#!/bin/bash #======================================================================= # Build/publish all thumbspage external examples in site automatically. # Run after global thumbspage gallery changes to update all dependents. # # Run me anywhere, no arguments: cds as needed using absolute paths. # For each client, generates galleries, zips, uploads, and unzips on # server, inserting analytics and performing any demo-specific steps. # # UPDATE: some of the version of this code used in production is now # included in folder x-publish-external-demos-prod/, though you'll # have to extrapolate from _publish.sh file names to folder locations. # # PLEASE NOTE: this version of this script works, but is not used as # is in production, and is provided here as a thumbspage example only. # # This script is hardcoded for the hosting site, and will not work # for others. Moreover, this is a simplified excerpt of the site's # build system. In the actual site, this file's steps are split off # to separate scripts in individual client folders, to better support # single-part builds (much like the per-folder _generate.sh scripts in # generate-examples.py). The subfolder scripts source common setup # code, and this script is just a top-level controller. All that # said, you may find the excerpt here useful as an example anyhow. ##======================================================================= #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # setup code #---------------------------------------------------------------------- echo 'External builds starting at:' $(date) shopt -s expand_aliases # for py3 if noninteractive alias py3=python3 Z=~/MY-STUFF/Code/ziptools/link W=~/MY-STUFF/Websites C=~/MY-STUFF/Code M=$C/thumbspage/build stamp=$(date +%b-%d-%y) # ensure scratch folder temp=~/Desktop/temp if [ ! -d $temp ]; then { rm -f $temp; mkdir $temp; } fi # stop for enter or ctrl-c between steps (y or not)? Pause=y function announce { echo printf '@%.0s' {1..60}; echo # py '@'*60 echo STARTING: $1 if [ $Pause == 'y' ]; then read -p 'Press enter/return to continue' fi printf '@%.0s' {1..60}; echo } # uploads and remote unzips sshusr=bitnami@ sshkey=$W/_admin/SSH-private-key-download/LightsailDefaultKey-us-west-2.pem function SCP { scp -i $sshkey $1 $sshusr:$2; } # pass from, to function SSH { ssh -i $sshkey $sshusr; } # pass here doc of cmds # or: SSH="ssh -i $sshkey $sshusr" + $SSH (use "" to eval nested vars) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- announce trnpix #---------------------------------------------------------------------- cd $W/Posts/Current/Complete py3 $C/thumbspage/thumbspage.py trnpix <<-EOF EOF # already has, but may change py3 $M/insert-analytics.py trnpix/index.html cd $W py3 _PUBLISH.py | tail -n 20 cd UNION py3 $Z/zip-create.py trnpix.zip trnpix -skipcruft | tail -n 20 SCP trnpix.zip htdocs SSH <<-EOF cd htdocs rm -rf trnpix unzip -d . trnpix.zip rm trnpix.zip exit EOF mv trnpix.zip $C/thumbspage/_private/trnpix--$stamp.zip #---------------------------------------------------------------------- announce gadgets #---------------------------------------------------------------------- cd $W/Programs/Current/Complete py3 $C/thumbspage/thumbspage.py gadgets <<-EOF EOF # already has, but may change py3 $M/insert-analytics.py gadgets/index.html cd $W py3 _PUBLISH.py | tail -n 20 cd UNION py3 $Z/zip-create.py gadgets.zip gadgets -skipcruft | tail -n 20 SCP gadgets.zip htdocs SSH <<-EOF cd htdocs rm -rf gadgets/ unzip -d . gadgets.zip rm gadgets.zip exit EOF mv gadgets.zip $C/thumbspage/_private/gadgets--$stamp.zip #---------------------------------------------------------------------- announce site-mobile-screenshots #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Update: as of 2.2, this script could use setting=value config arguments # in its thumbspage command line, instead of editing the config file with # a sed command. For example: # # py3 $C/thumbspage/thumbspage.py site-mobile-screenshots \ # thumbsBgColor=\'#123456\' \ # thumbsFgColor=\'white\' ... <<-EOF # # This also makes the file save/restore unnecessary. # See also ../examples/2.2-upgrades/config-args-demo.sh for a full demo. # Nit: the former test for #f5f5f5 here had to change to 2.2's lightgrey. # cd $W/Posts/Current/Complete # save configs file for edits mv $C/thumbspage/user_configs.py $C/thumbspage/user_configs.py.bkp # edit configs sed -e "s/thumbsBgColor = 'lightgrey'/thumbsBgColor = '#123456'/" \ -e "s/thumbsFgColor = 'black'/thumbsFgColor = 'white'/" \ -e "s/viewerBgColor = 'black'/viewerBgColor = '#123456'/" \ < $C/thumbspage/user_configs.py.bkp > $C/thumbspage/user_configs.py # build gallery py3 $C/thumbspage/thumbspage.py site-mobile-screenshots <<-EOF 3 EOF # restore configs asap mv $C/thumbspage/user_configs.py.bkp $C/thumbspage/user_configs.py # in s-mobile-s index.html, not in viewable HEADER.html py3 $M/insert-analytics.py site-mobile-screenshots/index.html cd $W py3 _PUBLISH.py | tail -n 20 cd UNION py3 $Z/zip-create.py site-mobile-screenshots.zip site-mobile-screenshots \ -skipcruft | tail -n 20 SCP site-mobile-screenshots.zip htdocs SSH <<-EOF cd htdocs rm -rf site-mobile-screenshots/ unzip -d . site-mobile-screenshots.zip rm site-mobile-screenshots.zip exit EOF mv site-mobile-screenshots.zip $C/thumbspage/_private/site-mobile-screenshots--$stamp.zip #---------------------------------------------------------------------- announce android-tkinter #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Caution: see also nested ALL.zip for code changes cd $C/android-tkinter py3 $C/thumbspage/thumbspage.py android-tkinter <<-EOF 3 EOF py3 $C/thumbspage/thumbspage.py android-tkinter/Sizing/ <<-EOF 3 EOF pubdir=$W/Programs/Current/Complete rm -rf $pubdir/android-tkinter cp -p $C/android-tkinter/using-tkinter-programs-on-android.html $pubdir cp -Rp $C/android-tkinter/android-tkinter $pubdir # pre analytics/.htaccess cd $pubdir py3 $Z/zip-create.py android-tkinter.zip android-tkinter -skipcruft | tail -n 20 # live versions py3 $M/insert-analytics.py using-tkinter-programs-on-android.html py3 $M/insert-analytics.py android-tkinter/index.html py3 $M/insert-analytics.py android-tkinter/Sizing/index.html # don't inherit this from root cp -p $C/android-tkinter/.htaccess android-tkinter/CODE cp -p $C/android-tkinter/.htaccess android-tkinter/etc cd $W py3 _PUBLISH.py | tail -n 20 cd UNION cp -p android-tkinter.zip $C/android-tkinter/_private_/android-tkinter--$stamp.zip # or use a combined zip like thumbspage? SCP using-tkinter-programs-on-android.html htdocs # needed iff changed SCP android-tkinter.zip htdocs SSH <<-EOF cd htdocs rm -rf android-tkinter # from root unzip -d . android-tkinter.zip # remakes a-t/ exit EOF # keeps android-tkinter.zip in site root # upload parts that differ from user zip: analytics, .htaccess extras='index.html Sizing/index.html CODE/.htaccess etc/.htaccess' for extra in $extras; do SCP android-tkinter/$extra htdocs/android-tkinter/$extra done # keeps android-tkinter.zip in local root #---------------------------------------------------------------------- announce mergeall-android-scripts #---------------------------------------------------------------------- cd $C/mergeall/mergeall-android-scripts galleries='. EXFAT-BUG PYDROID3-TKINTER EXFAT-BUG/FIXED-IN-ANDROID-10' for gallery in $galleries; do py3 $C/thumbspage/thumbspage.py _readme-items/$gallery <<-EOF 3 EOF done cd $C/mergeall py3 $Z/zip-create.py mergeall-android-scripts.zip mergeall-android-scripts \ -skipcruft | tail -n 20 pubdir=$W/Programs/Current/Complete rm -rf $pubdir/mergeall-android-scripts cp -p mergeall-android-scripts.zip $pubdir cp -Rp mergeall-android-scripts $pubdir mv mergeall-android-scripts.zip _private_/mergeall-android-scripts--${stamp}.zip cd $pubdir/mergeall-android-scripts py3 $M/insert-analytics.py _README.html for gallery in $galleries; do py3 $M/insert-analytics.py _readme-items/$gallery/index.html done cd $W py3 _PUBLISH.py | tail -n 20 cd UNION SCP mergeall-android-scripts.zip htdocs SSH <<-EOF cd htdocs rm -rf mergeall-android-scripts unzip -d . mergeall-android-scripts.zip exit EOF # replace unzipped analytics parts (improve me?) cd mergeall-android-scripts SCP _README.html htdocs/mergeall-android-scripts for gallery in $galleries; do SCP _readme-items/$gallery/index.html \ htdocs/mergeall-android-scripts/_readme-items/$gallery done # keeps .zip both on server and local #---------------------------------------------------------------------- announce mergeall-android11-updates #---------------------------------------------------------------------- cd $W/Programs/Current/Complete py3 $C/thumbspage/thumbspage.py mergeall-android11-updates-media <<-EOF 2 120, 120 EOF # already have now, but may change py3 $M/insert-analytics.py mergeall-android11-updates.html py3 $M/insert-analytics.py mergeall-android11-updates-media/index.html cd $W py3 _PUBLISH.py | tail -n 20 cd UNION # samba copies on macos botch perms chmod 777 mergeall-android11-updates-media/*.* py3 $Z/zip-create.py mergeall-android11-updates-media.zip \ mergeall-android11-updates-media \ -skipcruft | tail -n 20 SCP mergeall-android11-updates.html htdocs SCP mergeall-android11-updates-media.zip htdocs SSH <<-EOF cd htdocs rm -rf mergeall-android11-updates-media unzip -d . mergeall-android11-updates-media.zip rm mergeall-android11-updates-media.zip exit EOF rm mergeall-android11-updates-media.zip #---------------------------------------------------------------------- announce frigcal-screenshots #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # all apps follow this model cd $C/frigcal/docetc/docimgs # the root page could be an imageless gallery page, but isn't platforms='macosx windows linux' # build 3 galleries (+ android someday?) for platform in $platforms; do py3 $C/thumbspage/thumbspage.py $platform <<-EOF EOF done # cp docimgs/ to deleted pub version cd $W/Programs/Current/Complete/frigcal-products/unzipped/docetc rm -rf docimgs cp -pR $C/frigcal/docetc/docimgs . # installed tag comment in all 4 (HEADER in galleries) py3 $M/insert-analytics.py docimgs/index.html for platform in $platforms; do py3 $M/insert-analytics.py docimgs/$platform/index.html done # publish to union and zip; adds ip-anon line to all index.html for zip+upload cd $W py3 _PUBLISH.py | tail -n 20 cd UNION/frigcal-products/unzipped/docetc py3 $Z/zip-create.py docimgs.zip docimgs -skipcruft | tail -n 20 # upload, unzip, remove SCP docimgs.zip htdocs/frigcal-products/unzipped/docetc SSH <<-EOF cd htdocs/frigcal-products/unzipped/docetc rm -rf docimgs unzip -d . docimgs.zip rm docimgs.zip exit EOF rm docimgs.zip # local copy in UNION #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # AND SO ON... there are additional external clients of thumbspage on # its host website, trimmed here because they are specific to the host # site only, and the clients above suffice to sample automated builds. # See x-publish-external-demos-prod/_PUBLISH.py for the site's full set. #------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo echo 'External builds stopping at:' $(date)