File: frigcal-products/unzipped/docetc/_README.txt

Images used in the ../UserGuide.html main doc file, supplemental examples
referenced in the doc file, and a few random bits.  None of these are 
used by the frigcal program itself.

The "" module here:
    is a copy of "" in the parent folder, but with 
    ASCII Unicode encoding and three non-English event category names 
    removed.  Use this in the very unlikely event that you cannot edit 
    the UTF-8 encoded version in the parent folder, and see section
    "Configurations File" in ..\UserGuide.htm for more details.

The "" script here:
    can be used to convert files in this package to Unix end-line format 
    (it's in this folder, because most users probably won't need it, even 
    on Linux and Mac OS X).  This script is a Python-coded, Unicode-aware,
    and portable alternative to dos2unix and unix2dos on Linux.  For example, 
    to convert the configs file to Linux format, run this in a shell window
    (the "utf8" at the end is the optional default encoding):

    ~/.../frigcal/docetc$ python tounix ../ utf8

    Run the companion script here to convert all text files 
    in the package to Unix or DOS format, if they look odd in your viewers:

    ~/.../frigcal/docetc$  python tounix .. utf8    # Unix
    C:\...\frigcal\docetc> python todos  .. utf8    # Windows

The "unicodemod*" files and folder here:
    are related to the ..\ utility script.  Convert a non-UTF8
    Unicode calendar file for use in frigcal with a command of this form:

    C:\...\frigcal> myicsfile latin-1 utf-8 

    the unicode-cheat-sheet.txt file gives examples of characters usable in 
    frigcal.  For more, see the URLs listed in this file.

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