File: pyedit-products/unzipped/PP4E/Gui/Tools/

first-cut implementation of file-like classes that can be used to redirect
input and output streams to GUI displays; as is, input comes from a common
dialog pop-up (a single output+input interface or a persistent Entry field
for input would be better); this also does not properly span lines for read
requests with a byte count > len(line); could also add __iter__/__next__ to
GuiInput to support line iteration like files but would be too many popups;

from tkinter import *
from tkinter.simpledialog import askstring
from tkinter.scrolledtext import ScrolledText    # or PP4E.Gui.Tour.scrolledtext

class GuiOutput:
    font = ('courier', 9, 'normal')              # in class for all, self for one
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        self.text = None
        if parent: self.popupnow(parent)         # pop up now or on first write

    def popupnow(self, parent=None):             # in parent now, Toplevel later
        if self.text: return
        self.text = ScrolledText(parent or Toplevel())

    def write(self, text):
        self.text.insert(END, str(text))
        self.text.update()                       # update gui after each line

    def writelines(self, lines):                 # lines already have '\n'
        for line in lines: self.write(line)      # or map(self.write, lines)

class GuiInput:
    def __init__(self):
        self.buff = ''

    def inputLine(self):
        line = askstring('GuiInput', 'Enter input line + <crlf> (cancel=eof)')
        if line == None:
            return ''                            # pop-up dialog for each line
        else:                                    # cancel button means eof
            return line + '\n'                   # else add end-line marker

    def read(self, bytes=None):
        if not self.buff:
            self.buff = self.inputLine()
        if bytes:                                # read by byte count
            text = self.buff[:bytes]             # doesn't span lines
            self.buff = self.buff[bytes:]
            text = ''                            # read all till eof
            line = self.buff
            while line:
                text = text + line
                line = self.inputLine()          # until cancel=eof=''
        return text

    def readline(self):
        text = self.buff or self.inputLine()     # emulate file read methods
        self.buff = ''
        return text

    def readlines(self):
        lines = []                               # read all lines
        while True:
            next = self.readline()
            if not next: break
        return lines

def redirectedGuiFunc(func, *pargs, **kargs):
    import sys
    saveStreams = sys.stdin, sys.stdout          # map func streams to pop ups
    sys.stdin   = GuiInput()                     # pops up dialog as needed
    sys.stdout  = GuiOutput()                    # new output window per call
    sys.stderr  = sys.stdout
    result = func(*pargs, **kargs)               # this is a blocking call
    sys.stdin, sys.stdout = saveStreams
    return result

def redirectedGuiShellCmd(command):
    import os
    input  = os.popen(command, 'r')
    output = GuiOutput()
    def reader(input, output):                   # show a shell command's
        while True:                              # standard output in a new
            line = input.readline()              # pop-up text box widget;
            if not line: break                   # the readline call may block
    reader(input, output)

if __name__ == '__main__':                       # self test when run
    def makeUpper():                             # use standard streams
        while True:
                line = input('Line? ')
        print('end of file')

    def makeLower(input, output):                # use explicit files
        while True:
            line = input.readline()
            if not line: break
        print('end of file')

    root = Tk()
    Button(root, text='test streams',
           command=lambda: redirectedGuiFunc(makeUpper)).pack(fill=X)
    Button(root, text='test files  ',
           command=lambda: makeLower(GuiInput(), GuiOutput()) ).pack(fill=X)
    Button(root, text='test popen  ',
           command=lambda: redirectedGuiShellCmd('dir *')).pack(fill=X)

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