File: class/Extras/PP3E-Examples/_README.txt

Examples package of book Programming Python 3rd Edition (2006, Python 2.X)

**Update, Feb, 2011, PP4E: I've added the 4th Edition's 3.X-based
  examples package to this CD as well: see PP4E-Examples.  The 
  PP3E-Examples use Python 2.X; PP4E-Examples use Python 3.X.
  Both are in zip file form -- unzip and extract to use.

**Update, Jan, 2011, PP4E: to fetch the examples package for the 
  newer 4th Edition of this book, which are based on Python 3.X
  instead of 2.X, please see: 
  The PP3E-Examples here run on Python 2.X, not on 3.X.



	The book examples source code tree, as supplemental reading
	The PIL image processing library, needed for PyPhoto
	O'Reilly's policy on using the code in Distribution\

For a quick look, run either of these scripts:


The Distribution directory here contains the examples distribution
package from the book Programming Python 3rd Edition, written by the
instructor, Mark Lutz.  This material is also freely available at 
the following URL, where the latest version is always available:

This package will likely be updated in the future, so consult that 
site for the latest version.

Note that O'Reilly owns the copyright on this code, but makes it 
available for general download in the web.  For more details on their
code reuse policies, please see the files included in the ReusePolicy
directory here:

    "O'Reilly -- O'Reilly Policy in Re-Use of Code Examples from Books.htm"

Or consult the web pages from which these two files were taken:

I am making these examples available here for instructional purposes.

--Mark Lutz

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