File: thumbspage/examples/2.3-upgrades/

# ========================================================================
# Run this Bash script in this folder to make just this folder's page:
# .../thumbspage/examples/2.3-upgrades$ bash
# To make all examples, run the script ../../build/,
# which runs this script and all others like it.
# This uses 2.3's input-override configs, instead of <<-EOF here docs.
# This also uses 2.2's config arguments, instead of configs-file edits,
# and 2.3's popup color configs (bg and border inherit from the page).
# ========================================================================

# run the note batcher as a demo: it's a 2.3 addition

python3 ../../docetc/

# make gallery: a single folder, with viewer notes (default), using
# dynamic index layout (non-default), custom/default index header/footer,
# and muted-white for popup text to reduce glare on black background

python3 ../../ . \
    useDynamicIndexLayout=True \
    useImageNotes=True \
    inputCleanThumbsFolder=True inputThumbMaxSize=128,128 inputUseViewerPages=True \

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