File: class/Workbook/Examples/Lecture14/

# email scripts get server names from here:
# change to reflect your machine/user names;
# could get these in command line instead

# SMTP email server machine (send)
smtpservername = ''          # or, 'localhost'

# POP3 email server machine, user (retrieve)
popservername  = ''           # or, 'localhost'
popusername    = 'lutz'                  # password is requested when run

# local file where pymail (not PyMailGui) saves pop mail
savemailfile   = r'c:\stuff\mark\etc\savemail.txt'

# personal info used by PyMailGui to fill in forms;
# sig-- can be a triple-quoted block, ignored if empty string;
# addr--used for initial value of "From" field if not empty,
# else tries to guess From for replies, with varying success;

myaddress   = ''
mysignature = '--Mark Lutz  (  [PyMail 1.0]'

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