[2.1] This folder contains scripts used to build and release the thumbspage program. _PUBLISH.sh is the main, top-level script; start with its top-of-file docs for more details. In addition to scripts here, each ../examples/ subfolder with galleries has its own _generate.sh gallery-builder script; and ../examples/dynamiclayout/ has a make-narrow-labels.py used by its _generate.sh. File x-publish-external-demos.sh is an excerpt from the host site's external thumbspage client build system. This makes additional packages that have embedded galleries. Folder z-build-logs/ has the console outputs of running both _PUBLISH.sh (thumbspage build), and x-publish-external-demos.sh (client builds). UPDATE: portions of the version of x-publish-external-demos.sh used in production are now in x-publish-external-demos-prod/, though you must extrapolate from file names to site folders. See this subfolder's _readme.txt for more info.