File: mergeall-products/unzipped/test/expected-output-3.0/more-tests-MacOSX/diffall-1-skipcruft-start.txt

Comparing test1 to test2
*UNIQUE items in test1:
... d1
... f1.txt
*UNIQUE items in test2:
... __bkp__
... d2
... f2.txt
Comparing contents
f0.txt matches
*DIFFER: f3.txt
*DIFFER: f6.txt
Comparing test1/d3 to test2/d3
*UNIQUE items in test1/d3:
... f4.txt
*UNIQUE items in test2/d3:
... f5.txt
Comparing contents
*DIFFER: .htaccess
f2.txt matches
*DIFFER: f3.txt
Runtime hrs:mins:secs = 0:0:0.00
Dirs checked 2, Files checked: 6, Files skipped: 0
System metadata (cruft) files were skipped
Diffs found: 8
- items UNIQUE at [test1] - [test2]
- files DIFFER at [test1/f3.txt] - [test2/f3.txt]
- files DIFFER at [test1/f6.txt] - [test2/f6.txt]
- items MISSED at [test1] - [test2]: [m1]
- items MISSED at [test1] - [test2]: [m2]
- items UNIQUE at [test1/d3] - [test2/d3]
- files DIFFER at [test1/d3/.htaccess] - [test2/d3/.htaccess]
- files DIFFER at [test1/d3/f3.txt] - [test2/d3/f3.txt]
End of report.

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