File: pyedit-products/unzipped/PP4E/Internet/Email/mailtools/

self-test when this file is run as a program

# mailconfig normally comes from the client's source directory or
# sys.path; for testing, get it from Email directory one level up
import sys
import mailconfig
print('config:', mailconfig.__file__)

# get these from __init__
from mailtools import (MailFetcherConsole, 
                       MailSender, MailSenderAuthConsole, 

if not mailconfig.smtpuser:
    sender = MailSender(tracesize=5000)
    sender = MailSenderAuthConsole(tracesize=5000)

sender.sendMessage(From      = mailconfig.myaddress,
                   To        = [mailconfig.myaddress],
                   Subj      = 'testing mailtools package',
                   extrahdrs = [('X-Mailer', 'mailtools')],
                   bodytext  = 'Here is my source code\n',
                   attaches  = [''],   
                   # bodytextEncoding='utf-8',          # other tests to try
                   # attachesEncodings=['latin-1'],     # inspect text headers
                   # attaches=['monkeys.jpg'])          # verify Base64 encoded
                   # to='i18n adddr list...',           # test mime/unicode headers

# change mailconfig to test fetchlimit
fetcher = MailFetcherConsole()
def status(*args): print(args)

hdrs, sizes, loadedall = fetcher.downloadAllHeaders(status)
for num, hdr in enumerate(hdrs[:5]):
    if input('load mail?') in ['y', 'Y']:
        print(fetcher.downloadMessage(num+1).rstrip(), '\n', '-'*70)

last5 = len(hdrs)-4
msgs, sizes, loadedall = fetcher.downloadAllMessages(status, loadfrom=last5)
for msg in msgs:
    print(msg[:200], '\n', '-'*70)

parser = MailParser()
for i in [0]:                  # try [0 , len(msgs)]
    fulltext = msgs[i]
    message  = parser.parseMessage(fulltext)
    ctype, maintext = parser.findMainText(message)
    print('Parsed:', message['Subject'])  
input('Press Enter to exit')   # pause if clicked on Windows

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