File: thumbspage/examples/trnpix/

# ========================================================================
# Run this bash script in this folder to make just this folder's gallery:
#   ~/.../thumbspage/examples/trnpix$ bash
# To make all examples, run the script ../../build/,
# which runs this script and all others like it.  This automates console 
# inputs, but requires a Unix-style bash shell; extrapolate for other 
# shells or run thumbspage manually elsewhere per _HOW-MADE.txt here. 
# This could use 2.3 input config args instead of <<EOF shell magic.
# This REGENERATES the external trnpix demo stored elsewhere in a website 
# folder; it won't work unless that website folder is present.   This now
# also copies the demo's {_generate, _publish}.sh, but with double "_".
# Caveat: as coded, these demos have the hosting site's analytics code
# embedded in them; please don't post them online verbatim.
# Caveat: trnpixcopy's setting must be changed for each new release #.
# Update [2.3]: this now runs a subscript, trnpix/, to remake
# trnpix content, instead of a command here which is apt to fall out of
# sync.  The subscript's command looks like this today (but may change!):
#   python3 $C/thumbspage/ . \
#              useDynamicIndexLayout=False \
#              inputCleanThumbsFolder=True inputThumbsPerRow=4 \
#              inputThumbMaxSize=100 inputUseViewerPages=True \
#              popupFgColor=\'tan\' \
#              popupOpacity=0.45
# Its former version was already out of synch when this was modified:
#   python3 ../../ $trnpix <<-EOF ... EOF
# Update [2.3]: results-2.3/__{generate, publish}.sh is copies of 
# trnpix's _{generate, publish}.sh build scripts.
# Update [2.3]: trnpix now builds both fixed and dynamic index pages,
# with html files and thumbs+viewer folders for both, and builds its
# HEADER.html from its _HEADER.html with a tag replace; this grabs all.
# ========================================================================

# subset of live demo, for viewing code online


# doesn't exist or not a dir? [2.2]
if [ ! -d $trnpixcopy ]; then { rm -f $trnpixcopy; mkdir $trnpixcopy; } fi

# regen index+thumbs+viewers: command now in a trnpix subscript (see above)
pushd $trnpix

# copy a small subset of the gallery for online views (bash autosplits strings)

# get core gallery files, prepending a _ ('' retains \)
files="FOOTER.html HEADER.html _HEADER.html \
       index.html index-dynamic.html \"
for name in $files
    cp $trnpix/$name $trnpixcopy/_$name

# get a sampling of image files
files='2000-newmarket-1.jpg 2001-dublin-2.jpg 2018-galaxy-s8+.jpg 2018-mobile-site-1.png'

# get .note files: not required for viewing (their text is embedded in .htmls) [2.3]
for name in $files
    cp $trnpix/$name $trnpixcopy
    if [ -e $trnpix/$name.note ]
        cp $trnpix/$name.note $trnpixcopy

# copy a sampling of the thumbnail+viewer-page subfolders

subdirs='_thumbspage _thumbspage-dynamic'

for subdir in $subdirs
    rm -rf $trnpixcopy/$subdir
    mkdir  $trnpixcopy/$subdir
    for name in $files
        cp $trnpix/$subdir/$name      $trnpixcopy/$subdir
        cp $trnpix/$subdir/$name.html $trnpixcopy/$subdir

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