Learning Python

Final Exam


Student name:






1) Python was created by (circle one):


  1. Bill Gates
  2. A committee of open source users
  3. A Dutchman named Guido
  4. Al Gore



2) To traverse a directory tree in Python, you would be most likely to use:


  1. Tkinter
  2. The os.walk call
  3. The socket module
  4. Hiking boots
  5. Regular expressions



3) Python is useful for:


  1. Internet scripting
  2. Systems programming
  3. Graphical user interfaces
  4. Component integration
  5. Database access
  6. Text processing
  7. Numeric programming
  8. All of the above


4) In the space below, write a Python program that prints the string “Spam” 10 times on the standard output stream.









5) Now, write the same program as in question 4 again, but print the string “Spam X”, where the “X” is replaced with the current value of a loop iteration counter (the first output line should be “Spam 0”, the second “Spam 1”, and so on).











6) Write a Python function that accepts 2 arguments, and returns their product. That is, the function should apply the “*” operator to the two objects passed in.  Then, write calls to your function: the first call should pass in two numbers to invoke multiplication, and the second should trigger string repetition.












7) Write a Python function that accepts a list argument, and returns a new list that contains the first half of the items in the list passed in.  For instance, given a list [1,2,3,4], your function should return [1,2].  Given a list [1,2,3,4,5], your function may return either [1,2], or [1,2,3].  Hints: recall the built-in “len” function and list slicing expressions.













8) Does the solution for question 7 work if you pass it a string or tuple?  Why?  What does it return in both cases?









9) Does the solution for question 7 work if you pass it a dictionary?  Why?  What does it return?








10) In the context of Python, the term “immutable” means:


  1. Doesn’t talk much
  2. Cannot be changed in future Python releases
  3. Cannot be changed in-place
  4. Unreasonably stubborn objects



11) Consider the three statements below: does the last one change the value of A?



A = "spam"

B = A

B = "shrubbery"



12) Consider the three statements below: does the last one change the value of A?



A = ["spam"]

B = A

B[0] = "shrubbery"



13) If Python changes in a non-backward compatible way in the future, you should:


  1. Call Guido at home
  2. Seek spiritual enlightenment
  3. Change careers
  4. Mail python-dev@python.org



14) Extra credit: Why does the word “Spam” appear in so many Python examples?