File: thumbspage/examples/unicode/results-2.1/__README.txt

Selected portions of the unicode/images example.

See ../images for the full example regenerated with 1.5+ viewer pages.
This example was later regenerated on 1.6, 1.7, 2.0, and 2.1.

View the index.html and _thumbspage/*.html pages there for a demo of 
HTML and URL escapes, and non-ASCII Unicode content and filenames.

The files here are redundant copies of those in ../images, but are
not hidden by Apache auto-index opens when viewed online.  To make 
this work, index.html has been manually renamed here with a "_" prefix.
This breaks Index links on the viewer-page copies here; use your 
browser's Back as needed.  (TBD: an Apache setting may be simpler?)

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