Test all the .py files in Capture mode, for source-code and frozen exe proxy modes. Test some .py files in Console or Click mode (from shell if input(); GUIs work okay). Test non-.pys and GUI .pys in Click modes (e.g., the html, and this txt - which will open in PyEdit too if you've associated it or its filetype to do so). See also screenshots of and expected ouput in tests here. For more tests: 1) Open mergeall's mergeall.py, and run in Console mode on a large folder tree for both TO and FROM, in '-report' mode (e.g., args = "C:\MY-SUFF C:\MY-STUFF -report" on Windows "/MY-STUFF /MY-STUFF -report" on Mac) This may generate much output to be scrolled, possibly including Unicode filenames. 2) Open mergeall's launch-mergeall-GUI.pye, and run in all modes (this makes a non-console GUI that runs mergeall.py). 3) Open PyEdit's textEditor.pr to run PyEdit in PyEdit (until your head explodes...). When run from a frozen proxy, some of PyEdit's state will actually be that of the proxy's. 4) Configure an alternative Python exe's path in textConfig.py and run tests here; contextdump.py shows paths and such. This works the same for both frozen and source-code proxies. A Python 2.X works too, including __future__ imports (the code being run must decide to use either 2.X or 3.X prints).