File: pyedit-products/unzipped/docetc/examples/Assorted-demos/

Example ad-hoc script to launch PyEdit to manually update every file 
in a folder that matches a search criteria (a deleted website folder 
referenced in genhtml HTML template files, mostly).  This scheme opens 
a new PyEdit window to edit each matching file, one at a time.  It's an
alternative to automatic (and dangerous!) mass updates.  Bonus: this 
script itself was run within PyEdit's RunCode in the Mac PyEdit app...

import os 
site = '/MY-STUFF/Websites'
edit = '%s /MY-STUFF/Code/pymailgui/PyMailGui-PP4E/PP4E/Gui/TextEditor/ %s'
find = '/books'

num = 0
for (dir, subs, files) in os.walk(site):
     for file in files:
         path = os.path.join(dir, file)
             text = open(path, encoding='utf8', mode='r').read()
             enc = 'utf8'
             text = open(path, encoding='latin1', mode='r').read()
             enc  = 'latin1'

         if find in text and '/Current' in path and '/Current/Complete' not in path:
             num += 1
             print(enc, path)
             os.system(edit % (sys.executable, path))


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