File: shrinkpix/piexif/_README-shrinkpix-use.txt

This is the piexif third-party library, available at:

It is used by shrinkpix only for changing the values of selected Exif 
tags of images whose dimensions have been reduced to decrease filesize.

The third-party Pillow library, which is also required by shrinkpix 
and must be fetched and installed separately, has many image-processing
tools, but little support for Exif data, apart from fetching it as 
raw bytes and passing it as a whole to saves.  This allows Exif data
to be propagated, but not freely changed.

piexif does the work of parsing and composing the Exif data's structure, 
and can be included in the shrinkpix package as pure Python code. 

piexif is also used in thumbspage (, 
and its use is similar to that of the icalendar library in the Frigcal 
program (

See LICENSE.txt in this folder for piexif's separate but liberal 
license.  In short, it can be used as freely as shrinkpix itself.

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