File: pygadgets-products/unzipped/_PyPhoto/PIL/_PriorCode2.1/

=============================================================================== (part of the PyPhoto 2.1 program in PyGadgets)

Copyright: 2017 M. Lutz, from book "Programming Python, 4th Edition".
License: provided freely, but with no warranties of any kind.
Requires Pillow (PIL) for both JPEGs and thumbnail-image creation and use.


THIS MODULE creates thumbnail images for all the images in a folder, as 
either a single pickle file, or individual files in a subfolder.  It is 
used by PyPhoto to collect image thumbnails to be displayed; PyPhoto 
also adds thumbs scrolling, and much more functionality.  Other programs 
(e.g., thumbspage) may also use this module to build thumbnail files.
The simple viewer in this file's __main__ displays all images in a folder
as thumbnail image buttons that display the full image when clicked.  

THUMBNAIL CACHING is crucial for speed in PyPhoto and others, given the 
relative slowness of Pillow's thumbnail generator.  Though some of this
slowness may be due to image-file IO, most seems to stem from Pillow; its
Image.load() is not called explicitly in code here.  That said, Pillow has
lower-quality filters that would likely run faster, but PyPhoto by design 
uses the Pillow filter that runs slowest but yields best quality thumbs.

To neutralize the thumb-creation cost, the code here used by PyPhoto saves
a folder's thumbs in a pickle-file cache on first folder open.  After the 
first open creates this cache, later opens are nearly instantaneous, because
they load very small prebuilt thumbnail images from the file.  Programs that
use individual prebuilt thumb files in subfolders are similarly accelerated.
In both storage models, the cache is also auto-updated as photos are edited, 
deleted, renamed, or added, so it remains in synch with actual images. 

The natural alternative to thumbs caching (used by many file explorers) 
attempts to make thumbnails only for the image files currently in view.
This isn't used here due to both its complexity in Tk, and its unavoidable 
consequence of lag as the view is changed/scrolled.  With caching, there
is never any noticeable lag, except during the first folder open.

Caching is also important for programs which use this module to create a
a folder of thumb images during development - the original mode coded here.
The web pages built by the thumbspage program, for instance, open quickly
because they use thumb files prebuilt before any user interaction happens. 
Folder mode is still supported here, though it's no longer kept as current.


[SA] 2.0, Sep-2017: Standalone release of PyCalc, PyClock, PyPhoto, PyToe.
Multiple changes to the original code in PP4E, both here and in; 
search for label "[SA]" to find all changes made.
2.1, Nov-2017: rereleased with new PyGadgets packages.  

Most prominently in 2.1, this module now stores all the thumbnails for a
folder in a single pickle file, instead of individual image files in a 
subfolder.  This avoids:

  1) Expanding image trees with many extra files (15k images formerly meant 
     15k thumb files), which puts an extra burden on data archiving jobs

  2) Multiple file loads and saves (1 versus N) which may or may not improve 
     folder open speed (see Performance below), but reduces filesystem access

  3) A nasty modtime-copy issue for backup programs (copying image modtimes
     to thumb files to detect image changes can defeat timestamp-based programs
     like Mergeall if thumb size is changed but source-image content is not)

Thumbs-file filename:

  The thumbs pickle file is named "_PyPhoto-thumbs.pkl" and shows up in each
  writeable folder opened by PyPhoto.  Its "_" sorts uniquely, but it is not 
  named with a leading ".' because hidden files can be problematic for data 
  archiving programs (e.g., Mergeall should propagate these files too), and 
  covert content is both condescending and rude (you should be allowed to 
  see what programs do to your computer).

Thumbs-file performance:

  The new single pickle-file mode has no noticeable performance differences.
  It runs at almost exactly the same speed and requires almost exactly the
  same storage space as the former subfolder mode.  Pickle-file mode can take
  up slightly more space for very large folders, but the difference is fully 
  trivial.  For example, the pickle file of an 1,100-photos folder checked in
  at just 60k more space than its subfolder equivalent (of 3.8M total size); 
  it also was built in the same number of seconds (per timing with PyClock).

Thumbs-file compatibility:

  This change is not backward compatible.  Version 2.1's new files are the 
  default, and are always used by PyPhoto.  Version 2.0 subfolders are no 
  longer created or used unless requested explicitly by client code, and are 
  _not_ auto-deleted or auto-converted to the 2.1 pickle-file format when 
  found (2.0's too-generic subfolder name "thumbs" may have other uses). 

  PyPhoto 2.0 users should run the included script (or its frozen executable)
  "" to delete all 2.0 subfolders when 
  upgrading to 2.1.  Else 2.0's subfolders will remain as unused trash after
  2.1's files are generated on folder opens.  Mac app users: run the delete
  executable in (see Show Package Contents).

  Version 2.0 subfolder creation and use is still supported as an option,
  however, for use by other programs that require explicit thumb files (e.g.,  Mixed-mode use is not supported: client
  code must use the default 2.1 file xor request 2.0 subfolders.

Other 2.1 changes:

  Version 2.1's pickle-file mode (only) also now:

  1) Names the pickle file with a '_PyPhoto' prefix, to clarify its source.
     This file is the only artifact of the program, and can be deleted freely.

  2) Explicitly sorts image-dir names, to avoid os.listdir() platform diffs.  
     Lowercase mapping emulates the ordering on Macs (Windows and Linux differ)

  3) Uses a placeholder thumb for images whose thumb create failed (don't omit!).
     This requires to also catch later failures for image open too.

  4) Works for unwriteable folders (e.g., BD-R discs): thumb saves are simply
     skipped, but the folder may open _very_ slowly due to thumb recreations

  5) Allows image-change detection to be turned off, to avoid full thumbnail 
     regens when file modtimes are skewed between filesystems or platforms.  
     Intended for large, static archives where thumb regens would be slow.
     Modtimes are brittle - see Mergeall's related DST and time-zone issues:

     In practice, modtime skew has not proven to be an issue for archives 
     burned to BD-Rs, used on a single platform, or transferred between 
     Mac OS and Windows on exFAT drives.  Other contexts may not fare as
     well; dual-boot Linux systems, for example, may have modtime skew.

  Note that 2.0's subfolder mode does _not_ have these other 2.1 features;
  PyPhoto is the main client, and thumbspage is still using an older version.

Other thumbs options considered:

  1) A JSON file.  Downsides: binary data is not directly supported, though 
     encoding as latin-1 suffices; takes more space due to '\' text escapes. 

  2) Zipping the original subfolder.  Downsides: may be slower, though in the
     end the file-save bytes pickle seems similar to an uncompressed zipfile;
     requires writeable device access plus cleanup for temp unzips.

import os, sys, math, mimetypes, shutil, errno, pickle, traceback, io
from tkinter import *
from PIL import Image                   # <== required for thumbs
from PIL.ImageTk import PhotoImage      # <== required for JPEG display

# Choose your weapon (use 2.1 file or 2.0 subdir mode)

def makeThumbs(imgdir,                            # source dir, actual images
               size=(100, 100),                   # max size, all thumbs (or 128?)
               subdir='thumbs',                   # 2.0 image-files subfolder 
               pklfile='_PyPhoto-thumbs.pkl',     # 2.1 pickle-file thumbnails
               forceSubdir=False,                 # True=make and use subfolders
               busywindow=None,                   # Tk widget: announce pause in GUI?
               nothumbchanges=False):             # 2.1 ignore diffs in images? (BD-R)

    if forceSubdir:
        thumbs = makeThumbs_subdir(imgdir, size, subdir, busywindow)
        thumbs = makeThumbs_pklfile(imgdir, size, pklfile, busywindow, nothumbchanges)
    return thumbs

# [2.1] Newer pickle-file thumbs storage default (single file)

def sortedDisplayOrder(imgdir):
    Sort os.listdir() result per Python code, so it's the same on all
    platforms.  The lowercase mapping emulates Mac OS ordering; Windows
    differs by case, and Linux differs widely.  Factored here for use in its Next/Prior order must agree with thumbs-display order.
    return sorted(os.listdir(imgdir), key=str.lower)   # a list, not an iterable

def findPlaceholder(filename='noimage.png'):
    Locate the placeholder thumb image used for all failed image files.
    This has to work in every run context, and does: see next function.
    tries = ['.', '../..', os.path.dirname(__file__)]
    for atry in tries:
        path = os.path.join(atry, filename)
        if os.path.exists(path):
            return path, filename
    return None, None

def makeThumbs_pklfile(imgdir, size, pklfile, busywindow, nothumbchanges):
    [2.1] Get thumbnail images for all images in a directory.  For each image, 
    create and save a new thumb to, or load and return an existing thumb from,
    a single pickled-object file in the image folder.  Caching avoids startup
    delay for larger image folders; pickle avoids N thumb files for N images.

    Returns a list of (image-filename, PIL-thumb-image-object).  Bad file types 
    may raise IOError, or other (non-image files skipped to avoid exceptions). 
    Checks image modtime against pickled thumb modtime to see if image changed 
    since thumb created, removes orphaned thumbs for files no longer in imgdir.

    The pickled thumbs object is a single dictionary of tuples:
        {image-file-name: (image-file-modtime, thumb-file-save-bytes)}  

    Pickling PIL objects directly fails (why?), so pickles raw file-save bytes.
    It _almost_ works to pickle thumb image parts in dicts that map to keyword
    args in Image.frombytes() on reloads -- but not for GIFs only (also why?):
        save: imgdat=dict(data=imgobj.tobytes(), size=imgobj.size, mode=imgobj.mode)
        load: Image.frombytes(**pickled['imgdat'])

    The result list is derived from an os.listdir() sorted by lowercased image 
    filename to finesse both os.listdir() platform-order diffs and Python 
    dictionary random order.  Lowercase emulates Mac OS os.listdir() order.

    If no thumbs, draw a busy message on a partially-built GUI window where 
    the index will be displayed (if any).  This can happen both at program 
    start or later.  Could use a popup Toplevel(), but PyPhoto has a window.
    This would ideally be threaded to avoid waits, but that's too much here.

    TBD: on errors, use an actual image file with a "?" for the placeholder?  
    This may be complex, because it must find the file in all run contexts 
    (source, app, exe, direct, PyGadgets); see for an example. 
        RESOLVED: this now uses an actual placeholder image file if available

    TBD: draw GUI busy message after N thumbs created, instead of 0 present?
    This might 'flash' in some contexts, but would better handle changes.

    CAVEAT: image-file changes are detected by comparing current modtimes
    to those stored in the thumbs cache.  Filesystem modtimes have well-known 
    issues which can make this test return false positives (modtime diffs). 
        RESOLVED: pass True to "nothumbchanges" to turn off this test and 
        avoid spurious regens in static archives (see 2.1 changes above).

    GOTHA: notice the "list(thumbcache.keys())" in the orphaned cleanup.
    For a dict D, using "for k in D" and "for k in D.keys()" both cause the
    del to trigger a "RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration",
    despite 3.X keys view objects being advertised as auto-updated on changes.
    A "for k in D.copy()", "for k in list(D)", and "for k in list(D.keys())"
    all work (the latter form was used here because it's more explicit).
    MODTIME, FILEBYTES = 0, 1  # dicts are expensive
    thumbpath = os.path.join(imgdir, pklfile)

    # announce in GUIs
    busylabel = None
    if (busywindow and 
       (not os.path.exists(thumbpath) or os.path.getsize(thumbpath) == 0)):
        message = 'Building thumbnail images cache...'
        busylabel = Label(busywindow, text=message)
        busylabel.config(height=10, width=len(message)+10, cursor='watch')
        busylabel.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)

    # load existing thumbs cache
    if not os.path.exists(thumbpath):
        thumbcache = {}
            thumbfile  = open(thumbpath, 'rb')
            thumbcache = pickle.load(thumbfile)
            # e.g., permissions?
            # make all new in memory, and try save at end
            print('Cannot load thumbs-cache file: skipped')
            thumbcache = {}
    thumbcachechanged = False
    # remove orphaned thumbs: image deleted or renamed
    for thumbname in list(thumbcache.keys()):              # for all thumbs (keys)
        imgpath = os.path.join(imgdir, thumbname)          # img dir file
        if not os.path.exists(imgpath):
                del thumbcache[thumbname]                  # mod dict during iteration
                thumbcachechanged = True                   # write cache anew on exit
                print('Could not remove thumb:', thumbname)

    # make new thumbs: for any/all new or changed images
    thumbs = []
    sortedimgs = sortedDisplayOrder(imgdir)                   # ignore case/plat diffs
    for imgfile in sortedimgs:                                # for all files, by name
        if not isImageFileName(imgfile):                      # skip: avoid pil exception

        # check cache+timestamps
        if ((imgfile in thumbcache) and 
              (nothumbchanges or 
               modtimeMatch(imgfile, imgdir, thumbtime=thumbcache[imgfile][MODTIME]) 
            # use already-created thumb
            imgdat = thumbcache[imgfile][FILEBYTES]           # file-save bytes
            imgobj =           # pickled data => pil obj
            thumbs.append((imgfile, imgobj))                  # in py-sorted() order

            # new or changed: make new thumb
            print('Making thumb for', imgfile)
            phfile  = None
            imgpath = os.path.join(imgdir, imgfile)           # open and downsize
                # make thumb, changes imgobj in-place
                imgobj =
                if hasattr(Image, 'LANCZOS'):
                    imgobj.thumbnail(size, Image.LANCZOS)     # now called this,
                else:                                         # newer Pillows only
                    imgobj.thumbnail(size, Image.ANTIALIAS)   # best downsize filter
                # on any rare exception, not always IOError
                # don't skip: make+use a placeholder instead of omitting
                print('Error making thumb, trying placeholder: ', imgpath)
                phpath, phfile = findPlaceholder()
                if phpath:
                    imgobj =
                    # fallback: use a white bordless image (no name ok)
                    imgobj ='1', size=size, color='#FFFFFF') 
                imgobj.thumbnail(size, Image.ANTIALIAS)

                # add img-modtime + thumb-img-bytes to cache
                tiffs = ('.tif', '.tiff')
                extras = {} 
                if imgfile.lower().endswith(tiffs):
                    # workaround for C lib hardcrash, per [SA] note ahead
                    extras = dict(compression='raw')

                # direct pickles fail, so pickle file-save binary data
                imgbuf = io.BytesIO()
       = phfile or imgfile             # force PIL img format
      , **extras)               # save to byte buffer
                imgdat = imgbuf.getvalue()                  # saves phfile too

                modtime = os.path.getmtime(imgpath)
                thumbcache[imgfile] = (modtime, imgdat)     # pickled tuple
                thumbcachechanged = True
                thumbs.append((imgfile, imgobj))            # returned tuple
                print('Error updating cache - may remake thumb:', imgpath)

    # update pickle file if any changes
    if thumbcachechanged:
            thumbfile  = open(thumbpath, 'wb')                   # save cache dict
            thumbcache = pickle.dump(thumbcache, thumbfile)      # one big object
            thumbfile.close()                                    # shelves are complex
            # e.g., unwriteable optical disk?
            # use thumbs list in memory, rebuild on each open
            print('Cannot save thumbs-cache file: skipped')

    # the show's over...
    if busylabel:

    return thumbs

# Original thumbs-file subfolder code (still supported: see thumbspage)

def isImageFileName(filename):
    [SA] Detect images by filename's mimetype (not hardcoded set)
    mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0]                    # (type?, encoding?)
    return mimetype != None and mimetype.split('/')[0] == 'image'   # e.g., 'image/jpeg'

def modtimeMatch(imgfile, imgdir, thumbdir=None, thumbtime=None, allowance=2):
    [SA] Check if image file is newer than its thumb, by comparing modtimes.
    The 2-second allowance is for files on the FAT32 filesystem: see mergeall.
    Relies on copying image's modtime (stat) to thumb when thumb is created.
    Is-newer is not enough: may move in an older version of same image file.
    2.1: expanded to allow for cached modtime in new thumbs pickle file too. 
    timeimg = os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(imgdir, imgfile))
    timethm = (thumbtime if thumbtime != None else 
              os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(thumbdir, imgfile)))

    return timeimg >= (timethm - allowance) and timeimg <= (timethm + allowance)

def copyModtime(imgpath, thumbpath):
    [SA] Copy modtime to thumb, so comparing to image modtime detects image 
    changes.  This was lifted from mergeall, with oddities we won't redoc here.
    If the image's modtime != thumb per modtimeMatch, the image has changed.

    UPDATE: the following caution still applies to 2.0 subdir-files mode, but is
    no longer an issue for the default 2.1 pickle-file mode: 2.1 stores modtime
    in the pickle file explicitly, and image thumbs are not individual files.
    *CAUTION* Copying modtimes to thumbs can defeat timestamp-based backup 
    programs like mergeall, because changing a thumb for a new resolution 
    changes its content but not its modtime (it will be classified unchanged).

    This does not impact PyPhoto users: thumb resolution cannot be changed, 
    and thumbs are synched with images as expected.  Developers, however, 
    should take care to delete copies of a thumb folder **on all devices**
    when changing its thumbs-size and regenerating, else new thumbs may not
    be propagated to the other copies by backup programs.

    A better design would record modtimes separately from thumbs, perhaps in 
    a JSON or pickle file.  This remains a TO DO; this code today has just 1
    known user, and thumb size cannot be changed without editing code.
        shutil.copystat(imgpath, thumbpath)
    except OSError as why:
        if why.errno != errno.EINVAL:       # ignore err 22 on Macs: moot
            raise                           # propagate all other errnos/excs  

def makeThumbs_subdir(imgdir, size, subdir, busywindow):
    2.0 and PP4E version (still supported for clients that require files).
    Get thumbnail images for all images in a directory.  For each image, create 
    and save a new thumb, or load and return an existing thumb.  Makes thumb  
    dir if needed.  Required to avoid startup delay for larger image folders.

    Returns a list of (image-filename, PIL-thumb-image-object).  The caller 
    can also run os.listdir on thumb dir to load.  Bad file types may raise 
    IOError, or other ([SA] non-image files now skipped to avoid exceptions). 

    Prior caveats: doesn't check file timestamps to see if image changed since 
    thumb created, doesn't cleans up thumbs imgs for files no longer in imgdir;
    ([SA] now handles both of these per below (see mergeall for timestamps)).

    [SA] If no thumbs, draw a busy message on a partially-built window where 
    the index will be displayed (if any).  This can happen both at program 
    start or later.  Could use a popup Toplevel(), but PyPhoto has a window.
    This would ideally be threaded to avoid waits, but that's too much here.

    [SA] Workaround a Pillow/libtiff C lib hardcrash for tiff thumbnail saves. 
    Python dies with this message: "Assertion failed: (*pa <= 0xFFFFFFFFUL), 
    function TIFFWriteDirectoryTagSubifd, file tif_dirwrite.c, line 1869.".
    Oddly, this is not a problem when saving non-thumb tiffs via PyPhoto 'W'.

    [SA] Cleanup orphaned items in the thumbs folder that have no corresponding
    file in the images folder above (after renames and deletes), and compare 
    file timestamps to force new thumb if image has been changed (after edits). 
    *CAUTION*: see copyModtime()'s note about deleting thumbs on size changes.
    thumbdir = os.path.join(imgdir, subdir)
    if not os.path.exists(thumbdir):
    # [SA] announce in GUIs
    busylabel = None
    if (busywindow and 
       (not os.path.exists(thumbdir) or len(os.listdir(thumbdir)) == 0)):
        # caveat: this is redundant with 2.1 code above (factor me)
        message = 'Building thumbnail images cache...'
        busylabel = Label(busywindow, text=message)
        busylabel.config(height=10, width=len(message)+10, cursor='watch')
        busylabel.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)

    # [SA] remove orphaned thumbs
    for thumbfile in os.listdir(thumbdir):               # for all tumbs
        thumbpath = os.path.join(thumbdir, thumbfile)    # subdir below
        imgpath   = os.path.join(imgdir,   thumbfile)    # img dir above
        if not os.path.exists(imgpath):
                print('Could not remove:', imgfile)

    # load or make thumbs
    thumbs = []
    for imgfile in os.listdir(imgdir):                  # for all images
        if not isImageFileName(imgfile):                # [SA] avoid exception

        thumbpath = os.path.join(thumbdir, imgfile)
        if (os.path.exists(thumbpath) and 
            modtimeMatch(imgfile, imgdir, thumbdir)):   # [SA] check timestamps
            thumbobj =            # use already-created
            thumbs.append((imgfile, thumbobj))

            print('Making thumb for', thumbpath)
            imgpath = os.path.join(imgdir, imgfile)
                imgobj =            # else make new thumb
                if hasattr(Image, 'LANCZOS'):                
                    imgobj.thumbnail(size, Image.LANCZOS)    # [SA] now called this
                else:                                        # newer Pillows only
                    imgobj.thumbnail(size, Image.ANTIALIAS)  # best downsize filter
                tiffs = ('.tif', '.tiff')
                if not thumbpath.lower().endswith(tiffs): 
                        # type via ext or passed
                    # [SA] tiff workaround for C lib hardcrash (per docstr above):
                    # skip default compression (or use format='PNG' to skip tiff); 
          , compression='raw')

                thumbs.append((imgfile, imgobj))

            except:                                     # not always IOError
                print('Skipping image: ', imgpath)      # skip on any failure

                    copyModtime(imgpath, thumbpath)     # [SA] to detect changes
                    print('Cannot copy modtime, may remake thumb:', imgpath)

    if busylabel:
        busylabel.destroy()   # the show's over
    return thumbs

# A very primitive photo viewer (see PyPhoto for much more functionality)

class ViewOne(Toplevel):
    Open a single image in a pop-up window when created.  PhotoImage
    object must be saved: images may be erased if object is reclaimed.
    def __init__(self, imgdir, imgfile):
        imgpath = os.path.join(imgdir, imgfile)
        imgobj  = PhotoImage(file=imgpath)
        Label(self, image=imgobj).pack()
        print(imgpath, imgobj.width(), imgobj.height())   # size in pixels
        self.savephoto = imgobj                           # keep reference on me

def viewer(imgdir, kind=Toplevel, cols=None):
    Make thumb-links window for an image directory: one thumb button per image. 
    Use kind=Tk to show in main app window, or Frame container (pack).  imgfile
    differs per loop: must save with a default.  PhotoImage objs must be saved: 
    erased if reclaimed.  Packs row frames (versus grids, fixed-sizes, canvas). 
    win = kind()
    win.title('Viewer: ' + imgdir)
    quit = Button(win, text='Quit', command=win.quit, bg='beige')   # pack first
    quit.pack(fill=X, side=BOTTOM)                                  # so clip last
    thumbs = makeThumbs(imgdir)
    if not cols:
        cols = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(len(thumbs))))     # fixed or N x N

    savephotos = []
    while thumbs:
        thumbsrow, thumbs = thumbs[:cols], thumbs[cols:]
        row = Frame(win)
        for (imgfile, imgobj) in thumbsrow:
            photo   = PhotoImage(imgobj)
            link    = Button(row, image=photo)
            handler = lambda savefile=imgfile: ViewOne(imgdir, savefile)
            link.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES)
    return win, savephotos

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # A primitive viewer (see for better)
    imgdir = (len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1]) or 'images-mixed'
    main, save = viewer(imgdir, kind=Tk)

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