File: mergeall-products/unzipped/

================================================================================ (part of Mergeall [3.1])

Force print()'s text to be unbuffered (i.e., flushed at each line end), by 
resetting the standard streams it uses in the sys module to a proxy object.

This module is used by scripts that wish to make output unbuffered when run 
as frozen executables, where Python's "-u" and PYTHONUNBUFFERED may not be
available (e.g., Mac apps).  diffall and cpall both use this code for "-u".

Alternatives: some freeze systems/versions may support Python switches or
always flush prints automatically, and the print() builtin may be reset to 
a custom version at startup (as done in see its code). 

import sys

class AutoFlush:
    Stream proxy: flush lines as they are written.
    TBD: autoflush if text contains an endline too?
    def __init__(self, stream): = stream
    def write(self, data):
        res =
        if data.endswith('\n'):
        return res

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        # and everything else
        return getattr(, attr)

def setFlushedOuput(): 
    Reset streams to proxies globally.
    print() uses sys.stdout internally.
    sys.stdout = AutoFlush(sys.stdout)
    sys.stderr = AutoFlush(sys.stderr)

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