File: mergeall-products/unzipped/test/ziptools/

============================================================================ - a ziptools command-line client for listing zipfiles.
See ziptools' ./_README.html for license, attribution, and other logistics.

List the contents of a zipfile, with:

   <python> [zipfile]

The sole optional argument zipfile is the file to list; it is input
interactively if omitted, and a ".zip" is appended if missing.

<python> is your platform's Python identifier string (e.g., "python3"
or "python" on Unix; "python", "py -3", "py", or omitted on Windows). 

Python's zipfile does most of the work here, but this adds argument
prompting when the command line is empty.  This could also use
zipfile's __main__ interface, by running an os.system command line
of the form: python -m zipfile -l
import zipfile, sys

from __version__ import showVersion           # [1.3] display version number

# portability 
RunningOnPython2 = sys.version.startswith('2')
RunningOnWindows = sys.platform.startswith('win')

if RunningOnPython2:
    input = raw_input 

# import os
# os.system('%s -m zipfile -l %s' % (sys.executable, sys.argv[1]))

if len(sys.argv) == 2:
    interactive = False
    thezip = sys.argv[1]
    interactive = True
    thezip = input('Zipfile to list? ')
thezip += '' if thezip[-4:].lower() == '.zip' else '.zip'

# the zip bit
zipfile.ZipFile(thezip, 'r').printdir()

if interactive and RunningOnWindows:
    input('Press Enter to exit.')     # stay open if clicked

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