File: frigcal-products/2.0/unzipped/docetc/unicode-cheat-sheet.txt
======================================================================== This is file docetc/unicode-cheatsheet.txt: example Unicode symbols and text for copy/paste use in frigcal events. See full description ahead. ======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Symbols: a sample of BMP Unicode symbols supported. See ahead for links to many more available symbols to use in your events text. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ✓ ☓ ☑ ☒ ☀ ☼ ☉ ★ ☆ ☂ ☔ ♞ ☯ ☢ ❄ ⌛ ⧖ ⧗ ⌚ ⏰ ☎ ☏ ⇨ ♥ ♡ ☕ ☠ ☁ 雀 ✈ ► ▷ ☛ ☚ ⇨ ⇦ ☞ ☜ ☝ ☟ ☺ ☹ ☻ ♪ ♫ ⚑ ⚐ ⚔ ⚕ ☤ ⚖ ⚛ ⚒ € ₤ † ‡ • ☮ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Text: non-English and non-ASCII event text to experiment with. See Google or Bing Translate to try other languages that Tk supports. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ important event 重要事件 Важное событие 重大な出来事 événement important mikilvægur viðburður महत्वपूर्ण घटना evento importante 중요한 사건 wichtige Veranstaltung tärkeä tapahtuma ਮਹੱਤਵਪੂਰਨ ਘਟਨਾ ======================================================================== [Full description] Example Unicode symbols and text for copy/paste use in frigcal events. WHY THESE WORK: These all work in calendar files, because the underlying 3rd-party icalendar parser/generator library leveraged by frigcal uses general UTF-8 Unicode text throughout. These all work in GUI displays too, because Python's Tk/tkinter GUI library also supports Unicode - they may be input and render well in frigcal, as well as PP4E's PyEdit text editor (which also saves and loads text in Unicode files) and PyMailGUI email client (which also encodes and decodes text per MIME Unicode conventions). SUPPORT IN EDITORS AND FRIGCAL: This file itself is saved in the general UTF-8 encoding format, which allows characters from multiple languages to be mixed. Notepad does roughly as well as PyEdit for this file's characters encoding, but neither it nor Tk support every Unicode character (TextEdit seems to do better on Unix, and PyEdit does better everywhere). See frigcal version 1.7 release notes in DeveloperGuide.html for more details on frigcal's support. In short, Tk 8.6, its latest version at this writing, is limited to Unicode characters having code points in the range U+0000...U+FFFF (i.e., the BMP), but may support others (e.g., new emojis) in a future Tk 8.7, that future Pythons may adopt. That said, Tk handles all modern languages, many symbols, and all the text in this file well, in font families Courier, Times, Helvetica, Arial, Consolas, Lucinda, and more (Tk searches for a glyph in all its fonts, if absent in the family being used). USAGE NOTES AND POINTERS: Note that some of these may impact GUI speed on some platforms (Mac Tk may render a few slowly in some fonts in rare cases). Also note that symbol appearance may vary per platform, and a few may not be supported everywhere: paste these into a frigcal event-edit dialog or PyEdit edit window to see how Tk renders them on your computer. FOR MORE EXAMPLES For more Unicode symbols and characters to use in frigcal, try the following links, and select characters there whose code points are in the range U+0000...U+FFFF, per UserGuide.html's 1.7 notes: ========================================================================