File: class/Extras/PP3E-Examples/THE_EXAMPLES/

# PyaMailGUI user configuration settings.
# Email scripts get their server names and other email config options from
# this module: change me to reflect your machine names, sig, and preferences.
# Warning: PyMailGUI won't run without most variables here: make a backup copy!
# Notes: could get some settings from the command line too, and a configure
# dialog would be better, but this common module file suffices for now.

import sys, os
sys.path.append(os.getcwd() + '\..\..\..\..')      # if run without path config
myaccounts = ['lutz', 'python-training', 'pp3e']   # first in list is default
for account in myaccounts:
        chosen = raw_input('Use account %r?' % account) == 'y'
        chosen = True                              # EOF if no stdin console
    if chosen:
        pickacct = account
    pickacct = myaccounts[0]
if pickacct == 'lutz':
    popservername  = ''
    popusername    = 'lutz'
    smtpservername = ''
    smtpuser       = ''                       # require login
    smtppasswdfile = 'C:\\Mark\\smtp-pswd.txt'            # don't ask in gui
    myaddress      = ''      
    mysignature    = 'Thanks,\n--Mark Lutz'

elif pickacct == 'python-training':
    popservername  = ''
    popusername    = 'python-training'
    smtpservername = ''
    smtpuser       = ''      # require login
    smtppasswdfile = ''                                   # ask in gui
    myaddress      = ''
    mysignature    = 'Thanks,\n--Python Training'         

    popservername  = ''
    popusername    = 'pp3e'
    smtpservername = ''
    smtpuser       = ''                 # require login
    smtppasswdfile = ''                                   # ask in gui
    myaddress      = ''
    mysignature    = 'Thanks,\n--PP3E Author' 

##to test with the book's email account
# popservername  = ''
# popusername    = 'pp3e'
# smtpservername = ''
# smtpuser  = None                      # None = '' = noauth, per your isp
# smtppasswdfile  = ''                  # set to '' to be asked

# (required for load, delete) POP3 email server machine, user 

#popservername = '?Please set your attributes?'
#popusername   = 'yourid'

#popservername  = ''            # or, 'localhost'
#popusername    = 'lutz'                   # password fetched or asked when run

#popservername  = ''     # yes, I have a few email accounts
#popusername    = 'lutz4'

#popservername  = ''
#popusername    = 'for_personal_mail'

#popservername  = ''   #
#popusername    = 'pp3e'

# (required for send) SMTP email server machine name
# see Python smtpd module for a smtp server class to run locally;
# note: your isp may require that you be directy connected to their system:
# I can email through earthlink on dialup, but cannot via comcast cable

#smtpservername = ''         #, 

# (may be required for send) SMTP user/password if authenticated
# set user to None or '' if no login/authenticaion is required
# set pswd to name of a file holding your smtp password, or an
# empty string to force programs to ask (in a console, or gui)

# smtpuser  = None                           # per your isp
# smtppasswdfile  = ''                       # set to '' to be asked

# (optional) PyMailGUI: name of local one-line text file with your pop
# password; if empty or file cannot be read, pswd is requested when first
# connecting; pswd not encrypted: leave this empty on shared machines;
# PyMailCGI always asks for pswd (runs on a possibly remote server);

poppasswdfile  = r'c:\temp\pymailgui.txt'      # set to '' to be asked

# (optional) personal information used by PyMailGui to fill in edit forms;
# if not set, does not fill in initial form values;
# sig  -- can be a triple-quoted block, ignored if empty string;
# addr -- used for initial value of "From" field if not empty,
# no longer tries to guess From for replies--varying success;

#myaddress   = ''         #
#mysignature = 'Thanks,\n--Mark Lutz' # --Mark Lutz  (

# (optional) local file where sent messages are saved;
# PyMailGUI 'Open' button allows this file to be opened and viewed
# don't use '.' form if may be run from another dir: eg, pp3e demos

#sentmailfile   = r'.\sentmail.txt'             # . means in current working dir

#sourcedir    = r'C:\Mark\PP3E-cd\Examples\PP3E\Internet\Email\PyMailGui\'
#sentmailfile = sourcedir + 'sentmail.txt'

# determine auto from one of my source files
import wraplines, os
mysourcedir   = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(wraplines.__file__))
sentmailfile  = os.path.join(mysourcedir, 'sentmail-%s.txt' % popusername)
# (optional) local file where pymail saves pop mail;
# PyMailGUI insead asks for a name with a popup dialog

savemailfile   = r'c:\temp\savemail.txt'       # not used in PyMailGui: dialog

# (optional) customize headers displayed in PyMailGUI list and view windows;
# listheaders replaces default, viewheaders extends it; both must be tuple of
# strings, or None to use default hdrs;

listheaders = ('Subject', 'From', 'Date', 'To', 'X-Mailer')
viewheaders = None   # ('Bcc',)

# (optional) PyMailGUI fonts and colors for text server/file message list
# windows, message content view windows, and view window attachment buttons;
# use ('family', size, 'style') for font; 'colorname' or hexstr '#RRGGBB' for
# color (background, foreground);  None means use defaults;  font/color of
# view windows can also be set interactively with texteditor's Tools menu;

listbg   = 'indianred'         # None, 'white', '#RRGGBB' (see setcolor example)
listfg   = 'black'
listfont = ('courier', 9, 'bold')       # None, ('courier', 12, 'bold italic')
                                        # use fized-width font for list columns
viewbg     = '#dbbedc'
viewbg     = 'light blue'
viewfg     = 'black'
viewfont   = ('courier', 10, 'bold')
viewheight = 24                         # max lines for height when opened 

partfg   = None
partbg   = None

# see Tk color names: aquamarine paleturqoise powderblue goldenrod burgundy ....

#listbg = listfg = listfont = None
#viewbg = viewfg = viewfont = viewheight = None      # to use defaults
#partbg = partfg = None

# (optional) column at which mail's original text should be wrapped for view,
# reply, and forward;  wraps at first delimiter to left of this position;
# composed text is not auto-wrapped: user or recipient's mail tool must wrap
# new text if desired; to disable wrapping, set this to a high value (1024?);

wrapsz = 100

# (optional) control how PyMailGUI opens mail parts in the GUI;
# for view window Split actions and attachment quick-access buttons;
# if not okayToOpenParts, quick-access part buttons will not appear in
# the gui, and Split saves parts in a directory but does not open them;
# verifyPartOpens used by both Split action and quick-access buttons:
# all known-type parts open automatically on Split if this set to False;
# verifyHTMLTextOpen used by web browser open of HTML main text part:

okayToOpenParts    = True      # open any parts/attachments at all?
verifyPartOpens    = False     # ask permission before opening each part?
verifyHTMLTextOpen = False     # if main text part is HTML, ask before open?

# (optional) the maximum number of quick-access mail part butttons to show
# in the middle of view windows; after this many, a "..." button will be
# displayed, which runs the "Split" action to extract additional parts; 

maxPartButtons = 8             # how many part buttons in view windows


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