#!/usr/bin/python """ ===================================================================== Revisions labeled with "# XX", to run on a Python 2.4 web server (godaddy.com's latest, as of Jan 2011); runs in CGI mode by default, avoids 3.X Unicode decoding step, and uses print statements in Python 2.4 where the "from __future__ import print_function" is not yet available (in 2.6, this would enable the 3.X print function/name); note that a "print(X)" works just like "print X" in Python 2.X, and Python 2.4 has str + unicode and does not recognize bytes b'': decoding to Unicode for 3.X here causes the 2.4 email parse to fail; run in browser or via urllib at this URL (defaults to 1 winner, and requires a pop password file to be present on the web server): http://learning-python.com/cgi/pylotto24.py See file pylotto.py for the original/main docstring removed here; ===================================================================== """ def _print(args): print args # assume just one # XX import poplib, email, random, getpass, pprint, sys Drawings = 1 Signup = 'PP4E@learning-python.com' Subject = 'PYLOTTO' Server = 'pop.secureserver.net' RunAsCGI = True # remote web URL? # XX def findPlayers(signup, subject, server, password, trace=_print, hastop=True): # XX """ find and remove signup emails. py3.1 email requires decoding mail text to str (3.2 may not); messsage_from_string(s) == email.parser.Parser().parsestr(s); removes duplicate email addresses, but may not be sufficient; """ players = [] server = poplib.POP3(server) server.user(signup) server.pass_(password) trace(server.getwelcome()) trace(server.list()) try: msgcount, msgbytes = server.stat() for i in range(msgcount): trace('message %s of %s...' % (i+1, msgcount)) if not hastop: hdr, msgbytes, octets = server.retr(i+1) # get full text else: hdr, msgbytes, octets = server.top(i+1, 0) # headers only # XX msglines = [line.decode('utf-8') for line in msgbytes] # 3.1: to str msglines = msgbytes # 2.4: str, no b'' msgtext = '\n'.join(msglines) msgobj = email.message_from_string(msgtext) # parse text if msgobj['Subject'].upper() == subject: players.append(msgobj['From']) server.dele(i+1) # del on quit finally: server.quit() # be sure to unlock mailbox on exit return list(set(players)) # remove duplicate email addresses def pickWinners(players, drawings): """ choose winners at random. note: set.pop() is defined to remove an arbitrary set item too, but I'd rather rely on the random module explicitly here to be sure that this is fair ("arbitrary" may be arbitrary); """ winners = [] for i in range(drawings): if not players: break else: drawn = random.choice(players) players.remove(drawn) winners.append(drawn) return winners def main(password, trace=_print): # XX """ main logic, modularized for reuse as cgi and tests """ players = findPlayers(Signup, Subject, Server, password, trace) print('Players:') pprint.pprint(players) winners = pickWinners(players, Drawings) print('Winners:') pprint.pprint(winners) def sendTestMails(): """ split off so callable during interactive testing """ import smtplib, email.utils, email.message sendserver = 'smtpout.secureserver.net' for player in ('lutz@rmi.net', 'lutz@learning-python.com'): msgobj = email.message.Message() msgobj['From'] = player msgobj['To'] = Signup msgobj['Subject'] = Subject msgobj['Date'] = email.utils.formatdate() msgobj.set_payload('Signing up for lotto...\n') print('Connecting...') server = smtplib.SMTP(sendserver) failed = server.sendmail(player, [Signup, player], str(msgobj)) server.quit() assert not failed print(str(msgobj)) def asTest(password): """ send a few test mails prior to main logic; give emails time to show up before main(); """ import time global Drawings Drawings = 1 sendTestMails() print('[pausing...]') time.sleep(20) # just a guess, really main(password) def asCgi(password): """ run main logic on web server in response to client, to be sure POP mail will be usable; prints HTML to create reply; invoke url=http://www.py3xservername.com/cgi-bin/pylotto.py, from a web page (html) or using Python's urllib in a script; this assumes that the browser won't time-out before reply; to do: wrap print so all text is run though cgi.escape()?; to do: convert print usage so this runs on 2.X servers too? """ print('Content-type: text/html\n') print('') print('PyLotto') print('

PyLotto Results

') print('

    main(password, trace=lambda *kargs, **pargs: None)

') if __name__ == '__main__': if RunAsCGI: # run on web server; add pswd security here password = open('pylotto.pswd').readline().rstrip() asCgi(password) else: # run in console, on client or remote server password = getpass.getpass('pop email password?') if len(sys.argv) > 1: asTest(password) else: main(password)