* See also these automated build alternatives added in 2.1: * ./_generate.sh * ../../build/generate-examples.py * The instructions below are manual and now dated. Caveat: as coded, the subfolder demos wind up with the hosting site's analytics code embedded in them; please don't posts them online verbatim. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # UPDATE: this now has two galleries in subfolders, to demo both wide # and narrow labels. The imageless root folder yields an index page; # script build/generate-examples.py now automates all folders' gallery # builds and runs _generate.sh here; and the script make-narow-labels.py # here shortens filenames for the Demo-Narrow-Filename-Labels/ gallery. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This folder's galleries demo 2.1's dynamic index-page layout alternative. # Its index page uses a custom header file: see HEADER.html in this folder. # To save space, original images are removed after the galleries are built; # hence, image links go nowhere, but this example demos the index page only. # # Compare to the fixed-layout equivalent at https://learning-python.com/trnpix/. # Notice how thumbs per row is not input when 2.1's new dynamic layout is used. # Caveat: this does not demo the effect of changing horizontal and vertical # cell padding, because these are build-time and per-gallery settings. # To see these settings' effect, change user_configs.py and regenerate here. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Set useDynamicIndexLayout to True in thumbspage's user_configs.py 2) Copy all the original images from Website/.../trnpix to both subfolders here 3) Rename images in the narrow subfolder (see make-narrow-labels.py) 4) Generate the galleries with: ---- ~/MY-STUFF/Code/thumbspage/examples$ python3 ../thumbspage.py dynamiclayout Running ... Finished: see the results in the images folder, "dynamiclayout". ~/MY-STUFF/Code/thumbspage/examples$ python3 ../thumbspage.py dynamiclayout/Wide-Labels Clean thumbs folder [y or n] (enter=y)? Thumb max size [x, y] (enter=(100, 100))? Use image-viewer pages [y or n] (enter=y)? Running ... Finished: see the results in the images folder, "dynamiclayout/Wide-Labels". ~/MY-STUFF/Code/thumbspage/examples$ python3 ../thumbspage.py dynamiclayout/NarrowLabels Clean thumbs folder [y or n] (enter=y)? Thumb max size [x, y] (enter=(100, 100))? Use image-viewer pages [y or n] (enter=y)? Running ... Finished: see the results in the images folder, "dynamiclayout/NarrowLabel". ---- 5) Remove all original images from both subfolders, retaining index.html and _thumbspage/ 6) Set useDynamicIndexLayout to False in thumbspage's user_configs.py