#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Python 3.X and 2.X are both supported # Python 3.X is recommended for trees with Unicode filenames and symlinks """ ================================================================================ Usage: [py[thon]] cpall.py dirFrom dirTo [-skipcruft] [-v] [-vv] [-u] See UserGuide.html for version, license, platforms, and attribution. Recursive copy of a directory tree. Similar to a "cp -rp dirFrom/* dirTo" Unix command. Assumes that dirFrom and dirTo are both directories, but the main script-mode logic creates dirTo if it does not yet exist. The "-skipcruft" option ignores (does not copy) dirFrom cruft files, as defined by patterns in mergeall_configs.py. "-v" and "-vv" change the copy's verbose level to 1 (dirs) and 2 (dirs+files), from its default 0 (neither). The "-u" option (any position) makes output unbuffered for frozen apps/exes. For example, in a Unix console: $ M=Mergeall-source-package-install-path $ python3 $M/cpall.py folder1 folder2 -skipcruft -vv > ~/cpall.txt & $ tail -f ~/cpall.txt Symlinks are always copied, not followed, to avoid redundant data copies. Fifos and any other exotic non-file/dir types are unsupported and skipped. Also assumes that subfolders copied from dirFrom do not yet exist in dirTo: existing subfolders in dirTo are not first removed, so creates will fail. Originally written to get around fatal error messages in Windows explorer copies (the first bad file ends the entire copy operation immediately), but also allows for coding more customized copy operations in Python. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHANGE LOG ---- FOR MERGEALL 2.0: Copy stat info too Add shutil.copystat option to copyfile, to copy over the original's modtime (and other metadata) in addition to content. This replaces an older money-patching approach. Also for 2.0, add explicit file.close() calls, for use outside CPython. ---- FOR MERGEALL 3.0: Windows long paths: Use fixlongpaths.OPEN() for long Windows file pathnames. This avoids exceptions and skips during updates. UPDATE: this has now been extended to fix long paths in a number of contexts here, not just open(): see FWP. Similar support/code was added throughout mergeall, diffall, and ziptools. Exception propagation: Allow exceptions to be propagated to caller, instead of printing error messages and continuing. Required for properly cancelling a corresponding update when a backup copy fails. Cruft files Filter out (and hence do not copy) files with names matching system cruft files defined in mergeall_configs.py if mode "-skipcruft" is used. This is required here for files in unique FROM dirs whose content is not inspected by mergeall itself before a bulk (atomic) copy to TO. Tree copies for backups do not need to filter this way: they only copy data that was already in the TO tree. This copytree() mode can be used when called from other programs too, though the cruft definition file is somewhat mergeall-specific as coded. Cruft command-line arg Since it's already supported in call mode, added the "-skipcruft" command-line option to this script too, for use when run standalone. When used, this ignores (does not copy) metadata files like some other cut/paste and drag-and-drop copiers, but it's a switchable option here. Also added "-v" and "-vv" arguments for verbosity control. Any error flag Set a global boolean to indicate that errors were reported at any point during a mergeall run, for a mergeall summary line. mergeall handles its own errors, but tree copies gobble them here. Mac lib error workaround Ignore EINVAL error num 22 ("Invalid argument") if it is raised by Python's shutil.copystat(). On Mac OS X, shutil.copystat() can fail this way due to an error raised by Mac libraries when trying to copy extended attributes with chflags() from a file on a Mac filesystem drive (e.g, HFS+) to a file on a non-Mac filesystem drive (e.g., FAT32, exFAT). This error occurs after all content has been copied, and then only in the final copystat() step after it has copied times correctly, so it's safe to ignore here in this isolated context. We could check to ensure that modtimes match too, but that seems overkill, and requires ranges for FAT. Python's shutil should probably ignore this error too, though it may be a Mac bug (it also occurs at the shell for a "cp -p" command, which seems to create the attribute nonetheless). For more details and examples, see docetc/miscnotes/mac-chflags-error22.txt. This arose because Mac's TextEdit adds an extended attribute for encoding type to .txt files... Symlinks: copy, don't follow (and FIFOs are skipped) For Unix symbolic links to both files and dirs, always copy the link itself, instead of following it (i.e., copy the link's path, not the item it refers to). Otherwise, archives with intra-archive links will wind up with multiple copies of the linked data, for both mergeall copies and backups. This policy assumes symlinks are both relative and intra-archive, else they may not work on a different machine. In mergeall, the symlinks extension was coded as pretests to minimize impacts to existing code, and relies implictly on the fact that copyfile() and copytree() here were also augmented to check for and copy links first, before copying actual items instead. The code here also uses python 3.3+'s follow_links, if present, to copy extra stat info from/to links themselves. This code (and hence both mergeall and cpall) always copies invalid links, because such links may have legitimate use cases, or be valid elsewhere. Windows symlinks work with this code too, but require admin permission, and the portability of symlink paths between Windows and Unix is poor. Also note that FIFO files are False for _both_ isfile() and isdir() (and similar os.stat/lstat tools), so they won't be copied here unintentionally. For more background details, see these session logs: docetc/miscnotes/demo-3.0-unix-symlinks.txt docetc/miscnotes/demo-3.0-windows-symlinks.txt. ---- FOR MERGEALL 3.1: Propagate folder modtimes too Where possible, copy source-folder times to new destination folders, as is already done for files and symlinks. See copytree() below for more. Folder modtimes are a bit grey (they can change when content is updated, and aren't used by Mergeall), but are useful enough to retain if possible. This upgrade copies times only, not other stat attributes (TBD: enough?). Mac OS users note: viewing a folder in Finder may add a ".DS_Store" file and change folder modtime in the process -- despite 3.1's best efforts! Unbuffered output on "-u" switch If a "-u" command-line arg is passed to this script or its frozen app and executables (not to Python), flush output lines as they are written. This makes prints unbuffered, useful when monitoring output with a Unix "tail". ---- FOR MERGEALL 3.2: Change the rules for copying symlinks slightly, show version #, and tally syminks separately from normal files. Search for "[3.2]" ahead for details. ---- FOR MERGEALL 3.3: No code changes applied. There are no filename comparisons, and it is assumed that the TO device can store filenames copied over from FROM. ================================================================================ """ # CODE from __future__ import print_function # Added 2.X compatibility import os, sys, shutil, errno # [3.0] for frozen app/exes, fix module+resource visibility (sys.path) import fixfrozenpaths # [3.0] filter out metadata files from skipcruft import filterCruftNames # [3.0] fix too-long paths on Windows from fixlongpaths import FWP # [3.1] autofush print lines if "-u" from autoflush import setFlushedOuput # [3.2] import and display version number from __version__ import VERSION # [3.0] for summary-report indicator (global in this module, checked elsewhere) anyErrorsReported = False # default file-copy size parameters maxfileload = 1000000 blksize = 1024 * 500 # avoid repeated obscure code RunningOnMac = sys.platform.startswith('darwin') RunningOnWindows = sys.platform.startswith('win') RunningOnLinux = sys.platform.startswith('linux') #============================================================================== def copyinfo(pathFrom, pathTo, isLinks=False): r""" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copy extra metadata--especially modtime--from pathFrom to pathTo, in addition to the data itself. Most of the action here happens in Python's shutil module, but we must allow a spurious EINVL err #22 in copystat() to pass for Mac OS X (see [3.0] updates above; this seems a shutil buglet). Both pathFrom and pathTo already have FWP() applied here (only!). Also use "follow_symlinks" to process links themselves, when both from and to are links (instead of fetching and setting info from and to link targets). In shutil, this arg is ignored for non-link items (both files and links call this), and is available and used in Py 3.3 and later only. Windows' os.utime() used by shutil.copystat() doesn't support this arg either, but shutil simply makes utime a no-op that ignores the arg and does not copy link modtimes (which is irrelevant for mergeall compares): c:\Users\me\Desktop\test-longpaths-symlinks> py >>> os.utime in os.supports_follow_symlinks False --------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE: symlink modtimes are no longer irrelevant for mergeall compares: it now checks both link content _and_ link modtimes, because not comparing the latter can result in spurious long-lived diffs when Windows treats links as simple files on non-NTFS drives. However, because Windows' os.utime() doesn't process follow_symlinks=False and simply keeps current time, mergeall also ignores modtimes when comparing links on Windows only, else its links (when not treated as files) would always differ. For more background on this story, see mergeall.comparelinks() (and/or a priest...). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE: and now for the truly scary - on Mac OS X and using exFAT drives (only), _symlink_ modtimes are usually not updated by copystat() unless it is *CALLED TWICE*. This is verified easily; in the following, modtime is updated immediately on the first link (on a mac hfs+ ssd), but requires two tries on the second (on an exFAT USB flashdrive): ~/temp$ py3 >>> import os, shutil, stat >>> os.lstat('tlink').st_mtime 1494373639.0 >>> p = os.readlink('tlink') # symlink on hfs+ drive >>> os.symlink(p, 'tlink2') >>> shutil.copystat('tlink', 'tlink2', follow_symlinks=False) >>> os.lstat('tlink2').st_mtime 1494373639.0 # symlink on exfat drive >>> os.symlink(p, '/Volumes/EXT256-1/tlink2') >>> shutil.copystat('tlink', '/Volumes/EXT256-1/tlink2', follow_symlinks=False) >>> os.lstat('/Volumes/EXT256-1/tlink2').st_mtime 1494378180.53 >>> shutil.copystat('tlink', '/Volumes/EXT256-1/tlink2', follow_symlinks=False) >>> os.lstat('/Volumes/EXT256-1/tlink2').st_mtime 1494373639.0 Hence the duplicate call below on Macs, which is run rarely and is harmless for non-exFAT drives. This was observed on Mac OS X El Capitan 10.11.4 for both Sandisk Extreme flash and Samsung T3 SSD USB 3.1 drives, so this looks like an OS (not drive) issue; other OS Xs may or may not have the bug. Note: this also happens with direct os.utime() calls, so the bug is not in the shutil module... and the related ziptools system must call twice too: >>> t = os.lstat('tlink').st_mtime >>> os.symlink(p, '/Volumes/EXT256-1/tlink3') >>> os.utime('/Volumes/EXT256-1/tlink3', (t, t), follow_symlinks=False) >>> os.utime('/Volumes/EXT256-1/tlink3', (t, t), follow_symlinks=False) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE: as of [3.2], this now ignores exceptions in copystat() for links when running on Py 2.X only. This context raises an exc in utime() if a link exists but the item it points to has not yet been created, and 2.X has no way of telling copystat() and hence utime() to not follow links in the first place. Example effect: if the exc is not ignored, mergeall backups may fail and cause later link copies or deletes to be skipped. The related _ziptools_ instead skips utime() if the host Python doesn't have os.supports_follow_symlinks, which implicitly rules out 2.X. The issue might be handled here similarly (though link permissions and flags copies may have to be handled explicitly), or by deferring link modtimes until a copy or sync is fully complete. Given the obscurity of both 2.X and symlinks (does anyone actually use both in Mergeall?), this seems unwarranted. As patched, Python 2.X will follow propagated symlinks here, and dangling links will be left stamped with creation date; if you care about maximum symlink integrity, use Python 3.X instead. UPDATE UPDATE: on second thought, don't even try to update any symlink metadata in Pythons that do not support follow_symlinks=False. Else, this will follow both links and update the referent's metadata, not the link itself, which is clearly not the goal - and just plain silly: For links A and B, what B points to would be updated to match what A points to... and B has already been changed to be the same as A by this point, so the effect would be to update @B's metadata to be @B's metadata - a wholly pointless no-op step (pun intended). The new coding rules out Python 2.X in full here; its os.lchmod() can do better for permissions only, but it's not worth it. Hence in Python 3.2 and earlier, symlinks work in Mergeall in general, but are stamped with creation date and default+umask permissions. This isn't any worse than the former net effect, but use a Python 3.3+ if you care. See also: mergeall.comparelinks() now ignores link modtimes on Py 3.2-. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ # [3.2] don't follow symlinks on pythons that always do if isLinks and float(sys.version[:3]) < 3.3: return """MOOT # links, not their targets if float(sys.version[:3]) < 3.3: # [3.0] don't follow links follow = {} # not available in Py 3.2- else: # ignored for nonlinks follow = dict(follow_symlinks=False) # applied with **follow """ # copy modtime, etc. try: shutil.copystat(pathFrom, pathTo, follow_symlinks=False) if RunningOnMac and isLinks: # yes, mac requires two for exFAT (see above) shutil.copystat(pathFrom, pathTo, follow_symlinks=False) except OSError as why: """MOOT if isLinks and sys.version[0] == '2': # [3.2] Py 2.X utime() fails on links pass # ignore exc, danglers keep copy time """ if why.errno != errno.EINVAL: # [3.0] ignore err 22 on Macs: moot raise # propagate all other errnos/excs #============================================================================== def copylink(pathFrom, pathTo, copystat=True, verbose=1): """ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [3.0] Copy a symbolic link instead of following it. For links to both files and dirs, copies the symlink itself (the pathname of its link) to a new symlink, instead of copying the data that the symlink refers to. See [3.0] updates above for more on this extension and its purpose. Removes item at target if it's a link, else symlink() fails when target exists - unlike file open().write(). It's possible that this may be called or triggered with an existing pathTo when called from programs other than cpall. For example, mergeall removes unique TO items but not diffs: it may trigger this via copyfile() both when pathTo does not exist for unique FROMs, and with an existing pathTo for link+link diffs. On Windows, links are type-specific. os.symlink() gets type from the target if it exists (in TO, not FROM), else type defaults to file link unless target_is_directory=True is passed. We need to pass this here, because there are multiple ways we may copy the link _before_ the dir when resolving a folder in mergeall. This argument reflects the target in FROM, is ignored on Unix as of Py 3.3, and isn't present in Py 2.X. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ # caller handles all exceptions assert os.path.islink(FWP(pathFrom)) if verbose > 0: print('propagating symlink', pathFrom) # [3.0] fix too-long paths on Windows (only) pathFrom = FWP(pathFrom) pathTo = FWP(pathTo) # windows dir-link arg if (os.path.isdir(pathFrom) and # not supported in 2.X RunningOnWindows and # not okay on unix till 3.3 int(sys.version[0]) >= 3): dirarg = dict(target_is_directory=True) else: dirarg ={} # remove current link # lexists: link, not its target if os.path.lexists(pathTo): # else os.symlink() will fail os.remove(pathTo) # e.g., if modtime has changed # copy linkpath over linkPath = os.readlink(pathFrom) # the from link's pathname str os.symlink(linkPath, pathTo, **dirarg) # store pathname as new link if copystat: copyinfo(pathFrom, pathTo, isLinks=True) # copy extras after content #============================================================================== def copyfile(pathFrom, pathTo, maxfileload=maxfileload, copystat=True): """ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copy one file pathFrom to pathTo, byte for byte. pathTo may or may not exist: it generally will not for copytree(), but may for mergeall diffs. Uses binary file modes to supress Unicode decode and endline transform. Returns True if a link was copied, else default None (false) for a file. [2.0] Add copystat() call as default, to copy original's metadata too. [2.0] Recode for explicit close(); old: open(wb).write(open(rb).read()). [3.0] Use extended OPEN() to support long file pathnames on Windows. [3.0] Allow EINVL err #22 in copystat() to pass on Macs (see above). [3.0] For symlinks to files or dirs, copy the link instead of following it. [3.0] Prefix long pathname on Windows with \\?\ by running through FWP(). [3.2] Return True only if a symlink was copied: required for new tallies. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ if os.path.islink(FWP(pathFrom)): # [3.0]: link to file (or dir) copylink(pathFrom, pathTo, copystat) # copy link, don't follow it return True # minimize nesting, denote link # [3.0] fix too-long paths on Windows (only) pathFrom = FWP(pathFrom) pathTo = FWP(pathTo) fileFrom = open(pathFrom, 'rb') # need 'b' mode for both fileTo = open(pathTo, 'wb') # [2.0] open for explicit close try: if os.path.getsize(pathFrom) <= maxfileload: bytesFrom = fileFrom.read() # read small files all at once fileTo.write(bytesFrom) else: # read big files in chunks while True: bytesFrom = fileFrom.read(blksize) # get one block, less at end if not bytesFrom: break # empty after last chunk fileTo.write(bytesFrom) finally: fileTo.close() # [2.0] explicit for non-CPython fileFrom.close() # except or not (or with: eibti) if copystat: copyinfo(pathFrom, pathTo) # copy extras after content #============================================================================== def copytree(dirFrom, dirTo, verbose=0, strict=False, skipcruft=False): """ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copy contents of dirFrom and below to dirTo, return (files, dirs) counts. Returns a copy-tallies list: [#files, #folders, #symlinks]. When called, dirTo must exist but should be empty: its subdirs are created here. Thus, copyfile() and copylink() will have non-existent pathTos when used here, but may have existing pathTos when used elsewhere (e.g., from mergeall). verbose: 1=print directories, 2=also print files, 0=neither. May need to use bytes for dirnames if undecodable on other platforms. May need to do more file-type checking on Unix: skip links, fifos, etc. Py 3.5+ os.scandir() may help here, but time is dominated by file copies. ---- [3.0] If strict, reraise and exit all recursive levels immediately on on any first exception here. mergeall backup copies pass True to cancel the update or delete on a backup copy failure. mergeall non-backup callers instead allow this to print a message and continue the copy. [3.0] If skipcruft, skip cruft files in dirFrom. This was added for mergeall bulk copies of folders to the TO drive, but can also be used in other programs, and when run from a command line with "-skipcruft". [3.0] For symlinks to files or dirs, copy the link instead of following it. The pretest here runs only at the top-level; nested links to dirs are grouped with simple files during the recursive traversal to avoid os.mkdir. os.path.isfile()/isdir() both return True for real items and links to them. Links to non-existent and non-file/dir items are copied too, even though their referent is not: such links may later be valid on other machines. Also recode logic to rule out FIFOs, which are neither isfile() nor isdir(); these are not counted as errors here - ok? (TBD). [3.0] Prefix long pathname on Windows with \\?\ by running through FWP(). This, copyfile(), and copylink() get paths *without* FWP() already applied. This call is a no-op for non-Windows and paths that are within the limit. Could minimize #calls, but want this to be invisibile wrt user messages. ---- [3.1] Propagate folder modtimes from source to destination, on platforms that support this. Every folder copy in Mergeall (including backups and recursive-level calls made here) comes through this function, so all new folders are updated by the post-processing folder-times copy coded here. This also suffices to set folder modtimes _after_ copying their content (generally required), and propagates access time too (per os.utime()). TBD: copy other folder stat info, like mode bits (via shutil.copystat()? ODDITY: just as for symlinks (above), os.utime() must be *CALLED TWICE* to set times for folders on exFAT drives (only) on Mac OS X (only; it was isolated on El Capitan). This is a bug in Mac OS libs or Python os.utime(). The double calls are required for Mac exFAT drives, and harmless elsewhere. PORTABILITY: os.utime()'s ns=(statobj.st_atime_ns, statobj.st_mtime_ns) finer-grained alternative is available only in Python 3.3 and later; use times=(statobj.st_atime, statobj.st_mtime) for older Pys, including 2.X. Py 2.X also doesn't support the time= keyword arg: pass times by position. UPDATE [3.2]: like mergeall.py and diffall.py, this now counts symlinks separately, instead of grouping them in with files for end-of-run tallies. This requires both a new return value from copyfile() (True means a link was copied), and a third item in the tuple returned here (the links tally). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ global anyErrorsReported # [3.3] mar22: assign in module! if os.path.islink(FWP(dirFrom)): # [3.0]: link to dir (or file) copylink(dirFrom, dirTo) # copy link, don't follow it return # minimize nesting fcount = dcount = scount = 0 # tallies: #files, #dirs, #symlinks itemsHere = os.listdir(FWP(dirFrom)) if skipcruft: itemsHere = filterCruftNames(itemsHere) # [3.0] ignore cruft for filename in itemsHere: # for files/dirs here pathFrom = os.path.join(dirFrom, filename) pathTo = os.path.join(dirTo, filename) # extend both paths if os.path.isfile(FWP(pathFrom)) or os.path.islink(FWP(pathFrom)): # copy simple files, and links to files and dirs if verbose > 1: print('copying file', pathFrom, 'to', pathTo) try: islink = copyfile(pathFrom, pathTo) # [3.0] file or link if islink: scount += 1 else: fcount += 1 except: print('**Error copying', pathFrom, 'to', pathTo, '--skipped') print(sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]) anyErrorsReported = True # [3.0] flag for summary line if strict: raise # [3.0] reraise, else continue elif os.path.isdir(FWP(pathFrom)): # copy entire folders: actual dirs, not links to them if verbose: print('copying dir ', pathFrom, 'to', pathTo) try: os.mkdir(FWP(pathTo)) # make new subdir below = copytree( # recur into subdirs pathFrom, pathTo, # propagate excs up verbose, strict, skipcruft) fcount += below[0] # add subdir counts dcount += below[1] scount += below[2] # symlinks too [3.2] dcount += 1 except: print('**Error creating', pathTo, '--skipped') print(sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]) anyErrorsReported = True # [3.0] flag for summary line if strict: raise # [3.0] reraise, else continue else: # fifo, or other non-file item: punt print('**Unsupported file type not copied:', pathFrom) # propagate folder access/modified times last, where possible [3.1] try: statobj = os.stat(FWP(dirFrom)) # neither is a link here os.utime(FWP(dirTo), (statobj.st_atime, statobj.st_mtime)) if RunningOnMac: # yes, Mac requires two for exFAT (see above) os.utime(FWP(dirTo), (statobj.st_atime, statobj.st_mtime)) except: print('Could not propagate source-folder times: ignored') #print(sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]) return [fcount, dcount, scount] # [3.2] symlinks too #============================================================================== def getargs(): """ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get and verify directory names and optional command-line arguments. In all cases, this returns default None on errors (a Boolean False). This also creates the command line's dirTo folder if it doesn't exist. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ try: dirFrom, dirTo = sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2] assert all(arg in ['-skipcruft', '-v', '-vv', '-u'] for arg in sys.argv[3:]) except: print('Usage error: ' '[py[thon]] cpall.py dirFrom dirTo [-skipcruft] [-v] [-vv] [-u]') else: skipcruft = '-skipcruft' in sys.argv unbuffered = '-u' in sys.argv verbose = 2 if '-vv' in sys.argv else (1 if '-v' in sys.argv else 0) if not os.path.isdir(dirFrom): print('Error: dirFrom is not a directory') elif not os.path.exists(dirTo): os.mkdir(FWP(dirTo)) print('Note: dirTo was created') return (dirFrom, dirTo, skipcruft, verbose, unbuffered) else: print('Warning: dirTo already exists') if hasattr(os.path, 'samefile'): same = os.path.samefile(dirFrom, dirTo) else: same = os.path.abspath(dirFrom) == os.path.abspath(dirTo) if same: print('Error: dirFrom same as dirTo') else: return (dirFrom, dirTo, skipcruft, verbose, unbuffered) #============================================================================== if __name__ == '__main__': """ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stand-alone/command-line mode. cpall is useful both standalone and as callable functions; see mergeall's use of the latter to compare files and trees. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ print('cpall %.1f starting' % VERSION) # [3.2] # [oct16] python/platform-specific current time (secs) import time gettime = (time.perf_counter if hasattr(time, 'perf_counter') else (time.clock if RunningOnWindows else time.time)) # parse args, run copy argstuple = getargs() if argstuple: dirFrom, dirTo, skipcruft, verbose, unbuffered = argstuple # [3.1] force unbuffered output (for apps/exes)? if unbuffered: setFlushedOuput() print('Copying...') starttime = gettime() tallies = copytree(dirFrom, dirTo, skipcruft=skipcruft, verbose=verbose) tottime = gettime() - starttime # [3.2] plus links tallies[1] += 1 # for the root print('Copied %d files, %d folders, %d symlinks' % tuple(tallies), end=' ') print('in', '%.4f' % tottime, 'seconds.')