""" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS IS AN EXAMPLE ONLY -- emulate/replace for your email account's parameters. This is a NON-SSL account-specific extension to the global base file. -See ../PyMailGUI-PP4E/mailconfig.py for base-file settings customized here. -See mailconfig_Lutzmv_ssl.py for the SSL extension to this file. This Goddady account has plain and SSL versions of POP, but only SSL SMTP, and TLS fails on both. Can also do SMTP via a broadband provider, SSL or not. See also textConfig.py in ../PyMailGui-PP4E for PyEdit popup window settings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ import sys, os # for platform diffs, paths # for platform-specific choices RunningOnMac = sys.platform.startswith('darwin') # all OS (X) RunningOnWindows = sys.platform.startswith('win') # all Windows RunningOnLinux = sys.platform.startswith('linux') # all Linux # --override PyMailGUI's mailconfig.py base-file defaults here-- # fetch (password asked in GUI) popservername = 'mail.lutzmv.us:110' # for connection, port 110 popusername = 'mark@lutzmv.us' # for account login popusesSSL = False # send (password asked in GUI if needed) smtpservername = 'smtp.comcast.net:587' # opt port# (see also SSL/TLS) smtpuser = 'veramark62' # nonblank=authenticated/pswd smtpusesSSL = False # this is supposed to work, but doesn't: hosting provider, not broadband # smtpservername = 'mail.lutzmv.us:25' # port# (and !80 and !3535) # smtpuser = 'mark@lutzmv.us' # nonblank=authenticated/pswd # compose (name requires "" if '.', etc) myaddress = '"Mark L." ' # for envelope headers mysignature = ('Cheers,\n--Mark') # added at end of new mail text # list windows listbg = '#f1fdfe' # back/fore color name or #RRGGBB listfg = 'black' listHeight = 15 # show this many messages initially if RunningOnWindows: # account-specific fonts - monospace listfont = ('consolas', 12, 'bold') # consolas isn't monospace on Linux elif RunningOnLinux: # inconsolata isn't mono on Windows listfont = ('inconsolata', 12, 'bold') # courier works on both, but duller elif RunningOnMac: # font for Mac OS X (or courier new) listfont = ('monaco', 12, 'bold') # else use main file's default # view windows viewbg = 'cornsilk' # was '#dbbedc'; =base, but make explicit viewfg = 'black' # or 'white' for dark backgrounds viewheight = 20 # show up to this many text lines at open viewheightmin = 10 # show at least this many lines initially wrapsz = 80 # wrap viewed text at/before this column if RunningOnWindows: # account-specific fonts - any viewfont = ('consolas', 13, 'bold') # for mail main text in view/write elif RunningOnLinux: # special-case fonts for Linux viewfont = ('inconsolata', 12, 'normal') # small is better (or courier new) elif RunningOnMac: # special-case fonts for Mac OS X viewfont = ('menlo', 14, 'normal') # non-bold is better (or courier) if RunningOnWindows: # view window header fonts [4.0] headerfont = ('consolas', 13) # other platforms default to Tk std # more colors: 'name', '#RRGGBB', or None=default helpfg, helpbg = viewfg, viewbg # server list window help bar (else blue) partfg, partbg = listfg, listbg # view window part buttons (else grey) ctrlfg, ctrlbg = None, None # view window action buttons (else beige) # help bar action showHelpAsText = False # book's text help + source button in gui? showHelpAsHTML = False # book's original html help in browser? showStandaloneHelp = True # standalone release html help in browser? # etc fetchlimit = 200 # load only up to this many latest headers skipTextOnHtmlPart = True # don't show selected HTML part's text too splitOpensAll = True # Split opens all parts after saving them # sent saves, used if path exists; may be account- and platform-specific; # default=common file in program install tree: PyMailGui-PP4E/sentmail.text #sentmailfile = None # don't save #sentmailfile = not set # use default if RunningOnWindows: sentmailfile = os.getenv('HOMEPATH') + r'\pmg-sentmail.txt' # Windows else: sentmailfile = os.getenv('HOME') + '/pmg-sentmail.txt' # Mac, Linux # password files, 1 line=pswd; handy on tablets, ignored if file not present; # as coded, located at /User/you/file on Unix, and C:\Users\you\file on Windows #poppasswdfile = r'..\..\_etc\pw2.txt'.replace('\\', os.sep) # source tree if RunningOnWindows: poppasswdfile = os.environ['HOMEPATH'] + r'\pmg-pw1.txt' # Windows else: poppasswdfile = os.environ['HOME'] + '/pmg-pw1.txt' # Mac, Linux smtppasswdfile = poppasswdfile # same for both fetch and send # for security, use only the Lutzmv_ssl extension to this file