File: pygadgets-products/unzipped/_PyClock/Clock/

# an initial prototype of the circle-plotting math code

import math

def point(tick, range, radius):           # identical to plotterGui's
    angle = tick * (360.0 / range)        # but prints points and angle
    radiansPerDegree = math.pi / 180
    pointX = int( round( radius * math.sin(angle * radiansPerDegree) )) 
    pointY = int( round( radius * math.cos(angle * radiansPerDegree) ))
    print(tick, ':', angle, '=', (pointX, pointY)) 
    return (pointX, pointY)

def circle(points, radius, centerX, centerY):
    print('-' * 10)
    for i in range(points):
        x, y = point(i+1, points, radius)
        # draw from centerX, centerY to centerX+x, centerY-y

Width = Height = 400
originX = Width // 2
originY = Height // 2     # 3.X / is a float

circle(4,   200, originX, originY)
circle(12,  200, originX, originY)
circle(60,  200, originX, originY)
circle(360, 200, originX, originY)

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