File: mergeall-products/unzipped/android-scripts-and-gui/gui/_README.txt

This folder has two patched files required to use Mergeall's GUI 
on Android devices.  They contain Android-specific changes, and 
will not work on other platforms.

To use, copy these two up to the package root folder ('../..') on
Android devices only, replacing their original versions.  Then, open 
and run the GUI launcher script in the Android Pydroid 3 app; that app
has fledgling but adequate support for tkinter GUIs like Mergeall's.

Note that these files are just snapshot copies taken from more complete 
coverage.  Their official versions, along with all their documentation, 
are presented at the following URLs, where they may be more up to date:
Caveat: these patches are known to work on Android and the Pydroid 3 
app as of this writing (fall 2021), but both have a track record of 
glitches and morph; as usual, test and tweak for the future as needed.

Caveat: Mergeall's GUI may be of limited utility on Android 11, because
POSIX programs coded in Python like Mergeall cannot access USB drives 
directly, and the GUI does not support delta-sets application (yet?).  
For more details on the Android 11 change, see: 

In particular, that doc's conclusion presents newer scripts that use 
Mergeall and its to automate a procedural work-around; see
the direct links to docs and scripts in ../_android11/_README.txt,
or explore the new package, Android Deltas Sync, here:

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