File: thumbspage/examples/2.2-upgrades/more-demos/

# ========================================================================
# Demo 2.2 config arguments.
# This builds the ../../2.1-upgrades/ gallery with 2.2's command-line
# config arguments, in one of two flavors per its "flavor" setting. 
# Config arguments like these make it easy to vary settings per build.
# See also ../tool-tips-gallery/ for similar code, plus 
# ../../2.1-upgrades/dynamiclayout/ for the former (and now 
# largely superseded) alternative which edited the config file with sed.
# This file is Bash code.  Run it in its own folder with "bash filename" 
# in a Unix shell, or use its python3 commands separately at the console.
# This script uses Bash multi-line commands ("\" means line continuation),
# and 'here' documents to automate console input (lines in "<<EOF...EOF").
# See UserGuide.html#otherusagemodes for more on input techniques.
# Update: as of 2.3, console inputs can be more portably provided as 
# setting=value command-line config arguments too, instead of using the
# <<-EOF "here documents" technique shown here.  See UserGuide.html#2.3.
# ========================================================================

flavor='2'             # pick a configs set: '1' or '2' (no spaces)
thumbspage=../../..    # path to
examples=../..         # path to examples/ folder

# Custom layout, tool tips, index color

if [ $flavor == '1' ]
printf '\nMaking flavor 1\n'

python3 $thumbspage/ $examples/2.1-upgrades \
	useDynamicIndexLayout=True \
	dynamicLayoutPaddingH=\'0px\' \
	useToolTips=True \
	thumbsBgColor=\'#dddddd\' \



# Or, for something completely different...

if [ $flavor == '2' ]
printf '\nMaking flavor 2\n'

python3 $thumbspage/ $examples/2.1-upgrades \
	useDynamicIndexLayout=False \
	useToolTips=False \
	thumbsBgColor=\'cyan\' \
        viewerBgColor=\'lightgrey\' \
        viewerFgColor=\'black\' \



# And see the results by opening ../2.1-upgrades/index.html

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