File: class/Extras/Other/_old-Tools/packaging/Scripts/

# Use: "python ..\..\Tools\".
# find all files with all-upper-case names at 
# and below current directory ('.'); for each, ask
# the user for a new name to rename the file to;
# this version uses the os.path.walk interface,
# rather than doing a find to collect names first;
# to make this work like the simple find version,
# we need to rename directories after we've already
# descended into them (skipped over on files list);
# note: this version visits 1 extra file (the topmost
# root dir), and visits dirs in a diffferent order;
# both versions run in < 1sec on my typical dir trees;

import os
listonly = 0
from fixnames_all import convertOne

def visitname(fname):
    global ccount, vcount
    print vcount+1, '=>', fname
    if not listonly:
        ccount = ccount + convertOne(fname)
    vcount = vcount + 1

def visitor(myData, directoryName, filesInDirectory):  # called for each dir 
    visitname(directoryName)                           # do dir we're in now,
    for fname in filesInDirectory:                     # and non-dir files here
        fpath = os.path.join(directoryName, fname)     # fnames have no dirpath
        if not os.path.isdir(fpath):
ccount = vcount = 0
os.path.walk('.', visitor, None)
print 'Converted %d files, visited %d' % (ccount, vcount)

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