots stripped

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks$ py3 ../ -skipcruft ./test1 ./test2
Zipping ['./test1', './test2'] to
Cruft patterns: {'keep': ['.htaccess'], 'skip': ['.*', '[dD]esktop.ini', 'Thumbs.db', '~*', '$*', '*.py[co]']}
Adding folder ./test1
--Skipped cruft file ./test1/.DS_Store
Adding folder ./test1/dir
Adding  file  ./test1/dir/nestedfile
Adding  link  ~folder ./test1/dirlink
Adding  file  ./test1/file
Adding  link  ~file ./test1/filelink
Adding  link  ~file ./test1/nestedfilelink
Adding folder ./test2
Adding folder ./test2/dir
Adding  file  ./test2/dir/nestedfile
Adding  link  ~file ./test2/dirlink
Adding  link  ~file ./test2/extralink
Adding  file  ./test2/file
Adding  link  ~file ./test2/nestedfilelink

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks$ py3 ../
File Name                                             Modified             Size
test1/                                         2017-03-08 15:20:44            0
test1/dir/                                     2017-01-28 17:40:32            0
test1/dir/nestedfile                           2017-01-28 17:40:32           12
test1/dirlink                                  2017-02-09 06:43:30            3
test1/file                                     2017-01-28 17:32:04            5
test1/filelink                                 2017-02-09 06:43:30            4
test1/nestedfilelink                           2017-02-09 06:43:30           14
test2/                                         2017-02-09 06:43:30            0
test2/dir/                                     2017-01-28 17:44:28            0
test2/dir/nestedfile                           2017-01-28 17:40:32           12
test2/dirlink                                  2017-02-09 06:43:30            4
test2/extralink                                2017-02-09 06:43:30            4
test2/file                                     2017-01-28 17:32:04            5
test2/nestedfilelink                           2017-02-09 06:43:30           14

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks$ py3 ../ temp4
Unzipping from to temp4
Extracted test1/
		=> temp4/test1
Extracted test1/dir/
		=> temp4/test1/dir
Extracted test1/dir/nestedfile
		=> temp4/test1/dir/nestedfile
(Link) Extracted test1/dirlink
		=> temp4/test1/dirlink
Extracted test1/file
		=> temp4/test1/file
(Link) Extracted test1/filelink
		=> temp4/test1/filelink
(Link) Extracted test1/nestedfilelink
		=> temp4/test1/nestedfilelink
Extracted test2/
		=> temp4/test2
Extracted test2/dir/
		=> temp4/test2/dir
Extracted test2/dir/nestedfile
		=> temp4/test2/dir/nestedfile
(Link) Extracted test2/dirlink
		=> temp4/test2/dirlink
(Link) Extracted test2/extralink
		=> temp4/test2/extralink
Extracted test2/file
		=> temp4/test2/file
(Link) Extracted test2/nestedfilelink
		=> temp4/test2/nestedfilelink

# verify with mergeall's diffall

//MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks$ py3 ../../../ test1 temp4/test1
Comparing test1 to temp4/test1
*UNIQUE items in test1:
... .DS_Store
Comparing contents
dirlink matches
file matches
filelink matches
nestedfilelink matches
Comparing test1/dir to temp4/test1/dir
Directory lists are identical
Comparing contents
nestedfile matches
Runtime hrs:mins:secs = 0:0:0.00
Dirs checked 2, Files checked: 5, Files skipped: 0
Diffs found: 1
- items UNIQUE at [test1] - [temp4/test1]
End of report.

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/ziptools/test-symlinks$ py3 ../../../ test2 temp4/test2
Comparing test2 to temp4/test2
Directory lists are identical
Comparing contents
dirlink matches
extralink matches
file matches
nestedfilelink matches
Comparing test2/dir to temp4/test2/dir
Directory lists are identical
Comparing contents
nestedfile matches
Runtime hrs:mins:secs = 0:0:0.00
Dirs checked 2, Files checked: 5, Files skipped: 0
No diffs found.
End of report.

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