File: mergeall-products/unzipped/android-scripts-and-gui/scripts/_README.txt

This folder has helper scripts which may make it easier to run 
Mergeall's command lines on cramped Android devices.

To use, edit configuration settings in "your--.bash_profile" per
that file's comments, and run the scripts with Bash command lines 
in the Termux app to sync content between your device's internal 
storage and removable drives.  

Note that these files are just snapshot copies taken from more complete 
coverage.  Their official versions, along with all their documentation, 
are presented at the following URL, where they may be more up to date:
Caveat: these helper scripts may be of limited utility on Android 11
and later, where POSIX programs coded in Python like Mergeall cannot 
access USB drives directly.  For more details, see: 

In particular, that doc's conclusion presents newer scripts that use 
Mergeall and its to automate a procedural work-around; see
the direct links to docs and scripts in ../_android11/_README.txt,
or explore the new package, Android Deltas Sync, here:

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