File: pyedit-products/unzipped/docetc/examples/Assorted-demos/

            # prior sequncecoding (delete me soon)
            # launch the proxy to launch the program
            # split input args per shell syntax, not on just any whitespace
            if RunningOnWindows:
                splitcmdargs = cmdargs.split()       # whitespace on windows
                splitcmdargs = shlex.split(cmdargs)  # this works on unix only!

            if (hasattr(sys, 'frozen') and           # frozen exe PyEdit package
                sys.frozen != 'macosx_app'):         # not for Mac app: Python exe
                os.environ['PYTHONUNBUFFERED'] = 'True'  # -u equiv
                proxy  = 'subprocproxy'
                cmdseq = [proxy, thefile] + splitcmdargs)
                proxy  = ''
                mydir  = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
                proxy  = os.path.join(mydir, proxy)
                python = pythonexecutable or sys.executable   # user's or mine
                cmdseq = [python, '-u', proxy, thefile] + splitcmdargs)

            doshell = RunningOnWindows
            subproc = subprocess.Popen(
                  cmdseq,                       # unix string cmds fail if !shell
                  shell=doshell,                # avoid cmd prompt for win exe
                  universal_newlines=True,      # text mode, auto decode/eoln
                  stdout=subprocess.PIPE,       # capture sub's stdout here
                  stdin=subprocess.PIPE,        # provide sub's stdin here
                  stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)     # route sub's stderr to its stdout

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