File: class/Workbook/Exercises/Lab5/

stack = []                           # on first import
error = 'stack1.error'               # local exceptions

def push(obj):
    global stack                     # 'global' to change
    stack = [obj] + stack            # add item to front

def pop():	
    global stack
    if not stack:
        raise error, 'stack underflow'  # raise local error
    top, stack = stack[0], stack[1:]    # remove front item
    return top

def top():
    if not stack:                       # raise local error
        raise error, 'stack underflow'  # or let IndexError
    return stack[0] 

def empty():      return not stack      # is the stack []?
def member(obj):  return obj in stack   # item in stack?
def item(offset): return stack[offset]  # index the stack
def length():     return len(stack)     # number entries
def dump():       print '<Stack:%s>' % stack

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