File: pygadgets-products/unzipped/

simple source-code line count script, used for dev metrics only
import os, glob, sys

srcenc = 'utf8'                                       # configs file now utf-8
gadgets, extras = [], []

def globber(path):
    return glob.glob(path.replace('/', os.sep))

# gadget subdirectories
gadgets += globber('_PyCalc/*/*.py*')
gadgets += globber('_PyClock/*/*.py*')
gadgets += globber('_PyPhoto/*/*.py*')
gadgets += globber('_PyToe/*/*.py*')

# app/exe build scripts count too (but skip
extras += globber('build/build-app-exe/*/')
extras += globber('build/build-source/')

tally = count = 0
for fname in glob.glob('*.py*') + gadgets + extras:   # files in this dir and subs
    if not fname.startswith('__'):                    # skip self and extras in '.'
        fobj = open(fname, encoding=srcenc)
        lcnt = len(fobj.readlines())
        tally += lcnt
        count += 1
        print(fname, '=>', lcnt)
print('Total sloc in %d files: %s' % (count, tally))
if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
    input('Press Enter')  # if clicked on Windows

example output (and current counts/manifest): => 125 => 110 => 72 => 83 => 333
PyGadgets_bar.pyw => 10 => 326 => 79
_PyCalc/Calculator/ => 1
_PyCalc/Calculator/ => 596
_PyCalc/Calculator/ => 78
_PyCalc/Calculator/ => 110
_PyCalc/Calculator/ => 72
_PyCalc/Calculator/ => 79
_PyClock/Clock/ => 3
_PyClock/Clock/ => 727
_PyClock/Clock/ => 106
_PyClock/Clock/ => 78
_PyClock/Clock/ => 110
_PyClock/Clock/ => 72
_PyClock/Clock/ => 44
_PyClock/Clock/ => 26
_PyClock/Clock/ => 79
_PyPhoto/PIL/ => 54
_PyPhoto/PIL/ => 78
_PyPhoto/PIL/ => 110
_PyPhoto/PIL/ => 72
_PyPhoto/PIL/ => 935
_PyPhoto/PIL/ => 774
_PyPhoto/PIL/ => 79
_PyToe/TicTacToe/ => 3
_PyToe/TicTacToe/ => 78
_PyToe/TicTacToe/ => 72
_PyToe/TicTacToe/ => 182
_PyToe/TicTacToe/ => 564
_PyToe/TicTacToe/ => 79
build/build-app-exe/linux/ => 211
build/build-app-exe/macosx/ => 186
build/build-app-exe/windows/ => 239
build/build-source/ => 96
Total sloc in 40 files: 7131

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