File: mergeall-products/unzipped/test/test-symlinks/verify-results/drive0-feb-2-17/opt2--mergeall-date170202-time092217.txt

Using Python 3.5+ os.scandir() optimized variant.
*Collecting tree differences
Skipping system cruft (metadata) files in both FROM and TO
comparing [/MY-STUFF] [/Volumes/SAVAGEX256G/MY-STUFF]
excluding /MY-STUFF/__bkp__
excluding /Volumes/SAVAGEX256G/MY-STUFF/__bkp__
comparing [/MY-STUFF/__more__] [/Volumes/SAVAGEX256G/MY-STUFF/__more__]
Compared    => files: 59727, folders: 4046
Differences => samefile: 132, uniqueto: 4, uniquefrom: 12, mixedmode: 0
files   => created: 0, deleted: 0, replaced: 0
folders => created: 0, deleted: 0, replaced: 0

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