File: mergeall-products/unzipped/test/test-symlinks/mergeall-diffall-results.txt

# Test/demo mergeall and diffall 3.0 symlinks support:
# -Run on Mac OS X 10.11, Python 3.5 (, mergeall 3.0;
# -Later tests also add a fifo file (not shown by Finder) to verify it is skipped
# -Results are also the same for mergeall's 3.5+ optimized comparison variant,
#  though only comparison phase differs (resolution phase code is identical) 

# 1) Main tests: AFTER deleting test1+test2 and unzipping them from the save file here

# INITIAL test-folders state

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/test-symlinks$ py3 ../../ test1 test2 -report -skipcruft
*Collecting tree differences
Skipping system cruft (metadata) files in both FROM and TO
comparing [test1] [test2]
comparing [test1/dir] [test2/dir]
Phase runtime: 0.0016189650050364435
*Reporting tree differences
SAMEFILE DIFFERENCES: (name, dirfrom, dirto, why)
**These items will be replaced in dirto by automatic resolution**

[('dirlink', 'test1', 'test2', 'linkpaths')]
UNIQUE ITEMS IN DIRTO: (names, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be deleted from dirto by automatic resolution**

[(['extralink'], 'test1', 'test2')]
UNIQUE ITEMS IN DIRFROM: (names, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be copied over to dirto by automatic resolution**

[(['filelink'], 'test1', 'test2')]
MIXED MODE NAMES: (name, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be replaced in dirto by automatic resolution**

Compared    => files: 2, folders: 2
Differences => samefile: 1, uniqueto: 1, uniquefrom: 1, mixedmode: 0
files   => created: 0, deleted: 0, replaced: 0
folders => created: 0, deleted: 0, replaced: 0

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/test-symlinks$ py3 ../../ test1 test2 -skipcruft
Comparing test1 to test2
*UNIQUE items in test1:
... filelink
*UNIQUE items in test2:
... extralink
Comparing contents
*DIFFER: dirlink
file matches
nestedfilelink matches
Comparing test1/dir to test2/dir
Directory lists are identical
Comparing contents
nestedfile matches
Runtime hrs:mins:secs = 0:0:0.00
Dirs checked 2, Files checked: 4, Files skipped: 0
System metadata (cruft) files were skipped
Diffs found: 2
- items UNIQUE at [test1] - [test2]
- links DIFFER at [test1/dirlink] - [test2/dirlink]
End of report.

# MIRROR test1 to test2, links and all (except cruft)

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/test-symlinks$ py3 ../../ test1 test2 -auto -backup -skipcruft
*Collecting tree differences
Skipping system cruft (metadata) files in both FROM and TO
comparing [test1] [test2]
comparing [test1/dir] [test2/dir]
Phase runtime: 0.001686704985331744
*Reporting tree differences
SAMEFILE DIFFERENCES: (name, dirfrom, dirto, why)
**These items will be replaced in dirto by automatic resolution**

[('dirlink', 'test1', 'test2', 'linkpaths')]
UNIQUE ITEMS IN DIRTO: (names, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be deleted from dirto by automatic resolution**

[(['extralink'], 'test1', 'test2')]
UNIQUE ITEMS IN DIRFROM: (names, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be copied over to dirto by automatic resolution**

[(['filelink'], 'test1', 'test2')]
MIXED MODE NAMES: (name, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be replaced in dirto by automatic resolution**

*Resolving tree differences
Skipping system cruft (metadata) files in FROM folders
....backing up dirlink to test2/__bkp__/date170203-time122457/dirlink
propagating symlink test2/dirlink
propagating symlink test1/dirlink
replaced same file, using FROM test1/dirlink
....backing up extralink to test2/__bkp__/date170203-time122457/extralink
propagating symlink test2/extralink
removed old TO file, test2/extralink
propagating symlink test1/filelink
copied new FROM file, test1/filelink
Phase runtime: 0.0016694979858584702
Compared    => files: 2, folders: 2
Differences => samefile: 1, uniqueto: 1, uniquefrom: 1, mixedmode: 0
files   => created: 1, deleted: 1, replaced: 1
folders => created: 0, deleted: 0, replaced: 0

# VERIFY results: test1 == test2

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/test-symlinks$ py3 ../../ test1 test2 -report -skipcruft
*Collecting tree differences
Skipping system cruft (metadata) files in both FROM and TO
comparing [test1] [test2]
comparing [test1/dir] [test2/dir]
Phase runtime: 0.001792532973922789
*Reporting tree differences
SAMEFILE DIFFERENCES: (name, dirfrom, dirto, why)
**These items will be replaced in dirto by automatic resolution**

UNIQUE ITEMS IN DIRTO: (names, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be deleted from dirto by automatic resolution**

UNIQUE ITEMS IN DIRFROM: (names, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be copied over to dirto by automatic resolution**

MIXED MODE NAMES: (name, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be replaced in dirto by automatic resolution**

Compared    => files: 2, folders: 2
Differences => samefile: 0, uniqueto: 0, uniquefrom: 0, mixedmode: 0
files   => created: 0, deleted: 0, replaced: 0
folders => created: 0, deleted: 0, replaced: 0

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/test-symlinks$ py3 ../../ test1 test2 -skipcruft
Comparing test1 to test2
*UNIQUE items in test2:
... __bkp__
Comparing contents
dirlink matches
file matches
filelink matches
nestedfilelink matches
Comparing test1/dir to test2/dir
Directory lists are identical
Comparing contents
nestedfile matches
Runtime hrs:mins:secs = 0:0:0.00
Dirs checked 2, Files checked: 5, Files skipped: 0
System metadata (cruft) files were skipped
Diffs found: 1
- items UNIQUE at [test1] - [test2]
End of report.

# ROLLBACK prior mergeall run to restore test2

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/test-symlinks$ py3 ../../ test2 

This script builds and runs a command to automatically restore the tree,
whose root path is given on the command line or interactively, to its
state prior to its most recent mergeall synch.  It assumes that the tree
has not been changed since this synch, and further assumes that the latest
synch was run with backups enabled.  This rollback cannot be undone

Are you sure you want to do this (y=yes)? y
Running rollback command:
.... /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/bin/python3 /MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/ test2/__bkp__/date170307-time154207 test2 -auto -restore
*Collecting tree differences
comparing [test2/__bkp__/date170307-time154207] [test2]
excluding test2/__bkp__
Phase runtime: 0.00016733695520088077
*Reporting tree differences
SAMEFILE DIFFERENCES: (name, dirfrom, dirto, why)
**These items will be replaced in dirto by automatic resolution**

[('dirlink', 'test2/__bkp__/date170307-time154207', 'test2', 'linkpaths')]
UNIQUE ITEMS IN DIRTO: (names, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be deleted from dirto by automatic resolution**

[(['.DS_Store', 'dir', 'file', 'filelink', 'nestedfilelink'],
UNIQUE ITEMS IN DIRFROM: (names, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be copied over to dirto by automatic resolution**

[(['__added__.txt', 'extralink'],
MIXED MODE NAMES: (name, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be replaced in dirto by automatic resolution**

*Resolving tree differences
....removed added file: test2/filelink
....prior file/dir additions removed: 1/0
propagating symlink test2/__bkp__/date170307-time154207/dirlink
replaced same file, using FROM test2/__bkp__/date170307-time154207/dirlink
....retained unique item in TO tree: [test2/.DS_Store]
....retained unique item in TO tree: [test2/dir]
....retained unique item in TO tree: [test2/file]
....retained unique item in TO tree: [test2/filelink]
....retained unique item in TO tree: [test2/nestedfilelink]
copied new FROM file, test2/__bkp__/date170307-time154207/__added__.txt
propagating symlink test2/__bkp__/date170307-time154207/extralink
copied new FROM file, test2/__bkp__/date170307-time154207/extralink
....removed __added__.txt file from TO tree root
Phase runtime: 0.0020472289761528373
Compared    => files: 0, folders: 1
Differences => samefile: 1, uniqueto: 5, uniquefrom: 2, mixedmode: 0
files   => created: 1, deleted: 1, replaced: 1
folders => created: 0, deleted: 0, replaced: 0
Press Enter to exit. 

# VERIFY test2 same as original in unzipped save folder again

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/test-symlinks$ py3 ../../ test2 save-test1-test2/test2 -report -skipcruft
*Collecting tree differences
Skipping system cruft (metadata) files in both FROM and TO
comparing [test2] [save-test1-test2/test2]
excluding test2/__bkp__
comparing [test2/dir] [save-test1-test2/test2/dir]
Phase runtime: 0.002943596977274865
*Reporting tree differences
SAMEFILE DIFFERENCES: (name, dirfrom, dirto, why)
**These items will be replaced in dirto by automatic resolution**

UNIQUE ITEMS IN DIRTO: (names, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be deleted from dirto by automatic resolution**

UNIQUE ITEMS IN DIRFROM: (names, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be copied over to dirto by automatic resolution**

MIXED MODE NAMES: (name, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be replaced in dirto by automatic resolution**

Compared    => files: 2, folders: 2
Differences => samefile: 0, uniqueto: 0, uniquefrom: 0, mixedmode: 0
files   => created: 0, deleted: 0, replaced: 0
folders => created: 0, deleted: 0, replaced: 0

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/test-symlinks$ py3 ../../ test2 save-test1-test2/test2 -skipcruft
Comparing test2 to save-test1-test2/test2
*UNIQUE items in test2:
... __bkp__
Comparing contents
dirlink matches
extralink matches
file matches
nestedfilelink matches
Comparing test2/dir to save-test1-test2/test2/dir
Directory lists are identical
Comparing contents
nestedfile matches
Runtime hrs:mins:secs = 0:0:0.00
Dirs checked 2, Files checked: 5, Files skipped: 0
System metadata (cruft) files were skipped
Diffs found: 1
- items UNIQUE at [test2] - [save-test1-test2/test2]
End of report.

# 2) More tests: AFTER delete+unzip test1/test2 to reset

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/test-symlinks$ py3
>>> import os

# unique from
>>> os.mkfifo('test1/fifo')

# unique from
>>> os.readlink('test1/filelink')
>>> os.readlink('test2/filelink')
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'test2/filelink'

# unique to
>>> os.readlink('test2/extralink')
>>> os.readlink('test1/extralink')
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'test1/extralink'

# differs
>>> os.readlink('test1/dirlink')
>>> os.readlink('test2/dirlink')

# same
>>> os.readlink('test1/nestedfilelink')
>>> os.readlink('test2/nestedfilelink')
>>> ^D

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/test-symlinks$ py3 ../../ test1 test2 -report -skipcruft
*Collecting tree differences
Skipping system cruft (metadata) files in both FROM and TO
comparing [test1] [test2]
comparing [test1/dir] [test2/dir]
Phase runtime: 0.003340727009344846
*Reporting tree differences
SAMEFILE DIFFERENCES: (name, dirfrom, dirto, why)
**These items will be replaced in dirto by automatic resolution**

[('dirlink', 'test1', 'test2', 'linkpaths')]
UNIQUE ITEMS IN DIRTO: (names, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be deleted from dirto by automatic resolution**

[(['extralink'], 'test1', 'test2')]
UNIQUE ITEMS IN DIRFROM: (names, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be copied over to dirto by automatic resolution**

[(['fifo', 'filelink'], 'test1', 'test2')]
MIXED MODE NAMES: (name, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be replaced in dirto by automatic resolution**

Compared    => files: 2, folders: 2
Differences => samefile: 1, uniqueto: 1, uniquefrom: 2, mixedmode: 0
files   => created: 0, deleted: 0, replaced: 0
folders => created: 0, deleted: 0, replaced: 0

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/test-symlinks$ py3 ../../ test1 test2 -skipcruft
Comparing test1 to test2
*UNIQUE items in test1:
... fifo
... filelink
*UNIQUE items in test2:
... extralink
Comparing contents
*DIFFER: dirlink
file matches
nestedfilelink matches
Comparing test1/dir to test2/dir
Directory lists are identical
Comparing contents
nestedfile matches
Runtime hrs:mins:secs = 0:0:0.00
Dirs checked 2, Files checked: 4, Files skipped: 0
System metadata (cruft) files were skipped
Diffs found: 2
- items UNIQUE at [test1] - [test2]
- links DIFFER at [test1/dirlink] - [test2/dirlink]
End of report.

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/test-symlinks$ py3 ../../ test1 test2 -auto -backup -skipcruft
*Collecting tree differences
Skipping system cruft (metadata) files in both FROM and TO
comparing [test1] [test2]
comparing [test1/dir] [test2/dir]
Phase runtime: 0.0017882630345411599
*Reporting tree differences
SAMEFILE DIFFERENCES: (name, dirfrom, dirto, why)
**These items will be replaced in dirto by automatic resolution**

[('dirlink', 'test1', 'test2', 'linkpaths')]
UNIQUE ITEMS IN DIRTO: (names, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be deleted from dirto by automatic resolution**

[(['extralink'], 'test1', 'test2')]
UNIQUE ITEMS IN DIRFROM: (names, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be copied over to dirto by automatic resolution**

[(['fifo', 'filelink'], 'test1', 'test2')]
MIXED MODE NAMES: (name, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be replaced in dirto by automatic resolution**

*Resolving tree differences
Skipping system cruft (metadata) files in FROM folders
....backing up dirlink to test2/__bkp__/date170202-time110027/dirlink
propagating symlink test2/dirlink
propagating symlink test1/dirlink
replaced same file, using FROM test1/dirlink
....backing up extralink to test2/__bkp__/date170202-time110027/extralink
propagating symlink test2/extralink
removed old TO file, test2/extralink
ignored unknown type, FROM: test1/fifo
propagating symlink test1/filelink
copied new FROM file, test1/filelink
Phase runtime: 0.002961701015010476
Compared    => files: 2, folders: 2
Differences => samefile: 1, uniqueto: 1, uniquefrom: 2, mixedmode: 0
files   => created: 1, deleted: 1, replaced: 1
folders => created: 0, deleted: 0, replaced: 0

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/test-symlinks$ py3 ../../ test1 test2 -report -skipcruft
*Collecting tree differences
Skipping system cruft (metadata) files in both FROM and TO
comparing [test1] [test2]
excluding test2/__bkp__
comparing [test1/dir] [test2/dir]
Phase runtime: 0.0019892219570465386
*Reporting tree differences
SAMEFILE DIFFERENCES: (name, dirfrom, dirto, why)
**These items will be replaced in dirto by automatic resolution**

UNIQUE ITEMS IN DIRTO: (names, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be deleted from dirto by automatic resolution**

UNIQUE ITEMS IN DIRFROM: (names, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be copied over to dirto by automatic resolution**

[(['fifo'], 'test1', 'test2')]
MIXED MODE NAMES: (name, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be replaced in dirto by automatic resolution**

Compared    => files: 2, folders: 2
Differences => samefile: 0, uniqueto: 0, uniquefrom: 1, mixedmode: 0
files   => created: 0, deleted: 0, replaced: 0
folders => created: 0, deleted: 0, replaced: 0

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/test-symlinks$ py3 ../../ test1 test2 -skipcruft
Comparing test1 to test2
*UNIQUE items in test1:
... fifo
*UNIQUE items in test2:
... __bkp__
Comparing contents
dirlink matches
file matches
filelink matches
nestedfilelink matches
Comparing test1/dir to test2/dir
Directory lists are identical
Comparing contents
nestedfile matches
Runtime hrs:mins:secs = 0:0:0.01
Dirs checked 2, Files checked: 5, Files skipped: 0
System metadata (cruft) files were skipped
Diffs found: 1
- items UNIQUE at [test1] - [test2]
End of report.

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/test-symlinks$ py3
>>> import os

# copied new
>>> os.readlink('test1/filelink')
>>> os.readlink('test2/filelink')

# replaced
>>> os.readlink('test1/dirlink')
>>> os.readlink('test2/dirlink')

# backed up
>>> os.readlink('test2/__bkp__/date170202-time110027/dirlink')

# removed
>>> os.readlink('test2/extralink')
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'test2/extralink'

# backed up
>>> os.readlink('test2/__bkp__/date170202-time110027/extralink')

# fifo igored
>>> os.listdir('test1')
['.DS_Store', 'dir', 'dirlink', 'fifo', 'file', 'filelink', 'nestedfilelink']
>>> os.listdir('test2')
['.DS_Store', '__bkp__', 'dir', 'dirlink', 'file', 'filelink', 'nestedfilelink']

# leaves fifo unresolved
/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/test-symlinks$ py3 ../../ test1 test2 -auto -backup -skipcruft
Using Python 3.5+ os.scandir() optimized variant.
*Collecting tree differences
Skipping system cruft (metadata) files in both FROM and TO
comparing [test1] [test2]
excluding test2/__bkp__
comparing [test1/dir] [test2/dir]
Phase runtime: 0.0018067510100081563
*Reporting tree differences
SAMEFILE DIFFERENCES: (name, dirfrom, dirto, why)
**These items will be replaced in dirto by automatic resolution**

UNIQUE ITEMS IN DIRTO: (names, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be deleted from dirto by automatic resolution**

UNIQUE ITEMS IN DIRFROM: (names, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be copied over to dirto by automatic resolution**

[(['fifo'], 'test1', 'test2')]
MIXED MODE NAMES: (name, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be replaced in dirto by automatic resolution**

*Resolving tree differences
Skipping system cruft (metadata) files in FROM folders
ignored unknown type, FROM: test1/fifo
Phase runtime: 8.372199954465032e-05
Compared    => files: 2, folders: 2
Differences => samefile: 0, uniqueto: 0, uniquefrom: 1, mixedmode: 0
files   => created: 0, deleted: 0, replaced: 0
folders => created: 0, deleted: 0, replaced: 0

# 3) More FIFO cases - test folders NOT changed

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/test-symlinks$ py3
>>> import os
>>>                               # in FROM but not TO (test1/fifo created above)
>>> os.mkfifo('test2/fifo2')      # in TO but not FROM
>>> os.mkfifo('test1/fifo3')      # in BOTH
>>> os.mkfifo('test2/fifo3')
>>> os.listdir('test1')
['.DS_Store', 'dir', 'dirlink', 'fifo', 'fifo3', 'file', 'filelink', 'nestedfilelink']
>>> os.listdir('test2')
['.DS_Store', '__bkp__', 'dir', 'dirlink', 'fifo2', 'fifo3', 'file', 'filelink', 'nestedfilelink']
>>> ^D

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/test-symlinks$ py3 ../../ test1 test2 -auto -backup -skipcruft
*Collecting tree differences
Skipping system cruft (metadata) files in both FROM and TO
comparing [test1] [test2]
excluding test2/__bkp__
comparing [test1/dir] [test2/dir]
Phase runtime: 0.0023478370276279747
*Reporting tree differences
SAMEFILE DIFFERENCES: (name, dirfrom, dirto, why)
**These items will be replaced in dirto by automatic resolution**

UNIQUE ITEMS IN DIRTO: (names, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be deleted from dirto by automatic resolution**

[(['fifo2'], 'test1', 'test2')]
UNIQUE ITEMS IN DIRFROM: (names, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be copied over to dirto by automatic resolution**

[(['fifo'], 'test1', 'test2')]
MIXED MODE NAMES: (name, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be replaced in dirto by automatic resolution**

[('fifo3', 'test1', 'test2')]
*Resolving tree differences
Skipping system cruft (metadata) files in FROM folders
ignored unknown type, TO: test2/fifo2
ignored unknown type, FROM: test1/fifo
ignored unknown types, FROM: test1/fifo3 TO: test2/fifo3
Phase runtime: 0.00014492403715848923
Compared    => files: 2, folders: 2
Differences => samefile: 0, uniqueto: 1, uniquefrom: 1, mixedmode: 1
files   => created: 0, deleted: 0, replaced: 0
folders => created: 0, deleted: 0, replaced: 0

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/test-symlinks$ py3 ../../ test1 test2 -skipcruft
Comparing test1 to test2
*UNIQUE items in test1:
... fifo
*UNIQUE items in test2:
... __bkp__
... fifo2
Comparing contents
dirlink matches
file matches
filelink matches
nestedfilelink matches
*MISSED: fifo3
Comparing test1/dir to test2/dir
Directory lists are identical
Comparing contents
nestedfile matches
Runtime hrs:mins:secs = 0:0:0.00
Dirs checked 2, Files checked: 5, Files skipped: 0
System metadata (cruft) files were skipped
Diffs found: 2
- items UNIQUE at [test1] - [test2]
- items MISSED at [test1] - [test2]: [fifo3]
End of report.

# 4) More FIFO cases - mixed with links (only) -- harsher, but reasonable and rare

# continue without changing test folders

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/test-symlinks$ py3
>>> import os
>>> os.remove('test1/fifo3')
>>> os.remove('test2/fifo3')
>>> os.mkfifo('test1/fifo3')             # FROM=fifo, TO=link
>>> os.symlink('file', 'test2/fifo3')
>>> ^D

# error reported in other+link code: TO link backed up and removed but not replaced

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/test-symlinks$ py3 ../../ test1 test2 -auto -backup -skipcruft
*Collecting tree differences
Skipping system cruft (metadata) files in both FROM and TO
comparing [test1] [test2]
excluding test2/__bkp__
comparing [test1/dir] [test2/dir]
Phase runtime: 0.001887249993160367
*Reporting tree differences
SAMEFILE DIFFERENCES: (name, dirfrom, dirto, why)
**These items will be replaced in dirto by automatic resolution**

UNIQUE ITEMS IN DIRTO: (names, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be deleted from dirto by automatic resolution**

[(['fifo2'], 'test1', 'test2')]
UNIQUE ITEMS IN DIRFROM: (names, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be copied over to dirto by automatic resolution**

[(['fifo'], 'test1', 'test2')]
MIXED MODE NAMES: (name, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be replaced in dirto by automatic resolution**

[('fifo3', 'test1', 'test2')]
*Resolving tree differences
Skipping system cruft (metadata) files in FROM folders
ignored unknown type, TO: test2/fifo2
ignored unknown type, FROM: test1/fifo
....backing up fifo3 to test2/__bkp__/date170203-time155439/fifo3
propagating symlink test2/fifo3
**Error replacing item with FROM item: skipped test1/fifo3
<class 'OSError'> Unknown FROM not copied
Phase runtime: 0.0014321600319817662
Compared    => files: 2, folders: 2
Differences => samefile: 0, uniqueto: 1, uniquefrom: 1, mixedmode: 1
files   => created: 0, deleted: 0, replaced: 0
folders => created: 0, deleted: 0, replaced: 0
**There are error messages in the log file above: see "**Error"

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/test-symlinks$ py3
>>> import os
>>> os.remove('test1/fifo3')
>>> os.remove('test2/fifo3')
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'test2/fifo3'

# but link backed up before removed
>>> os.readlink('test2/__bkp__/date170203-time155439/fifo3')
>>> os.mkfifo('test2/fifo3')
>>> os.symlink('file', 'test1/fifo3')    # FROM=link, TO=fifo
>>> ^D

# rule out in link+other code (doesn't reach FIFO backup code)
# same net effect as fifo+fifo case above, but different code 

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/test-symlinks$ py3 ../../ test1 test2 -auto -backup -skipcruft
*Collecting tree differences
Skipping system cruft (metadata) files in both FROM and TO
comparing [test1] [test2]
excluding test2/__bkp__
comparing [test1/dir] [test2/dir]
Phase runtime: 0.001885197008959949
*Reporting tree differences
SAMEFILE DIFFERENCES: (name, dirfrom, dirto, why)
**These items will be replaced in dirto by automatic resolution**

UNIQUE ITEMS IN DIRTO: (names, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be deleted from dirto by automatic resolution**

[(['fifo2'], 'test1', 'test2')]
UNIQUE ITEMS IN DIRFROM: (names, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be copied over to dirto by automatic resolution**

[(['fifo'], 'test1', 'test2')]
MIXED MODE NAMES: (name, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be replaced in dirto by automatic resolution**

[('fifo3', 'test1', 'test2')]
*Resolving tree differences
Skipping system cruft (metadata) files in FROM folders
ignored unknown type, TO: test2/fifo2
ignored unknown type, FROM: test1/fifo
ignored unknown types, FROM: test1/fifo3 TO: test2/fifo3
Phase runtime: 0.00022685900330543518
Compared    => files: 2, folders: 2
Differences => samefile: 0, uniqueto: 1, uniquefrom: 1, mixedmode: 1
files   => created: 0, deleted: 0, replaced: 0
folders => created: 0, deleted: 0, replaced: 0

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/test-symlinks$ py3 ../../ test1 test2 -skipcruft
Comparing test1 to test2
*UNIQUE items in test1:
... fifo
*UNIQUE items in test2:
... __bkp__
... fifo2
Comparing contents
dirlink matches
*MISSED: fifo3
file matches
filelink matches
nestedfilelink matches
Comparing test1/dir to test2/dir
Directory lists are identical
Comparing contents
nestedfile matches
Runtime hrs:mins:secs = 0:0:0.00
Dirs checked 2, Files checked: 5, Files skipped: 0
System metadata (cruft) files were skipped
Diffs found: 2
- items UNIQUE at [test1] - [test2]
- items MISSED at [test1] - [test2]: [fifo3]
End of report.

# 5) More FIFO cases - mixed with simple file or dir (original cases code)

# continue without changing test folders

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/test-symlinks$ py3
>>> import os
>>> os.remove('test1/fifo3')
>>> os.remove('test2/fifo3')

>>> open('test1/fifo3', 'w').write('spam')     # FROM=fifo, TO=file
>>> os.mkfifo('test2/fifo3')

>>> open('test2/fifo4', 'w').write('spam')     # FROM=file, TO=fifo
>>> os.mkfifo('test1/fifo4')
>>> ^D

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/test-symlinks$ py3 ../../ test1 test2 -auto -backup -skipcruft
*Collecting tree differences
Skipping system cruft (metadata) files in both FROM and TO
comparing [test1] [test2]
excluding test2/__bkp__
comparing [test1/dir] [test2/dir]
Phase runtime: 0.0018778110388666391
*Reporting tree differences
SAMEFILE DIFFERENCES: (name, dirfrom, dirto, why)
**These items will be replaced in dirto by automatic resolution**

UNIQUE ITEMS IN DIRTO: (names, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be deleted from dirto by automatic resolution**

[(['fifo2'], 'test1', 'test2')]
UNIQUE ITEMS IN DIRFROM: (names, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be copied over to dirto by automatic resolution**

[(['fifo'], 'test1', 'test2')]
MIXED MODE NAMES: (name, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be replaced in dirto by automatic resolution**

[('fifo3', 'test1', 'test2'), ('fifo4', 'test1', 'test2')]
*Resolving tree differences
Skipping system cruft (metadata) files in FROM folders
ignored unknown type, TO: test2/fifo2
ignored unknown type, FROM: test1/fifo
ignored unknown types, FROM: test1/fifo3 TO: test2/fifo3
ignored unknown types, FROM: test1/fifo4 TO: test2/fifo4
Phase runtime: 0.00023341801716014743
Compared    => files: 2, folders: 2
Differences => samefile: 0, uniqueto: 1, uniquefrom: 1, mixedmode: 2
files   => created: 0, deleted: 0, replaced: 0
folders => created: 0, deleted: 0, replaced: 0

/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall/test/test-symlinks$ py3 ../../ test1 test2 -skipcruft
Comparing test1 to test2
*UNIQUE items in test1:
... fifo
*UNIQUE items in test2:
... __bkp__
... fifo2
Comparing contents
dirlink matches
file matches
filelink matches
nestedfilelink matches
*MISSED: fifo3
*MISSED: fifo4
Comparing test1/dir to test2/dir
Directory lists are identical
Comparing contents
nestedfile matches
Runtime hrs:mins:secs = 0:0:0.00
Dirs checked 2, Files checked: 5, Files skipped: 0
System metadata (cruft) files were skipped
Diffs found: 3
- items UNIQUE at [test1] - [test2]
- items MISSED at [test1] - [test2]: [fifo3]
- items MISSED at [test1] - [test2]: [fifo4]
End of report.

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