File: pygadgets-products/unzipped/_PyClock/Clock/_MacMemoryLeak/

PyClock 3.0: a clock GUI in Python/tkinter.

[SA] Sep-2017: Standalone release of PyCalc, PyClock, PyPhoto, PyToe.
Copyright 2017 M.Lutz, from book "Programming Python, 4th Edition".
License: provided freely, but with no warranties of any kind.

With both analog and digital display modes, a pop-up date label, clock face 
images, general resizing, countdown loops, etc.  May be run both standalone, 
or embedded (attached) in other GUIs that need a clock display.

New in 3.0 [SA]: Mac OS port, add '?' help, new configs model, app+exes, 
use PIL/Pillow if present, cache the background/center image for speed, 
work around a memory leak on Mac OS (see notes in _FixedMemoryLeak/).

New in 2.1: updated to run under Python 3.X (2.X no longer supported).
New in 2.0: s/m keys set seconds/minutes timer for pop-up msg; window icon.

TBD: requiring PIL or Tk 8.6+ would allow other types of images besides GIF;
in 3.0, both are now used is present (e.g., apps), but are not required.

from tkinter import *
from tkinter.simpledialog import askinteger
import math, time, sys

trace = lambda *args: None   # or print
RunningOnMac     = sys.platform.startswith('darwin')   # [SA] Mac port
RunningOnWindows = sys.platform.startswith('win')      # [SA] Win backport

# [SA] use PIL iff present
pillowwarning = """
Pillow 3rd-party package is not installed.
...This package is optional, but required for the clock images feature when
...using some image file types and Pythons (though not for GIFs with any Python,
...or PNGs with Pythons that use Tk 8.6 or later, including standard Windows 
...installs of Python 3.4+).  Pillow home:

    from PIL.ImageTk import PhotoImage   # replace tkinter's version
except ImportError:
    from tkinter import PhotoImage       # else use the basic lib version
    # but continue: falls back on Tk/tkinter's native PhotoImage, for PNGs, GIFs, etc.
    # Pillow install is required for source-code only: apps/exes have it "baked in"

# [SA]: set window icons on Windows and Linux
from windowicons import trySetWindowIcon

# [SA] try to limit memory leaks?
import gc

# Option configuration classes and arg parser

# [SA] DEFUNCT: now loaded from file or args

# Digital display object

class DigitalDisplay(Frame):
    Digital display mode (too simple to doc)
    def __init__(self, parent, cfg):          # [SA] tbd: help here too?
        Frame.__init__(self, parent)
        self.hour = Label(self)
        self.mins = Label(self)
        self.secs = Label(self)
        self.ampm = Label(self)
        for label in self.hour, self.mins, self.secs, self.ampm:
            label.config(bd=4, relief=SUNKEN, bg=cfg.BgColor, fg=cfg.FgColor)
            label.pack(side=LEFT)  # TBD: could expand, and scale font on resize

        # [SA] yes, make frame expandable; else tiny if window grows for digital
        for widget in (self, self.hour, self.mins, self.secs, self.ampm):
            widget.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)

    def onUpdate(self, hour, mins, secs, ampm, cfg):
        mins = str(mins).zfill(2)                          # or '%02d' % x
        self.hour.config(text=str(hour), width=4)
        self.mins.config(text=str(mins), width=4)
        self.secs.config(text=str(secs), width=4)
        self.ampm.config(text=str(ampm), width=4)

    def onResize(self, newWidth, newHeight, cfg):
        pass  # nothing to redraw here

# Analog display object

class AnalogDisplay(Canvas):
    def __init__(self, parent, cfg):
        Draw analog clock at startup, to be shown/hidden by user on request.
        self.size = int(cfg.InitialSize.split('x')[0])   # [SA] one: square
        Canvas.__init__(self, parent,
                        width=self.size, height=self.size, bg=cfg.BgColor)
        self.parent = parent
        self.image  = None
        self.hourHand = self.minsHand = self.secsHand = self.cog = None
        # [SA] and wait for first unUpdate() to draw clock hands

    def drawClockface(self, cfg): 
        On start and resize (not timer): draw ovals+picture on empty canvas.
        if self.image != None:
            imgx = (self.size - self.image.width())  // 2          # center it
            imgy = (self.size - self.image.height()) // 2          # 3.x // div
            self.create_image(imgx+1, imgy+1,  anchor=NW, image=self.image)

        originX = originY = radius = self.size // 2                # 3.x // div
        for i in range(60):
            x, y = self.point(i, 60, radius-6, originX, originY)
            self.create_rectangle(x-1, y-1, x+1, y+1, fill=cfg.FgColor)   # mins

        for i in range(12):
            x, y = self.point(i, 12, radius-6, originX, originY)
            self.create_rectangle(x-3, y-3, x+3, y+3, fill=cfg.FgColor)   # hours

        self.ampm = self.create_text(3, 3, anchor=NW, fill=cfg.FgColor)

        # [SA] add help popup via '?' click
        help = self.create_text(self.size, 3, text='?', anchor=NE, fill=cfg.FgColor)
        self.tag_bind(help, '<Button-1>', lambda event: self.parent.onHelp())

        [SA] this didn't work on Windows, and looked odd anyhow
        help = Button(self, text='?', command=self.parent.onHelp, fg=cfg.FgColor)
        self.create_window(self.size+1, 0, window=help, anchor=NE)

    def point(self, tick, units, radius, originX, originY):
        The geometry bit (see your favorite math textbook).
        angle = tick * (360.0 / units)
        radiansPerDegree = math.pi / 180
        pointX = int( round( radius * math.sin(angle * radiansPerDegree) ))
        pointY = int( round( radius * math.cos(angle * radiansPerDegree) ))
        return (pointX + originX+1), (originY+1 - pointY)

    def loadImage(self, cfg):
        Load analog background image (if any) once.
        [SA] Factored off to cache, and make this more robust and explicit.
        if cfg.PictureFile and self.image == None:   # configured + not loaded?
                self.image = PhotoImage(file=cfg.PictureFile)       # try first
                    self.image = BitmapImage(file=cfg.PictureFile)   # save ref
        return self.image

    def onUpdate(self, hour, mins, secs, ampm, cfg):
        On timer update callback: redraw three clock hands and cog.
        Run each second by the after() timer logic in Clock.onTimer().
        #gc.collect()   # [SA] had no effect, and used .x% more cpu

        if self.cog:
            self.delete(self.hourHand)                      # erase prior hands

        originX = originY = radius = self.size // 2         # 3.x div
        hour = hour + (mins / 60.0)

        hx, hy = self.point(hour, 12, (radius * .80), originX, originY)
        mx, my = self.point(mins, 60, (radius * .90), originX, originY)
        sx, sy = self.point(secs, 60, (radius * .95), originX, originY)
        self.hourHand = self.create_line(originX, originY, hx, hy,
                             width=(self.size * .04),
                             arrow='last', arrowshape=(25,25,15), fill=cfg.HhColor)

        self.minsHand = self.create_line(originX, originY, mx, my,
                             width=(self.size * .03),
                             arrow='last', arrowshape=(20,20,10), fill=cfg.MhColor)

        self.secsHand = self.create_line(originX, originY, sx, sy,
                             arrow='last', arrowshape=(5,10,5), fill=cfg.ShColor)

        cogsz = self.size * .01
        self.cog = self.create_oval(originX-cogsz, originY+cogsz,
                                    originX+cogsz, originY-cogsz, fill=cfg.CogColor)

        self.dchars(self.ampm, 0, END)
        self.insert(self.ampm, END, ampm)   # update am/pm text

    def onResize(self, newWidth, newHeight, cfg):
        On user resize of window, redraw clock face at new size.
        onUpdate will be run on next second to redraw clock hands.
        newSize = min(newWidth, newHeight)
        if newSize != self.size+4:
            self.size = newSize-4             # 4 for canvas border
            self.delete('all')                # erase all canvas objects
            # to be followed by next onUpdate() for hands

# Clock composite object

ChecksPerSec = 10  # second change timer

class Clock(Frame):
    def __init__(self, configs=object(), parent=None):
        Frame.__init__(self, parent)
        self.root = parent                           # [SA] for focus force
        self.cfg = configs
        self.makeWidgets(parent)                     # children are packed but
        self.labelOn = 0                             # clients pack or grid me
        self.display = self.digitalDisplay
        self.lastSec = self.lastMin = -1
        self.countdownSeconds = 0
        self.onSwitchMode(None)                      # flip to draw analog now 
        self.onToggleLabel(None)                     # [SA] label starts on

    def makeWidgets(self, parent):
        self.digitalDisplay = DigitalDisplay(self, self.cfg)
        self.analogDisplay  = AnalogDisplay(self,  self.cfg)
        self.dateLabel      = Label(self, bd=3) 
        # [SA] default colors (or bg='black', fg='white' (but not red/blue from PP4E))
        if not RunningOnMac:
            # original code: Windows, Linux
            parent.bind('<ButtonPress-1>', self.onSwitchMode)    # leftclick
            parent.bind('<ButtonPress-3>', self.onToggleLabel)   # rightclick

            # [SA] on Mac OS, can't bind B1 to root window, else fires 
            # on window moves (i.e., border clicks); also use B2 instead 
            # of B3 for right-click, and allow Control-B1 as a synonym;
            parent.bind('<KeyPress-x>',            self.onSwitchMode)
            parent.bind('<ButtonPress-2>',         self.onToggleLabel)
            parent.bind('<Control-ButtonPress-1>', self.onToggleLabel)

        parent.bind('<Configure>',  self.onResize)
        parent.bind('<KeyPress-s>', self.onCountdownSec)
        parent.bind('<KeyPress-m>', self.onCountdownMin)

    def onSwitchMode(self, event):
        trace('onSwitchMode', self.display.__class__.__name__)
        if self.display == self.analogDisplay:
            self.display = self.digitalDisplay
            self.display = self.analogDisplay
        self.display.pack(side=TOP, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)

    def onToggleLabel(self, event):
        self.labelOn += 1
        if self.labelOn % 2:
            self.dateLabel.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X)

    def onResize(self, event):
        Check widget match, delegate resize to display object.
        if event.widget == self.display:
            trace('onResize', event.widget.__class__.__name__)
            self.display.onResize(event.width, event.height, self.cfg)

    def onTimer(self):
        On timer event: check second rollover, delegate redraw to display object.
        secsSinceEpoch = time.time()
        timeTuple      = time.localtime(secsSinceEpoch)
        hour, min, sec = timeTuple[3:6]
        if sec != self.lastSec:
            self.lastSec = sec
            ampm = ((hour >= 12) and 'PM') or 'AM'               # 0...23
            hour = (hour % 12) or 12                             # 12..11
            self.display.onUpdate(hour, min, sec, ampm, self.cfg)

            # [SA] better time label format
            timeFormat = '%a %b %d, %Y %X'
            self.dateLabel.config(text=time.strftime(timeFormat, timeTuple))
            self.countdownSeconds -= 1
            if self.countdownSeconds == 0:
                self.onCountdownExpire()                # user countdown timer
        self.after(1000 // ChecksPerSec, self.onTimer)  # run N times per second
                                                        # 3.x // trunc int div

    def onCountdownSec(self, event):
        secs = askinteger('PyClock Alarm', 'Seconds?')
        if secs: self.countdownSeconds = secs

    def onCountdownMin(self, event):
        secs = askinteger('PyClock Alarm', 'Minutes')
        if secs: self.countdownSeconds = secs * 60

    def onCountdownExpire(self):
        # caveat: only one active, no progress indicator
        win = Toplevel()
        win.title('PyClock Alarm')
        trySetWindowIcon(win, 'icons', 'pygadgets')   # [SA] for win+lin
        if RunningOnMac:
            # [SA] emulate colored buttons on Mac
            msg = Label(win, text='Timer Expired!')
            msg.bind('<Button-1>', lambda e: win.destroy())
            msg = Button(win, text='Timer Expired!', command=win.destroy)
        msg.config(font=('courier', 80, 'normal'), fg='white', bg='navy')
        msg.config(padx=10, pady=10)
        msg.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
        win.lift()                             # raise above siblings
        if sys.platform[:3] == 'win':          # full screen on Windows
        elif RunningOnMac:                     # [SA] Mac is different...
            win.wm_attributes('-fullscreen', 1)

    def onHelp(self):
        # [SA] clock display's '?' help callback
        from tkinter.messagebox import showinfo
        showinfo('PyClock Help', 
                 'PyClock 3.0\n'
                 'A Python/tkinter clock GUI.\n'
                 'For Mac OS, Windows, and Linux.\n'
                 'From the book Programming Python.\n'
                 'Author and © M. Lutz 2001-2017.\n'
                 '▶ Leftclick (key "X" on Macs) switches between analog and '
                 'digital displays \n'
                 '▶ Rightclick (2-finger press or control+click '
                 'on Macs) shows/hides date label\n'
                 '▶ Keys "S" and "M" start seconds and minutes timers, respectively\n'
                 '▶ Resizing the window resizes the current clock display.\n'
                 'Clock photos: analog clocks in app and executable '
                 'PyClocks support all common image types.  For source-code, '
                 'GIF always works, PNG works for Tk 8.6+, and all types '
                 'work after Pillow install (see README.txt).\n'
                 'Version history:\n'
                 '● 3.0: Sep 2017, standalone release\n'
                 '● 2.1: May 2010, Programming Python 4E\n'
                 '● 2.0: 2006 PP3E, 1.0: 2001 PP2E\n'
                 'For downloads and more apps, visit:\n'
        if self.root: self.root.focus_force()   # [SA] for Mac

# Standalone clocks

appname = 'PyClock 3.0'

# use custom Tk, Toplevel for icons, etc.
from import PopupWindow, MainWindow

class ClockPopup(PopupWindow):
    def __init__(self, configs=object(), name=''):
        PopupWindow.__init__(self, appname, name)
        clock = Clock(configs, self)
        clock.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)

class ClockMain(MainWindow):
    def __init__(self, configs=object(), name=''):
        MainWindow.__init__(self, appname, name)
        clock = Clock(configs, self)
        clock.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
        self.clock = clock

# b/w compat: manual window borders, passed-in parent

class ClockWindow(Clock):
    def __init__(self, config=object(), parent=None, name=''):
        Clock.__init__(self, configs, parent)
        self.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
        title = appname
        if name: title = appname + ' - ' + name
        self.master.title(title)                # master=parent or default
        self.master.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.quit)

# Program run

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from getConfigs import getConfigs      # [SA] common gadgets utility
    defaults = dict(InitialSize='200x200', 
                    BgColor='beige',       # canvas
                    FgColor='brown',       # ticks 
                    HhColor='black',       # hour hand
                    MhColor='navy',        # minute hand
                    ShColor='blue',        # second hand
                    CogColor='white' ,     # center point
                    PictureFile=None)      # middle photo path
    configs = getConfigs('PyClock', defaults)   # load from file or args

    # alternatives
    #myclock = ClockWindow(Tk(), configs)
    #myclock = ClockPopup('popup', configs)

    # parent is Tk root if standalone
    myclock = ClockMain(configs)
    trySetWindowIcon(myclock, 'icons', 'pygadgets')   # [SA] for win+lin

    if RunningOnMac:
        # Mac requires menus, deiconifies, focus

        # [SA] on Mac, customize app-wide automatic top-of-display menu
        from guimaker_pp4e import fixAppleMenuBar
                        quitaction=myclock.quit)    # app-wide quit: ask

        # [SA] reopen auto on dock/app click and fix tk focus loss on deiconify
        def onReopen():
            temp = Toplevel()
        myclock.createcommand('::tk::mac::ReopenApplication', onReopen)


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