File: class/Extras/Other/_old-Tools/_README.txt

This (now somewhat dated) directory contains:

-packaging tools
-a packed version of the CD's Workbook directory, Workbook-folder.tgz (or .zip)
-a packed version of the CD's Extras directory
-and the printable version of the class workbook, Workbook.pdf  

The packed Workbook and Extras directories may be used on machines 
where the files in ../Workbook are unusable.

The printable version of the workbook is the same as the HTML
version in the directory ../Workbook, but some examples have 
been trimmed and fonts have been reduced to save space.

Change, Feb 2007, CD version 2.5.1
I am no longer including the PDF of the paper version of the 
class workbook on this CD.  See the CD's Workbook folder for 
the HTML version of the class workbook.

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