File: ziptools/ziptools/docetc/_README.txt

This is ziptools' demos-and-screenshots folder.  Its top level 
items mostly contain original-release content.  Subfolders here, 
including android11-demo-1.3/ added in 2021 during the 1.3 
project, have newer items which reflect later releases' upgrades.

For a quick and current look, browse these folders first:

    * 1.2-upgrades/
    * 1.1-upgrades/
    * android11-demo-1.3/

All three of these have _README.txt files describing their 
content more fully.  Both of the first two have cross-platform
demo folders.  The third was run under 1.3 and is newest, but 
doesn't demo most 1.3 features.  _publish-log-1.3.txt also gives
the output of 1.3's new build script in the parent folder, and
the illegal*-1.3* items demo 1.3's nonportable filename handling.

In general, text files here are console-session demos; image 
files are screenshots of ziptools in action; and most items 
are referenced by the main ../_README.html user guide one 
level up from here--open it in your local web browser, or 
view online at:

The _py-zipfile-module/ folder here also has a copy of Python's
zipfile module, both for reference, and for use if Python 3.X's
version ever changes incompatibly; see this folder's readme.

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