File: shrinkpix/examples/screenshots-1.1-verify/z-thumbspage-original-unrotated/_README.txt
The screenshots*/ folders... are thumbspage galleries, whose images were first shrunk with shrinkpix, except for three originals saved in the verify folder for comparison. Click these folders' index.html files if you're viewing off-line. Folder screenshots-1.1-exif-dimensions/ demos the Exif dimensions tag fix in version 1.1, and screenshots-1.1-verify/ shows captures of the program's general results. Subtleties: in folder screenshots-1.1-verify/, see the Exif tag shots for florida.JPG's three versions; image size may be deduced from actual content in some contexts. Also in the same folder, image z-thumbspage was first rotated by thumbspage, and then shrunk by shrinkpix 1.1; see its unrotated/unshrunk original in its folder.