File: class/Extras/Code/Internet/

# implement client and server side logic to transfer an
# arbitrary file from server to client over a socket; 
# uses a simple control-info protocol rather than 
# separate sockets for control and data (as in ftp),
# dispatches each client request to a handler thread,
# and loops to transfer the entire file by blocks; see
# ftplib examples for a higher-level transport scheme;

import sys, os, thread, time
from socket import *
def now(): return time.ctime(time.time())

blksz = 1024
defaultHost = 'localhost'
defaultPort = 50001

helptext = """
server=>  -mode server            [-port nnn] [-host hhh|localhost]
client=> [-mode client] -file fff [-port nnn] [-host hhh|localhost]

def parsecommandline():
    dict = {}                        # put in dictionary for easy lookup
    args = sys.argv[1:]              # skip program name at front of args
    while len(args) >= 2:            # example: dict['-mode'] = 'server'
        dict[args[0]] = args[1]
        args = args[2:]
    return dict

def client(host, port, filename):
    sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
    sock.connect((host, port)) 
    sock.send(filename + '\n')                 # send remote name with dir
    dropdir = os.path.split(filename)[1]       # file name at end of dir path
    file = open(dropdir, 'wb')                 # create local file in cwd
    while 1:
        data = sock.recv(blksz)                # get up to 1K at a time
        if not data: break                     # till closed on server side
        file.write(data)                       # store data in local file
    print 'Client got', filename, 'at', now()
def serverthread(clientsock):
    sockfile = clientsock.makefile('r')        # wrap socket in dup file obj
    filename = sockfile.readline()[:-1]        # get filename upto end-line
        file = open(filename, 'rb')
        while 1:
            bytes =           # read/send 1K at a time
            if not bytes: break                # until file totally sent
            sent = clientsock.send(bytes)
            assert sent == len(bytes)
        print 'Error downloading file on server:', filename
def server(host, port):
    serversock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)     # listen on tcp/ip socket
    serversock.bind((host, port))                 # serve clients in threads
    while 1:
        clientsock, clientaddr = serversock.accept()
        print 'Server connected by', clientaddr, 'at', now()
        thread.start_new_thread(serverthread, (clientsock,))
def main(args):
    host = args.get('-host', defaultHost)         # use args or defaults
    port = int(args.get('-port', defaultPort))    # is a string in argv
    if args.get('-mode') == 'server':             # None if no -mode: client
        if host == 'localhost': host = ''         # else fails remotely
        server(host, port)
    elif args.get('-file'):                       # client mode needs -file
        client(host, port, args['-file'])
        print helptext

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args = parsecommandline()

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