File: frigcal-products/unzipped/dependencies/_README.txt

Libraries this program requires or uses:

1) icalendar and pytz are required for loading and saving calendar files; both 
   are shipped with the program and need not be installed separately.

2) Pillow is optional.  It's required for month images, but frigcal works without
   it (month images are simply disabled if Pillow isn't present).  To make some
   month images work, Pillow must be manually installed in addition to frigcal, 
   as it's installed code may vary per platform and Python version.  See the 
   Pillow self-installers folder here and its README file for more details. 

   UPDATE: as of version 1.6, Pillow is NO LONGER REQUIRED to display month images,
   when using either PNG images and a Python that uses Tk 8.6 or later (including
   standard Windows installs of Python 3.4 or later), or GIF or PPM/PPG 
   images under any Python 3.X.  If you are using eitherof these Python-version 
   and image-type combinations, you do not have to install Pillow for frigcal.  
   See the README of the pillow folder here for more details.

   On MAC OS X: get the latest Mac Python 3.X from
, get Tcl/Tk from
, and run "pip3 install Pillow" to install Pillow if needed
   per the prior note  Also watch for new Tcl/Tk instructions in 3.6+ (Tk 8.6 
   may be supported or included).  For details:

See ..\UserGuide.html's "Using the Program" / "Dependencies" section for
more details.

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